Thunder Kisses

Your pov

I wake up and feel Freeds arm wrapped around me and our faces inches apart. I sit up and stretch feeling how sore I am from sleeping on the ground. "(Y/n)? How did you sleep?" Freed slowly starts to wake up and is talking in such a cute sleepy voice. " I slept great but I dont think my body likes sleeping on the ground very much. How was your sleep I hope you slept okay" I hope he didn't mind me pretty much sleeping on him...I just feel so safe with him and I want to be close.... I just still can't believe he wants to be close to me and that he still cares..... I'm drawn out of my thoughts by Freeds voice. " I slept very well considering where we slept.....are you okay? You look sad again?" I quickly put on a smile and just nodd. I can't tell him that I'm lost in thought thinking about him....
"Yeah!I'm fine just lost in thought" he just nods and we get cleaned up and start walking back to the guild.

Time skip to the guild dahh da dahhhh

Freeds pov

I dropped (y/n) off at home and went to talk to Gramps about the mission.

" So she told you did she?" Makarov asked as we sat in his office.
" Yes she told me pretty much everything...there is still stuff hidden but I am sure that is for a reason....and I think she only told me because of the attack." Master Makorov sat there thinking for a moment before speaking again.

" No matter she still told you everything she told me so I will presume that she trusts you. It's this attack that concerns me, I want you to keep an eye on her till we know she is safe... I don't think that will be an issue though you seem to have grown fond of her haven't you Freed?."
I can feel a light blush come to my face. No reason to hide anything from the Master he will find out anyways.
" Yes I have grown very fond of her, I am just unsure of how she feels. But you are right I have no issue watching over her from now on it only makes sense since she is living with me."
The Master gives me a sly look and tells me to go home and rest. I get up and walk out of the guild, looking up I notice the sky turning dark and it starting to rain. It feels like a storm in coming in I better get home quick so I can shower with warm water before the power goes out.
Running home I get in the door just as the down pour starts.

Your pov

I notice that it is starting to rain hard as I look out the window, I see Freed running towards the house so I quickly go grab a towel so he can dry off a bit. I hear him come in and close the door and I run back with a towel.
" Here you go! So you can dry off a little bit."
He blushes a bit and thanks me.
" I'm going to go have a quick shower there is a bad storm coming, do you think you could go around and make sure all the windows are closed?"

I freeze when Freed said a bad storm was of my worst fears.He gives me an odd concerned look so I tell him Ill check the windows he walks off and I hear the shower start running. Walking through the house I can hear the rain punding on the roof and windows, thankfully all the windows were already closed. I go back out to the living room and sit down just as Freed walks out of the bathroom. A few moments later he walks out in his sweat pants and a tshirt * Im sorry I love the thought of a relaxed Freed* .
" Laxus is going to have a hayday with this storm he has been expecting it for days he said its going to be a long one."
I could feel the blood leave my face and a cold sweat start.
" hey are you okay?" Freed was looking very worried.

" yep just fine....." BOOOOMM! a huge clap of thunder started the storm and I yelped and literally jumped into Freeds lap and burried my face in his chest. He stiffened in his seat suprised but quickly wrapped hus arms around me.

Freeds pov

(Y/n) took me off gaurd when the clap of thunder had her leap right into my lap. I froze momentarily before wrapping my arms around her. " Its okay Im right here, you don't need to be afraid." I could feel her shaking and I felt a bit bad because I enjoyed having her in my arms. Another clap of thunder came and she shook even more, annnnd the lights went out.
"Freed will you stay with me tonight...I-I don't want to be alone during the storm." How can I say no to her, especially when she is giving me puppy eyes!
"Of course, lets go lay down now its getting late anyways."
We get up and she grabs my hand and hides behind me. " You know for a girl who was so tough and took on all those bad guys yesterday you sure a adorable being afraid of a storm."

I laughed when she just gave me a grumpy pouty face. As soon as we reach the room she runs and wraps a blanket around her and sits against the wall. I do not think she can get any cuter. I wonder....
I sit down beside her and she cuddles close to me, " I have an idea I'd like to try to help you with your fear." She gives me a look of interest and confusion. " you'll see..the next clap of thunder I will try it."
Not even two minutes passed and I heard the rumble start, she looked at me with a hopeful expression I gently held her chin and kissed her. I wasn't expecting a response but almost immediately she kissed me back, our lips moved together and the rumble became thunder and then passed. I broke away and looked at her, both our faces were red but smiling. " I like that way of getting rid of my fear, I guess you should stay here with me all night for sure now." She blushed even more and I kissed her cheek. Well I am glad that worked this will be a fun night.
By the end of the night I am pretty sure (y/n) wanted it to storm forever.
