Kane: What did you guys get in your yearbook?
Rain: 'Most depression and anxiety packed into one person' from Daryll and Sire.
Stella: There's something from Azura too!
Rain: 'You need therapy'
Ciara: Jeez, but she ain't wrong though.
Kane: Uhh what did you guys get?
Stella: 'Nicest personality' from Lyria, Hilda and Azura!
Ciara: 'Most likely to start a bar fight' from Kane and Dexter
Lance: 'Least likely to start a bar fight, but most likely to win one' from Hilda, Ceris and Rain
Ciara: As a frog or human?
Lance: Both

Ah yes, dead people's spirits running around
Rest In Peace, Daryll, Dexter and Ceris
We shall miss you all dearly
