RNMR #161

*Still in the End. Water and Enderman is a no no, so water and Enderkin is also a no no*

Arabella *Double checking supplies in the boat* : Compass, CB radio, an extra blood supply in case I get hungry or if we need a blood transfusion...

Lance *Throwing hotdog costumes onto Arabella* : Hotdog costumes.

Arabella *Buried under hotdog costumes* : I'm sorry, what?

Lance: You know, if we get lost in the void, and one of us, probably Ceris, goes mad with hunger, we'll put these on. Ceris hates hotdogs, so she'll probably not eat us.

Arabella: Are you saying that Ceris would rather eat us than hotdogs?

Ceris: I do hate hotdogs.

The WIKI says that Arabella is an Enderkin Vampire, so would she drink blood?
