xxviii. the outcome


Her mother.

Kris was standing by the doorframe, carrying another bag on her shoulder. It looked full to the point of exploding and the mother gasped, definitely not expecting to see her daughter at home so soon.

"What's going on?" Lulu asked.

Kris was dumbfounded in front of her daughter, unable to think of any excuse that could explain the mess going on inside.

She was saved by two men bursting out of the house with bags in hand, not even glancing at Lulu, "Kris, hurry up, we gotta go."

That is when the shit show started for Lulu. The two men started gathering all the bags and suitcases and threw them all in the trunk of the car. They were both dressed in black and had threatening looks scribbled on their faces. The thought of her mother packing all of her stuff made the young girl sober up immediately as she ran inside the house to follow her mother.

"Mom, what the fuck?!" Lulu shouted as she found her in her room, packing one final bag, "Mom! Mom, please, what's all this about?!"

Kris pushed past her daughter and tried to reach the front door quickly but Lulu was quicker and placed her hands on each side of the door frame, "Are you seriously gonna keep your mouth shut?!"

The mother looked at her daughter up and down in disgust, "You reek of alcohol and you dressed like a hooker."

Lulu opened her eyes wide, noticing one of the men grabbing the bag that Kris had in her hand. The look he gave the young girl reminded her of all those times older producers, casting directors and actors looked at her with the hope of getting their dicks sucked with some bribing.

Lulu looked outside and noticed a large metal garbage container, letting her anger take over, "Get out of here!" she lifted the container and threw it on the car violently, "What the fuck do you want, you piece of shit?!", the window exploded due to the shock, "I swear Imma fuckin' kill—"

Lulu didn't get the chance to spit out all her rage that her mother grabbed her and yanked her inside the house, "Shut your mouth Lulu! You don't even know what's going on!"

"'Cause you don't wanna tell me!" Lulu spat back, "What's all this?! Where are you going?"

Kris sighed and looked outside, "I—I can't tell you... but... but you gotta trust me, okay?!"

"Trust you?!" Lulu repeated scornfully, "You gotta be kidding me. You're never there, when you are we fight, you steal our money and now... And now I gotta trust you?!"

Kris shook her head but decided it was time for her to go and Lulu stayed still for a few seconds before going outside as well.

The young girl started clapping loudly, "Wow, wow, wow! Incredible parenting, where's the award for the brilliant Kris Jenson," she shouted with a vicious look, "That's what we call raising your kids right!"

Kris turned around and walked confidently towards Lulu who was still clapping. The woman didn't hesitate and slapped her daughter across the face forcefully before leaning towards her ear, "Keep talking and you're gonna ruin everything I worked for."

Lulu placed a hand over her burning cheek and slowly made eye contact with Kris, the young girl was shaking, "Did you find dad?"

Kris bit her lip and nodded almost imperceptibly, "I'll bring him back, I promise," she whispered, "But you have to let me go."

Lulu opened her eyes wide, realizing the extent of what was happening, "W-What?! No, no, please don't go there..."

"I'm sorry..." Kris breathed out before walking towards the car.

Lulu ran after her once more, holding her arm, "Please, please, please... I-I know I've been a bad kid... I—I know that. But I swear Imma do better, I promise you, really I promise... Mom, please don't go."

"I'm coming back," she said under her breath, trying to control the tears threatening to pour down on her cheeks.

Meanwhile, Lulu was crying her heart out, "No, no, no... Dad said that too. And... and he never did. Please, please, mom, I... If you don't wanna do it for me, do it for Zahia. It's gonna break her—"

"I promise," Kris interrupted, "Please... Lulu..."

"I know I never say it but I love you, mom," Lulu sobbed, "Please, don't go... If—if you go, you ain't comin' back... I—I know it... I promise I'll work harder, I—I'll do everything please... I'm begging you."

The driver honked, causing Kris to glance at the two men inside before looking at her daughter one more time. Kris was now crying as well, "You have to trust me. I—I know I've been awful but please... Please, trust me."

Lulu started hyperventilating when her mother opened the car door, "If you go, that—that means y-you don't love us."

Kris hesitated for a second, shaking her head before shooting a quick look at the sky, "I'm sorry..." and she settled herself inside the car, shutting the door quickly.

"No!" Lulu yelled, "No, no, no... please, mom! Stay!"

And Lulu found herself alone on the curb, not even strong enough to watch the car disappear down the road. Lulu started panicking and grabbed her phone, dialing Rue's number.

"Please, Rue, pick up," she whimpered.

But I didn't. Because I was planning to run away with Jules. And I didn't feel my phone vibrating in my pocket.

Time froze on that dark curb for Lulu. She exhaled all the air that was in her lungs and, suddenly, she was fifteen again. She saw her father —the only man she had loved, walking out of their house with guilt all over his face and disappearing down the corner, taking away every memory, good or bad, with him, leaving Lulu in her own limbo. That day, Lulu had discovered what it was like to be surrounded by utter darkness. And she had fought the feeling of it by ignoring that one day all entirely.

She had locked herself in shallow relationships, in parties and in work —the only place where she could express everything she felt deep down without having to pretend it was coming from her. And now that Lulu had decided to pay attention to her feelings, when she had finally decided it was time to love and trust, her mother had thrown her right back in limbo.

I tried calling Lulu when Jules abandoned me. But she didn't pick up either. And the only thing I know... is that Lulu stayed on that curb, under the rays of the street lamp, for a very long time, abandoned by the person who had brought her to life.


( ... )

a/n and..... thats it for season one guys!!!
i really hope you liked lulu and her story so far! honestly i enjoyed writing this so much and.... i have some extra chapters coming up for all of us to wait before season 2!
please comment your favorite moment/relationship/friendship etc cause i LOVE reading comments!
