xxiv. sweet morning


It was a sunny morning. The wind was making the tree branches move in perfect harmony outside and they would softly crack from time to time, creating a soothing sound. A few clouds would sometimes appear above the sky, soon pushed away to let the sun shine brightly.

Lulu was in the kitchen, making breakfast for everyone. She had woken up before dawn, unable to sleep after the night she had in Los Angeles. Everything seemed to have changed in the blink of an eye for her and, at the same time, nothing felt different.

Yesterday had been a real slap to her face. Both in a good and terrifying way. Because, deep down, she knew that she had worked really hard to get where she was now but people didn't care much for where she came from. They didn't care that she was still a young girl struggling with her life, they wanted her to put on a show, to smile brightly and pretend that her life was absolutely amazing.

When the truth was way different.

She flipped the pancakes one last time and put them over the cooked pile on the plate and glanced at her empty house through the kitchen window and sighed, carefully dropping the pan in the sink.

In the end, her life was nowhere near perfect but she had people she could lean on in this very own home she was staying in and she knew that, no matter what life still had in store for her, they would always be here.

That, she was certain of.

She put a glass of a juice and a plate full of pancakes on the food tray and made her way to Fezco's bedroom, knowing the man was probably still sleeping.

He was yawning and spreading his arms all over the bed, unconsciously patting where Lulu should have been, lazily fluttering his eyelashes when he realized she wasn't next to him. His frown vanished and a smile covered his face when he made eye contact with her.

"You made breakfast?"

Lulu nodded, carefully putting the food tray next to him and giggling as he pulled her against him, wrapping his arms around her waist and placing a soft kiss on her cheek.

They silently shared their breakfast as Lulu didn't imagine a better place than being in Fezco's arms.

"Y'know, I had a dream and you were in it," Fezco said.

Lulu looked at him with a smirk, wiggling her eyebrows, "Oh yeah?"

Fezco snorted, "Not that kinda dream, you crazy."

"Ion know, I always have sex dreams about you," Lulu confessed, innocently shrugging.

"You always so horny, damn," Fezco replied as he leaned in for a kiss.

Lulu laughed against his soft lips before giving in fully, enjoying the way his mouth was slowly moving against hers, as if he wanted to enjoy every second of every kiss. She pulled away before it got too heated, "Hm, and what was this dream about, pretty boy?"

Fezco smiled, "We were livin' on a farm and life was fuckin' beautiful," he said, "Ash and Zahia were there too, you were wearing a beautiful yellow dress and you were dancin' in the garden."

Lulu softened at Fezco's words, caressing his face, "And what were you doing?"

"I was watchin' you with Ash," he replied, "Zahia was dancing with ya."

"I mean... that's really something we could do," she said, "You know we could really move out of here and start somewhere else."

Fezco looked at her with stars in his eyes, "You'd wanna do that?"

"Hell yeah," Lulu giggled, "Just picture this, a house in the middle of nowhere with all the people we love... hell yeah I want that!"

"Yeah... me too," Fezco said, dropping a kiss on her shoulder, "And, like, we'd have kids runnin' around."

Lulu stared at him, "You... you want kids with me?"

Fezco's cheeks turned pink, "I mean... I ain't gonna lie, I don't see my life without you..."

And Lulu didn't picture her life without him either. He really was her perfect love match. He was always there for her but he never did too much, he respected every decision she ever made and he supported her no matter what.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing him even closer, "Yeah, I don't see my life without you either."

She could see it crystal clear in her mind. This place would become her getaway from all the craziness that would come along with her job. She would be able to cut it all off once she would step inside the house. She would talk about work, obviously, since Fezco was always so adamant about understanding the bigger picture and everything that would come with her job. But she would definitely have the opportunity to enjoy the simple things about life and her stomach soon filled with butterflies at the idea of sharing all of this with Fezco.

Fezco started tracing the shape of her eyebrows with his finger, "What you thinkin' about, ma?"

She got lost in his bright eyes for a second, goosebumps traveling her arms, "That life's really a dream with you."

Fezco's eyes sparkled with pure bliss and every single thing that once clouded his mind with fear suddenly vanished.

He recalled the way his grandmother used to tell him not to fall in love. That love was dangerous. And boy, did he know it was. But it wasn't necessarily dangerous because it would jeopardize his job, no. Lulu knew everything about it and, yet, she was still here, respecting what he had to do to pay the bills and to provide food on the table for his family.

It was dangerous because it opened a whole new path of endless possibilities. Before Lulu was fully a part of his life, he thought he would remain a drug dealer stuck in this town for the rest of his life and that his only company would be Ashtray. Of course, he loved Ashtray more than anyone else in the world. And the feeling would never go away. But his life was stuck in this same exact frame he had grown up in.

And Lulu came around and, slowly, over the years, she shattered her whole world. She showed him that his life was worth so much more than what he currently had.

His thoughts were interrupted by Lulu's lips on his as he instinctively held onto her waist even tighter, Lulu humming in content, deepening the kiss.

When they pulled away, they were both childishly grinning. Fezco rubbed his nose against hers, pecking her lips, "I love you, Lulu."

"I love you too, Fez," Lulu blushed, as her heart pounded wildly in her chest, "Okay, let's take a shower cause we stink real bad."

The rest of the day consisted of them hanging out at the house with Ashtray, Zahia and Faye, enjoying some time together as a sense of utter joy could be felt from every single person in the room.

Because life was beautiful in that moment.

...   ...   ...

AUTHOR'S NOTE, you guys wanted more fez and i'm here to deliver. i mean i hope you guys liked it ahahah
soooooo i wanna have feedback !!!! and what are you guys expecting next? how do you think all of this is gonna go?
