Part 4:

TW: panic attacks, high school flashbacks, ignoring texts, sympathy for someone who ignores texts, self-deprecating thoughts, rudeness, calling someone a pathological liar.  ... (Let me know if I should add more)


Logan met Virgil when they were 15.

He was a sheltered kid whose parents had high expectations. He was supposed to go to Harvard, he was only allowed to have friends his parents pre-approved, he wasn't allowed to go out after school, and he wasn't allowed to sleep over at anyone else's house.

Virgil on the other hand was constantly in and out of foster homes, they were the lonely outcast everyone was scared of, they constantly came to school covered in bruises and he was mean to anyone who messed with him. Logan was told by another student that the bruises came from him fighting other people. And for some reason he believed them.

Virgil wasn't safe where he stayed, he never really had a home, and due to reputation, they didn't have any friends either. Virgil just wanted a place where they felt safe.

It didn't take long for Logan to become that safe place for Virgil, and Virgil to become a source of freedom for Logan.

Logan tried avoiding Virgil at school, and for a while, it worked. Except when they had debate together, (Logan always won against them of course because Virgil never really tried their hardest.) they had the same lunch, (where they sat at separate tables far away from each other) and finally they had a group project together.

There was no avoiding Virgil during that. And Logan was annoyed by the idea of having to work together but he soon realized they got along pretty well. Virgil was very interesting, passionate, honest, maybe a little dramatic and emotional but...still. There was something very pleasant about them that made Logan...feel.

Unfortunately, nothing came of the obvious (in Logan's mind at least) chemistry until he saw Virgil a week later having a panic attack in the bathroom.

Virgil was shaking violently as tears poured down his face, "p-lea-se don'."he pleaded silently.

Logan wasn't sure exactly what to do, luckily most of the students were in their last class, (where Logan was supposed to be) so he didn't have to worry too much about someone walking in. But Logan still locked the door just in case, he figured Virgil wouldn't appreciate an audience.

"Virgil? Can you hear me?" Logan asked.

Virgil didn't answer, only continued to shrink away.

"Virgil, It's ok. I'm not going to hurt you. You're safe, you're ok." Logan tried to be comforting, but frankly he wasn't very good at it- it's not like he had any examples growing up.

Virgil tried to breathe but it was hard, they were clearly struggling.

"It's ok, breathe in." Logan instructed softly.

Virgil did.

Logan paused.

"And breathe out."

Virgil followed his instructions until he was back in the moment.

"Are you alright?" Logan asked.

Virgil finally looked up at him. "Logan?" he asked.

Logan nodded. "It's me. Are you ok?"

Virgil nodded and shut his eyes, clearly embarrassed. "m' fine."

"I need to head to class..."Logan says.

Que the final bell. "Or...home I suppose."

Virgil didn't move.

"Can I call someone for you?" he asked. Missing one class wasn't going to ruin his chances of getting into Harvard...right?

Virgil shook their head. "I'll be fine. You should go."

"Please, Virg-"

"I don't have anyone, ok? Please just go away!" He snapped.

Logan backed up a little. And now Virgil cried more, Logan was just trying to help.

He took a deep breath and thought for a minute before speaking again. What he was about to say was definitely going to have dire consequences if the two of them were caught, but what was more important? Virgil's safety or his parents trust?

"Listen, my parents will be gone this weekend. Come home with me, we'll order some food, and if you want you can stay the night."

Virgil glared at Logan suspiciously. "Why are you being nice to me? You know me. I'm not worth it."

"I am aware of your reputation, Virgil. But you have never treated me unkindly in any way. I suppose I owe you the same courtesy."

Virgil shook his head, "you don't have to do that. You don't owe me anything."

"Basic human kindness needs not to be owed, Virgil." Logan says. He stretched out his hand to take theirs, "please? You don't have to be afraid. It's just me, I can't hurt you."

Virgil took a minute to think about it, and eventually they nodded and followed Logan home.

~~~Present day~~~

"Logan," Janus says, "don't put the phone away, please? It's totally worth it to keep texting them. And it will totally fix things if you continue to pester them with mountain of text messages."

Janus, Logan's only other friend in high school, who decided to relive all the trauma by becoming a drama teacher. (It's not like Janus could be any other type of teacher. Xe's a pathological liar. But xe was good at it.)

Logan can't judge too harshly, he never intended to be a teacher either. He only became a teacher because he gave up Harvard for Virgil.

Logan complied and put his phone away...

But only for a second.

Virgil was the reason Logan gave up his parent's dreams, why he's not successful, why he doesn't have a good relationship with them...

He imagined Virgil kissing him, holding his hand...talking about life as they held on to one another.

Xe's very wrong...

Virgil has always been worth it.

And he knows Virgil, they surely had a good reason to ignore his texts. And he was going to explain everything and make it right.


"Lilo and Stitch or Moana?" Roman asked, pulling Virgil from his thoughts.


"For movie night tomorrow. Should I pick Moana or Lilo and stitch?"

"Why not bring both and everyone can vote on it? At least we know you won't rig the votes this time since you like both options."

Roman stuck his tongue at Virgil.

"Emile will definitely vote for Lilo and stitch." Roman says.

"So will Remus." Virgil nods, "despite the fact he actually likes Moana."

"Patton will probably choose Moana, what about Remy?"

"Moana for sure."

"And then there's Elliott. The stranger to Disney."

"Who?" Virgil asks.

"Wait'll you meet them, they're adorable and emo, just like you. Except they wear eyeshadow on their eyelids like a normal person and they're less likely to bite someone and send them to the hospital."

Virgil blushes bright red, "one time, Roman. That was one time."

Roman laughed, "so, which movie will you vote for?" Roman asked sitting on the couch next to them.

"You'll find out tomorrow," they say.

"Ugh, come on!" Roman whines, "why must you torture me so?"

Virgil chuckles a little. "Thanks, by the way. For being there for me, n' helping me out."

"What are friends for."



Virgil took a deep breath, hoping this wasn't a mistake. He stood outside Logan's house for at least fifteen minutes before forcing himself to climb the three and into his friend's window.

He wasn't sure what the plan was, they just couldn't go back to that god forsaken house. Bruises covered his face and arms. They didn't have the strength to deal with it anymore today.

Suddenly a bright light shined on them, making him flinch and cover his eyes.


He was shaking as old frightening memories started to overtake them, "I-I'm sorry I j-just couldn't go back. N-not today, I'm sorry."

Tears flooded their eyes. They were unaware of regression at the time, so they weren't sure why they felt so small and sensitive right now.

"It's ok, Virgil. You just frightened me is all. Are you ok? Do you need to stay here?" he whispered, Logan's voice never seemed to change, but somehow he knew he was concerned. His voice was calm, and he was patient for the answer, and that was very comforting.

"I-if tha-ats ot-ay."

"It's ok, Virgil. I promise," Logan gets out of the bed and pulled out the trundle bed that was underneath it.

Logan then gave him one of his spare pillows. "What time do you normally get up?"

"Around six-ish."

"Perfect, my parents get up at exactly seven. I don't think it would be a good idea to get them involved."

Virgil nodded, relieved that Logan wasn't going to tell his parents. This might actually be ok.

"Are you ok, Virgil? "Logan asked.

"I am now." They smiled, "thanks."

"Of course, I'm always here for you."

"I appreciate that. I'm sorry that I interrupted your-"

"Don't apologize. I'll always be glad to see you."

"You think that now..."Virgil says, "but you'll get sick of me soon."

"Not likely."

Virgil chuckled softly and tried to relax.



"My window is always open to you. You're always welcome to come back here anytime you need."

"Thanks, Lo."

"That is what friends are for. Goodnight."


Virgil slept soundly for once, he'd never felt so safe before.


"Should we continue watching friends?" Roman asks. "You seem tired."

"Oh, yeah, sure. That sounds nice."

Roman and Virgil get comfortable and continue their disk. By the time they get to 'the one where the one with the ball' Virgil's eyes became very heavy as slowly drifted to sleep, resting on their friend's shoulder.

"Sweet dreams, spiderling." Roman says, kissing their forehead.


Hope this chapter was ok. Lol I know there's a bit of info-dumping via flashbacks. Just wanted to explain the Logan/Virgil relationship
