Part 1:

Pronouns and last names
~Emile Picani: He/Him
~Elliott Stokes: They/them
~Remy Andreas: They/Them
~Patton Heart: He/him
~Logan Berry: He/him
~Virgil Casey: him/they
~Roman Prince: He/him
~Remus Duke: He/Him
~Janus Akesnay: He/they
~Dice Andreas/ He/they
-Roman and Remus are twin brothers.
-Emile, Remy, and dice are Step-siblings
-Remy and Dice are biological siblings.

A/N: TW: Trust issues, crying, panic attacks, mention of abuse, secret keeping, lying, blood and stitches mentioned, and implied past trauma regarding hospitals.



Emile, Remus, and Remy were getting ready for their groups' movie night.

They had one at least once a month to be sure they still took time for their friends.

"So, when are the others showing up?" Remy asked, not looking up from their phone.

"Specifically, Patton?" Emile asks, teasingly.

"No, I'm just like- super interested in whatever stupid movie we're watching, and I don't want to waste any time."

Emile smirked, "right, what movie are we watching again?"

"You picked it," Remy scoffs.

Emile argues. "You're the one so invested."

Emile and Remy were stepsiblings. Technically. When their parents got married Emile was seventeen, Dice was eighteen And Remy was sixteen. Remy and Emile didn't even really connect until college after learning about each other's age regression. That's also how they met Virgil, Patton, Remus, and Roman. They had an online support group for the longest time until finally Patton and Virgil moved closer the city. Unfortunately, it was still hard keeping the group together sometimes. Especially when it comes to work and other relationships.

It was especially hard for those who needed human interaction but won't make it happen for themselves due to severe social and generalized anxiety. Not mentioning any names of course. (Virgil)

"It's ok that you miss Patton," Remus says, "we won't make fun of you...that much."

Emile snickers, "you totally like him." He teases.

"Ugh, shut up," Remy laughs, throwing a pillow at their brother.

"How have you two been doing by the way?" Remus asks, "him living as far as he does, I'd imagine that must be hard on you."

"Not really," Remy shrugs. "I mean, we both have our own lives."

"Don't you get a little lonely without him?" Emile asked.

"I am not lonely, and even if I were. We're not exactly exclusive."

"You're not?" Emile asks, shocked.

Remus grabs his arm carefully to remind him not to try and fix Remy's relationship. Emile is a therapist and had a bad habit of trying to help people without them asking for it. Remus has been helping him remember the difference between work life and home life. It's a hard balance sometimes, especially when it's someone he truly cares about.

"You gotta commit to your partner, Remy, don't you like Patton?"

"We're just not the committing type," Remy shrugs.

Remus decided now was a great time for a subject change. "So, Roman said he might be a little late."

Emile hummed, "I just texted Virgil and, he said they was having a rough day, so they'll be a little late too."

"That guy seriously needs a therapist," Remy says.

Emile eyed them, "look who's talking."

Remy scoffs.

Remus smirked, "I'll bet Logan could convince him to go. Those two are inseparable these days."

Emile smiled at Remus; they were too.

But Remy rolled their eyes. They didn't find it nearly as adorable. "I don't understand why he hasn't already. The guy is a nervous wreck all the time."

"Now, Rem. Their relationship is still new." Emile said. "Besides you don't even know Logan."

"Yeah, get to know him before you insult his boyfriend-ing skills," Remus says.

"I'm just saying," Remy mumbles.

"It is not Logan's job to make sure Virgil is taking care of himself." Emile defends.

"No, but-"

Emile interrupts, "Listen, I know you still care about Virgil. But he's an adult. He's perfectly capable of making his own decisions."

"We're talking about Virgil here." Remy argues.

Emile suddenly got a phone call. He was about to just turn it off but then saw who it was and knew it had to be important.

Remy sighed, "I'm gonna text Pat again and see what's keeping his ass."

"You mean other than you?" Remus asks.

Emile shushed them as he answered the phone, "Elliott? What's going on? I haven't heard from you since..."

"Oh my god, a human person, finally. I need some help."

"What happened?"

"I Uh- I was with some...friends I guess you could call them, I mean- I only met them a few times...that doesn't really make them friends, does it?I wouldn't think so. Anyway, we got into a fight, I didn't fight, but they did- I'm sorry I'm rambling. I'm just really scared right now."

"Where are you?" Emile asked.

"Who is it?" Remus asked.

"It's Elliott." He answers.

"Elliott? Who dat?"Remy asks.

"One of his patients." Remus explained, sounding annoyed. "Why do they have your cell phone number?"

"They're my patient, Remus. They have to have my number." Emile explained, annoyed.

"You haven't even seen them in six months. Are they even your patient anymore?"

"Is there an expiration date or something?" Remy asked, laughing.

"My patients don't have my cell phone number," Remus says.

"Hello? Dr Picani? Are you still there?" Elliott asked. "I just-"

Emile shushed His sibling and boyfriend again and walked over to the other side of the room to be sure he'd be able to actually hear Elliott.

"I need someone to come get me, I think my leg is broken or maybe it's just sprained and I'm just being a baby about it? I don't know. Maybe I shouldn't have called you, this might be inappropriate. Is it inappropriate? It's inappropriate, isn't it? I'm so sor-"

"No, Elliott. You're perfectly fine. But why didn't you just call an ambulance or something?" Emile asked, voice was serious, but he was still calm.

Elliott sighs. "I can't. I rode in an ambulance once. It wasn't a good experience for me. Doctors tend to freak me out, they're just so creepy. I'm sorry, I just can't do this alone-"Elliott was clearly crying, "I can't handle them alone, it's not like that with you though, you're fine! I just mean doctor doctors. Not that you're not a doctor- I'm just-"

"It's ok, it's alright. Where are you? We can pick you up."Emile grabbed his coat and attempted to put it on while holding the phone between his ear and shoulder.

That got Remy and Remus's attention. They got closer but remained respectfully quiet. Realizing this might actually be important, and they should probably listen in.

"I'm in an alley near a club called's the bear something or the something bear...damn it."

"The twisted griz?"Remus asked, taking the phone from Emile.

"Hey-"Emile protested, but he was kinda happy that he could now put on his coat properly.

"Uh, yeah. That's it. Who-"

"I know the place," Remus says to Emile.

Emile took the phone back, "alright, Elliott we're on our way now, just stay calm. Would it be better if someone stayed on the phone with you?"

"Uhm. Yes, honestly it probably would. But don't. My phone is about to die so..."

"Alright, just stay calm. Take deep breaths, we'll be there soon."


Emile hung up. "I have to take them to a hospital."

Remy and Remus nodded. "We'll come with you just in case you need an extra set of hands," Remy explains. "And by that, I mean that Remus will help you."

"Thanks, I might need it," Emile said.

"Yes, thank you Remy for volunteering for me." Remus scoffed. "That was so generous."

"You drive," Remy tosses the keys to Remus, ignoring his sarcastic comments.


They found Elliott almost immediately.

They were all alone. Eyes weary and full of tears, blood dripping down their face. Clearly, they were very scared and in a lot of pain.

Their face turned bright red once they all got out of the car to help. "Elliott, are you ok?" Emile asked softly.

"I'm fine, I'm really really sorry about this I-"they grunted.

"Don't apologize, it's perfectly fine." Emile turns to Remus who was already examining Elliott's leg. "This is my boyfriend, Remus. He's a doctor-doctor."

"He didn't hear what I said about doctors did he?"Elliott asked, nervous.

"What did you say about doctors? "Remus asked, amused.

"They said you guys are creepy."

Remus chuckled, "valid, we're pretty creepy."

Elliott smirked at that.

Remus grabbed his flashlight and took a look at Elliott's head.

"Are they ok?" Emile asked.

"Yeah, but this puppy is broken," Remus says pointing to their leg. "They probably have a concussion, and definitely need some stitches."

Elliott sigh, "stitches?"

"It's ok," Remus interrupts. "I'm gonna call an ambulance." He pulled out his phone to call, but just as he started to dial, Elliott started to breath heavily and shouted "Wait, stop!"

"Why?" Remus asked, "what's wrong?"

"Are you sure we need that?" Elliott asked, sounding out of breath, "you sure I need-" they were panicking, breathing faster and faster.

"Deep breaths, Elliott." Emile says calmly. "Everything is going to be ok."

"I can't ride in an ambulance, Picani. I can't. I'd rather my leg fall off on its own!" They cried.

"Okay, well. We're not going to let that happen,"Remus says, "but we will drive you if that's better."

They nod. "Okay."

"Alright. So, Elliott. We need to get you to the car. So, we're going to have to carry you. Is that alright?" Emile asked.

Elliott's breath was still very fast, and their face was still very red, but they nodded. They're embarrassed and they just wanted this whole thing to be over.

"Alright. Can you help me lift them, Remus?"

Remus nodded. He grabs one side of Elliot while Emile grabbed the other. Taking their hand first and throwing their arms around each of their necks. Then they grab each of their legs and carefully lifted them of the ground.

Remy watched them struggle from a safe distance (They were always more of an observer.) until their phone started ringing "Sup' slut? Oh, hey Virge! What's up?"

Remus reminded, "move their leg as little as possible. We don't want it to get worse than it is."

"Oh, we're just kidnapping another non-binary. Typical Friday night stuff. What are you doing?" Remy asked. "Huh? Standing outside our house? Fun."

"Just set them in the passenger's seat." Emile says as they try to get Elliott in the car.

Remy hummed. "Uhm, there might be a spare key in the froggy flowerpot thingy."

"Seatbelt." Emile reminded. "I'll drive."

Remy rolled their eyes, "what do you mean it's not there? I don't have time to help you find it, Virgie. I'm too busy being a good person."

Elliott grunted. "I'm so sor-"

"Don't you dare." Remus interrupts. He's not accepting any apologies, because they didn't need to give him one.

"I don't know, smash a window, go sleep with Logan, dig a hole to China, the possibilities are unlimited." Remy says.

"Remy?" Emile called.

"Gotta go, Virge. Good luck!" They hung up quickly and jumped into the backseat.

"Emergency room field trip, fun." Remus jokes.

"I'll let everyone know we can't do it tonight." Remy says. "Where is our spare key by the way?"

"I gave it to Roman. Why?" Remus asks.

Remy nodded, "Virgil might break a window to get in our house. You know how cold he gets."

"Did I interrupt something important?" Elliott asks, "I'm so so sor-"

"If I have to hear one more apology, Elliott." Remus warned.

"Ok, ok. Thank you."

"That's better." Remus says.

"It's going to be ok, Elliott." Emile smiles, "we'll be there soon."


They waited as patiently as they could in the waiting room. They couldn't move or anything, they're just immobilized in a wheelchair while waiting for someone to give them a panic attack in exchange for a cast and possibly some stitches.

They had a breakdown in front of their therapist, and they weren't even in therapy. This was far from the most embarrassing experience in Elliott's life, but it was definitely up there.

"Should we maybe call Mitchell for you?" Emile asked.

Elliott shook their head. "Don't bother, he'll call me when he wants to."

"Are you sure?"

Elliott nods.


"Elliott Stokes?" a nurse asks.

"That's me." They say.

"Alright, Sir. We're ready for you."

"I'm non-binary." They explain.

"My apologies, Mx."

Before Elliott knew it, they were moving. Panic struck them hard. They looked back at Remus and Emile who were holding hands and smiling at one another in a comforting way.

Is that what relationships were supposed to look like? Elliott doesn't even remember the last time Mitchell and they held hands.

Great, now they're crying again. This was going to be just great.


Virgil and Logan waited outside on the porch steps and talked until they got the text from Remy.

Virgil sighed. Logan gave them a concerned look, so he held up his phone to show him. "Officially cancelled."

"Good timing," Logan says, eyes rolling.

"Wasn't their fault. Apparently, a friend of Emiles broke their leg."

Logan nodded. "It still would've been nicer to know before sitting out here in the snow for twenty minutes. Are you alright?"

"I really wanted them to meet you," Virgil said, "but I'm also kinda relieved that I don't have to people anymore today."

"Next time," Logan says, rubbing Virgil's' arm affectionately as an attempt to comfort him. "I was planning on leaving early anyway due to your attack."

"Lo, I'm fine. Attacks happen."

Logan helped him up, and the two of them started walking back to their car. "This was your third attack this week. I think you need a better coping mechanism."

Virgil shoved his hands in his pockets, "I cope."


Virgil didn't reply.

Two guys started walking towards them in opposite directions. Logan really didn't care to notice until one of them was waving happily at Virgil. "Oh. Hey, Virge. What's going on? What happened?"

"Hey, Pat. They canceled; didn't you get the group text?" Virgil asked.

Patton shook his head. "You know, I really need to get this gosh darn phone fixed." He tisked, shaking his head again and grabbing his phone.

Without even a proper introduction of the first character, the other person made their way to them. "Just got their text," he sighs. "I hope everyone is ok."

"Yeah," Virgil agreed. "That sucks."

"Hey, since we're all here anyway, why not make the most of it?" Patton suggests.

"Well, I do have a spare key. But I highly doubt they'll want company after an emergency like this." Roman explains.

Logan and Virgil both nod.

"We could go get something to eat," Patton suggests.

"I'm Logan by the way," Logan shook Roman and Patton's hands.

"I'm Patton, this is Roman." He introduces."

Roman lifted his eyebrows, "nice to meet you." He smiles as he shakes Logan's hand. He really took his time to look over Logan. He whispers, "I have a long list of questions concerning Virgil and your relationship that I need answered. It's nothing personal, though I will kill you if you hurt my little emo."

"What?" Logan asked.

"He's joking!" Virgil shouts. But realizing he was now the center of attention, he pulled his hood and covered their face, trying to hide from everyone. Logan wasn't sure what to do, so he placed a hand on his shoulder.

They all decided to go out to dinner. A familiar, healthy, but not so expensive diner was their best option. Virgil remained quiet most of the night, but still smiled whenever someone would look him in the eye.

Logan knew something was wrong, and it wasn't just the anxiety. He wanted to help somehow. He wanted to do something to help...he just doesn't know what.

After a pleasant (slightly awkward) dinner with Patton and Roman, they all started to walk back to their cars. "Thank you for a nice evening, it was really nice meeting you both." Logan says.

Patton and Roman smile.

"Is the evening over already?" Roman asked.

"Yeah, we could go see a movie or something," Patton suggests.

Logan looked at Virgil. "Another time, I have work tomorrow."

"Oh alright."

Roman and Patton both hugged Virgil and shook Logan's hand goodbye.

~~~ Remus~~~

Emiles tapped his foot nervously, eyes not moving away from where Elliott was taken. Remus hasn't seen him this stressed out since his mother was in the hospital.

When was the last time Emile regressed? It had to have been at least a month. This was definitely going to push him over the edge, he was definitely going to need some little time tomorrow.

"Em?"Remus asked.

Emile only hummed in response.

"They'll be ok." Remus reminded. He grabbed his hand and held it tight, "I promise, they're in good hands."

"But what If something happens while they're in there?" Emile asked, he even sounded stressed out. He started to bite his nails until Remus grabbed his other hand and held on.

"Like what?" Remus asks.

"Well, what if they have another break down? Or a panic attack, or-."he started to breathe heavier, not quite a panic attack, but he was definitely panicked.

"They're going to be fine, baby. I promise."

Emile nods. "Yeah, they'll be fine," He said to himself, unconvincingly.

"You really care about them. Don't you?" Remus asked, grabbing something out of his bag.

"I care about all my patients."

"Oh yeah, for sure. Me too," Remus says, "does Kai have your cellphone number?"


"Does Kai have your number?"

Emile shook his head.

"Dot, Larry, Corbin, Solone?"

He shook his head again. "Nope, just them..."


"When patients leave, I like to feel like I've helped them somehow. I feel a sense of pride. And even if I don't. Most of the time I know they have support from someone else. But not with Elliott. They have no one."

"They have a boyfriend, right?"

Emile looked back at the door to make sure Elliott wasn't coming back yet, then turned back to Remus and shook his head. "I'm not so sure."

Remus nods, rubbing Emile's arm. "I get it."

"If something happens-"

"Nothing is going to happen except Elliott getting proper treatment for their injuries. I promise, everything will be ok."

Emil sighed. "Ok."

"Here," Remus hands him his small stitch pop-it.

"Thanks," He smiles, gladly taking it. "You know we may have to take them home with us, right?"

"Yeah. I figure as much."



And as Logan and Virgil got back to their car, Virgil took a deep breath. "You don't have work tomorrow."

"I know." Logan says. "I just don't want you to feel overwhelmed again."

Virgil unbuckled their seatbelt to move closer to Logan. "Can I kiss you?"

Logan nodded. "I'd like that."

He leans over and kisses him softly. "Thanks."



"We need to talk about your anxiety."

Virgil moved back to his seat. "This was supposed to be a nice moment, Lo."

Logan sighed, "I'm sorry, but I'm concerned about you."

"I know you are."

"Virge, please tell me what happened today. What caused the panic attack?"

"Maybe I don't want to talk about it." Virgil says, leaning back and crossing his arms.

Logan licked his lips. "Alright. You of course don't have to. But if there is something I can do... I promise I'd be more than willing. I'm here for you. Always." Logan grabbed Virgil's hand and squeezed it gently.

Virgil let go, he tried to hide the tears from Logan by facing the window, while Logan just focused on driving him home.

They didn't deserve Logan's support.


"Do you have a place to stay tonight, Elliott?" Emile asked on the drive back.

They nod, "yeah, if you can just drop me off at my apartment. I'll be fine."

"Do you have a roommate or anyone in case something happens?"

"I mean, no but-"

"Yeah, you're staying with us." He says.

They lick their lips. "Excuse me?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry, it's either that or he calls you every hour to make sure you're breathing," Remus says.

Elliott nods, it's not like they were going to change his mind.

When they arrived at their apparent, Emile unbuckled their seatbelt. "Okay, we're going to need your keys."


"You're going to need something to wear." he says, "yours are covered in blood."

"I don't need anything, I'll be fine." they insist.

"Elliott, we're not going to judge you." Emile explains. "You need clothes. And you're not going to be able to walk up and down those stairs every day, I won't have it."

"Alright, fine." they sigh handing him their key. "Just take into consideration though that this is me trusting you. It's not easy for me."

"I appreciate that. Is there anything specific we should grab?"

"My makeup bag?" They asked, "I keep it under the sink."

"Got it, anything else?"

Yes...but no.

"Just some clothes, I guess."

They wanted their Paci and their blanket but that was way too much. Picani didn't have to know everything.

"Alright. Remus stay here to make sure they don't move it- move it."

Remy rolled their eyes, "does it ever end?"

"You got it." Remus says.

Remy and Emile walked inside the apartment, and Elliott just hoped that they wouldn't find their little gear. They're a big enough freak already.


"Thanks for letting me crash on your couch," Elliott said.

"Well, since we wouldn't let you go home, I'd say it was the least we could do." Emilie says, making up the couch for them.

"Either way, I appreciate it. I don't know what I would've done if you weren't there for me tonight."

"It's really no problem," He says, "goodnight, Elliott."

"Night." Elliott smiles.

Dr Picani went upstairs and so Elliott decided to check to see if they packed their makeup remover. It's not really healthy to sleep with makeup on. But to their dismay, they found their pacifier in the front pocket.


I hope you enjoyed this. It was such a random idea I had. I just couldn't find a little!Elliott story...which surprised me because they're so adorable and in desperate need of TLC.
Any plot suggestions, comments, or constructive criticism is 100% allowed and encouraged here. But please don't be mean.
