
A/N: Hello everyone sorry it's been a while, I actually decided to stop this story but I got the motivation to continue it and I hope that this very long chapter is enough to get back on track. Thank you for being patient. Love rhea :)

 I opened my eyes to a pitch-black room. It seemed strange. I was in the middle of who knows where... I rubbed my eyes thinking I was hallucinating but I wasn't, my heart started to beat faster as I knew I was in danger. I felt a gentle breeze touch my arm and that's when my blood ran cold. Where am I? 

Suddenly I heard a scream from far away and I couldn't help but start running towards it. I knew that voice. I know that person. Mom

I started running following the echo as I heard her cry out my name for help. 

"PLEASE LET ME GO" She screamed and screamed and I kept running trying to find her. I saw light come out of a wooden door situated in the depth of darkness. Should I go in? I walked slowly towards the door. My heart was hammering and my face was pale.  As I approached the door the screaming became louder and louder proving that I have found her. I entered some sort of room still able to control my fear but when I saw blood my face fell and my eyes darted to check if it is what I thought. "hi princess" the guy snickered and I felt my heartbeat drop. 

"Greyson you... YOU KILLED MY MOM!" I cried

"kie", "kie" my head rang as I heard my name being called out

I choked on my words and jumped suddenly not seeing clearly because of my dizziness and the ringing in my ears "shhh you are okay shh" mom hushed me as she caressed my back. I was still not focusing so I kept on rambling words and words calling for mom." it was- him" 

 "KIE" She finally yelled and I snapped out of my hysteria and looked around me to find out that I'm not in a creepy dungeon anymore and no one is hurt. I'm just in my bedroom. "mom.." I sobbed before engulfing her in a hug.  

"It was .. a dream" I sighed as I leaned into her chest. "yeah just a dream I'm right here" she assured me and pulled a strand of my hair off my face. "relax your safe" she proceeded and I slowly started to drift back to sleep.

The same morning I woke up to the sounds of shuffling in my room, I slowly opened my eyes to see what was all the fuss about but completely lost it when I saw who it was. "pl-ease d-do..n't hu-rt me" I stuttered horrified that he might kill me too as I was still in my dream. I looked at Greyson's confused face when he slowly walked closer to me. "what do you mean?" He said with a low rusty voice his grey eyes beaming at me  "pl-ease sta-y ...a-wa..y" I sniffled with a clog in my throat as I pushed myself back and stood next to my dresser.

 He turned to me trying to calm me down but the minute he touched me I flinched and covered my face with my small frozen hands. "Princess I would never hurt you" he spoke softly before wrapping himself around me and holding me tightly. He kissed my forehead gently as I sobbed clutching onto his chest. "what happened?" He questioned worriedly. I contemplated whether I should tell him, but when I opened my mouth to speak, Kai walked in. "dude what the fuck" He yelled, pushing Greyson away from me. That was the last thing I expected him to do. "KAI" I screamed when he punched Greyson harshly smacking his jaw. Greyson spit out blood from his mouth and lifted his arms to punch him back as I was about to interfere, Dad yelled. "BOYS" Greyson lowered his hand and gave me one last glance before jumping back out of the window. "you two living room now" Dad firmly ordered and gave us a death glare.

Dad had finally let us go after I told him what had happened and I was now following Kai up the stairs. "What the hell wrong you!" I shouted slamming the door behind me as we entered his room. "Me? you're the one all over a guy who you just, by the way, yesterday were cursing" He spat back at me frustratedly running his hands through his hair. "He was trying to be nice!" I defended Greyson even though I knew he was bad news. I mean he blew me off yesterday and maybe Kai had a point but that does not mean he can hit him like that. 

"Wake up Kiara the guy doesn't even see you he will never change no matter how nice he is, he will always be Greyson, fuck boy, selfish bastard. I stared at Kai as he proceeded to criticize Greyson. I did not want to believe him but he was right everything he says describes Greyson. But I know he is something other than that he just pretends... why grey why do you pretend?!

 "Listen kie I just want to protect you, Greyson might be a great friend but not a boyfriend, just be careful" My brother finally said before leaving his room leaving me completely speechless. I took a deep breath before dropping to the ground sobbing letting my tears fall. I don't know why I was crying but I couldn't hold it in anymore. Everything was killing me. I hugged my knees and covered my eyes feeling each tear sting my cheek. I couldn't see because of my glossy eyes. I then stood up and went to the bathroom, I changed out of my clothes to go for a run. To get myself back together. I wore a black sports bra and black leggings covering myself up with a white sports jacket before slipping some white running shoes on. 

I took my headphones and played my playlist before sprinting out of the house. I ran feeling fire burn in my legs. I ran and ran no matter how much my feet hurt I let it drain me as I kept running as if something was chasing me. I passed the high school, the Grill, and town square until I reached Wickery bridge that's when I finally dropped and clenched the railing inhaling air to catch my breath. I panted heavily when I raised my head to look at the ivory water of the lake. I consumed the beauty with tears rolling down my eyes. When will everything go back to normal? Mom had every right to leave here its too much to handle. I cried when I realized that this was just starting. I thought I would be able to handle myself but the truth is im weaker than I thought. This town was slowly eating me, every single piece of me is being tared off and I am the one to suffer through the pain, hurt, everything. 

"Kiara?" I turned around to see Cleo in her car. "Cleo hi," I said before quickly wiping my tears away pretending to be okay and flashing her a smile. "Is everything okay?!" she asked before getting out of the car and walking closer to me lifting my head. "yeah yeah everything is fine, im fine" I answered her hoping she would believe me. Still, instead she engulfed me in a hug and walked me to her car. "get in Im taking you out tonight" I quickly denied not wanting to go with her but she pushed me inside and put on my seatbelt. "we are going whether you like it or not, you need to blow off some steam. Trust me you will have fun" She said convincing me. Maybe a night out might be good for me. 

I am now sitting in her bedroom watching her go through her closet picking out clothes for the both of us. "How about this?" she pulled out a red tight dress a bit too revealing for my liking. "Too much," I said and she huffed putting it back. "Bingo, she said when she showed me a black dress less revealing than the other but still has some cuts. I hesitated a bit checking out the dress before accepting. She squealed and threw the dress at me pushing me towards the bathroom to get it on. I closed the door and looked at myself in the mirror before putting the dress on

Kiara's Dress

Cleo's Dress

I opened the bathroom door to see Cleo standing in a gorgeous red dress that suited her perfectly. "look at you all pretty and stuff" I smiled and twirled her around. She laughed and complimented me before we walked out of the house.  

I got in the passenger seat and texted mom to tell her that I was going out. After that, I leaned back in my chair hoping that Cleo is taking me somewhere decent. "we're going to have so much fun tonight you won't even remember it"She squealed excitedly as she took a left turn. "You are on your own on that one, someone has to drive us back" I did not want to drink, I'm going back home tonight and I'm not willing to die or to lose my virginity to some weird-ass guy because I was drunk. "I don't do drinking." I heard her sigh as we parked in a driveway of a beautiful house. "why are we at a house? I thought we were going to a pub or something" I asked as I removed my seat belt and got out of the car.

 "change of plans Ray told me that he was throwing a party and everyone at school will be there and when I say everyone I mean, EVERYONE. Ray's parties are lit you wouldn't want to miss it" She patted my back reassuring me when we reached the front door and walked in. I was bombarded by the loud music and the number of people in the house, you couldn't even move without bumping into someone. I even saw my brother and he looked pissed when he saw my dress but who is he to tell me what I can and can not wear. My body is my choice. 

I looked around for Cleo but she was already gone. Great

I decided to walk outside and I saw a stand with coke so I went and grabbed one. "Just coke"  I turned around to see a guy from my math class smiling at me. "yeah im not a big fan of alcohol" I smiled back when he frowned. "You not drinking I get but tell me what a pretty girl like you is doing all alone here" I blushed a little before cracking a smile. The guy was sweet I like him "my friend dragged me here she wanted me to release some steam" I bluffed when he laughed and poured himself some punch. "You hate it here don't you" he chuckled and I nodded before throwing my Pepsi can away. "well good thing im here to save you" I looked at him confused before he took out his hand in a fancy way "would you dance with me my lady" I giggled and accepted his offer kindly when we went inside to the dance circle. We jumped and moved to the beat as he twirled me around. 

I spotted Cleo in the corner talking to Kai and Ray. I continued scanning the room when I spotted Greyson. He was sitting on the couch as we held eye contact. He eyed me up and down. Is he checking me out!? I then turned around breaking the contact and focusing on my partner. Wait don't even know his name. "what's your name?" I asked my dancing partner im so dumb he is in my class and now he knows that I never even cared to know his name "Jake" he answered with a smirk I felt my eyes starting to burn as they got glossy.

 "Uhm well I need to go out for some air," I said before turning around but he grabbed my hand and I flinched pushing away "are you okay, did I do something?" he asked me confused "no -no its not you it's just me d-ont worry about it" I replied before running outside to the patio. I was dancing with a guy that I barely knew what is my problem I can't go threw that again. "Kiara?" I felt goosebumps when Greyson called my name. I took a deep breath before turning around. "what are you doing here?" he asked when he saw me tearing up. "go away" I whispered and he did the exact opposite. "what did he do?" he said before walking closer. "nothing Greyson just please go away" I said as I turned around. "im not leaving until you tell me" he leaned on the railing next to me and I looked at him when a tear escaped my eyes. He looked at me pleadingly and I hesitated to tell him what was wrong. "you can trust me" he said as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and wiped my tear. Can I?

"On spring break last year I went to a party with my friends in New Orleans, at first everything was okay and I was having fun but I met a guy and we got along, he was just like Jake kind and sweet at first but he started forcing me to drink and when I had to go to the bathroom he uhm" I stuttered sobbing as tears fell, he stiffened when he started to realize where I was going. Flashbacks started as I went over everything reassured me and I continued 

"I remembered how he snaked his arms around my waist and painfully threw me at the wall when I told him to let go. 

"Obey me you little shit" he pinned me to the wall and slapped my face when I tried pushing him away. I felt weak and tired as he kissed my neck forcefully. "let me go! please.." I sobbed when he locked me in place. He kept on going and going squeezing my boobs and licking my neck. I felt weak as I screamed for help. but no one came. "SHUT UP" he shouted and punched me in the stomach. 

He touched me in places I never wanted to get touched. He took away my virginity and I couldn't stop him. That was the night I got raped. I did not eat or sleep for about two months. No one knew except for Kol. He helped me. From that day I vowed to myself never to drink and never get close to strangers" 

"that's why you left jake, he was a stranger at the party..." Greyson murmured before he caught me looking at him. We stood in front of each other when I couldn't hold it anymore. I broke down and he directly took me in his arms. "this can-t keep happening im too weak,  we have been in this position twice today, and I- I can't take it anymore Greyson, life has just-" I stuttered and he just shushed me as he rubbed my back "it's okay you're going to get through this and you are not weak your so strong look at you who would've known suck girl is holding so much pain" His jaw stiffened as he softened his eyes and got closer to me. 

He took me by surprise when I felt his lips on my cheek, he had kissed my tears away. He pulled away and we looked at each other with so much chemistry, so much electricity. "you really are a mystery Greyson Salvatore" I whispered as I gazed at him. "but why don't you want to be solved" I proceeded and his eyes widened as he looked at me slightly shocked. "Because you will despise me" He muttered back and I thought of his answer, he was wrong. As much as I try to hate him I can't. "I have to go" he whispered as he looked away.  Why do I want him to look at me? Why do I miss the tension and attraction between us? As I looked back up to talk to him, there was no one in sight. He had left me all alone on the patio. What are you doing to me, Greyson Salvatore?
