ya chapter


I leave the room with ben with cj left in her room still tide up . Jeff wait. What's that you need me. Please. Please what . Please don't leav.why may be i want to leave you here in the dark because you now your not horny. Jeff please i am i just had a bad day. Oh really. Yes when i was in the woods i called to chek up on my grandma to see how she was turns out she is dead . Oh im sorry i didnt now. Its ok jeff its not your fault.i now i just can't believe it. Ya . So what do you want to do. Well like you said i am horny . Well now look who wants to be touched now. Oh shut up. Slide my hand down her pants sliding a finger in to her pussy.ah jeff . I still can't believe that you can't give birth. I chose not to. Ah right their.


I walk in to see jeff touching cj . So your leaving me out if this. Here move jeff i got this.ok. I pull her pants off and start to eat her pussy. Ah bben you so lucky im tide up right now.wait did you hear that.
