
link:"NO "
Dark link:"LINK IN THE OTHER ROOM RIGHT NOW LETS GO WE NEED TO TALK  RIGHT NOW!". *i pull link by the back of his shirt and drag him to the other room*. "what is wrong with you this needs to stop". well im a good guy he is a bad guy that what we do i do not like him. well you better start liking him because im having cj move with us. what no im no living with them.well you are.( walks over to cj) cj we are all moving to my place i dont trust slender . um ok when are we moving . in three days. ok guys you ok with this. yes i am what about you jeff. im cool with it ben what about you . im cool as long as im with you. so is link ok with it. dose it matter he has to go save that stuipd pirence any ways . hay she is not stupid she is buteayful. what ever. well we have to go. Some one is really grumpy*dank link go by link and grabs him by the hair and pulls him throw cj's phone*. Well im tired jack lets go to my room.


Good night guys. Ya good night try not to have to much sex. Hehehe no promises. Jeff I mean it. Oh ok fine i won't rape ben. Im hungry im making pancakes. Hey jeff can you pass me the whip cream. How about you kiss me. Jeff no cj is trying to sleep. I promise she won't wake up please * i lean closer to ben and hug him* i love you ben please . Fine but if she doses your dead.


I take jack to my room and lock the door behind me.why did you lock the door. So no one will come in and scare me. Who would do that your a killer .* cj falls to her knees and starts to cry* i kill because im scard of them jack humans scare me.* I go over to cj and pic her up and ste her on bed and hug her* its ok your save with me ill never hurt you.ddid you hear that . No it can't be. We have to go jack *ben we have to go i grab him by the hand and pull him through the tv*.whats going on. The cops will be here soon grab what you can and get into the car.


I run to my room and get everything we would need i jump out of my room down the stairs and start the car. Come on jack were are you. Jack comes running out with a bunch of stuff in his arms did you have to bring so much stuff. Hay i had make it were they can't track us down.what ever lets just go.
