chapter two

peytons pov

i woke up getting a text from josh. i yawned and grabed my phone and looked at the text.

j: if you awake can you meet me outside your house

p: sure

i sighed and put on some tights and walked downstairs and opened the door and walked out.

"hey josh what are you doing here so early" i closed the doir and yawned.

"did i wake you up im sorry." 

"no its find but i just woke up"

"no wonder why you only have a sports bra on and tights" i giggled a little at what josh said

"what did you want anyway josh" i cocked my head a little

"well the thing is that.... i like you"  i was in shock


"i like you peyton" a small smiled crossed my face.

"i like you too"  he leaned in and pressed his lips agains mine. i put my arms around his neck and he put his hands on my waist. we pulled away after a while. we both smiled. 

"PEYTON" i heard madison yell through the door. when it cracked open me and josh scrambled apart.

"what are you two doing?" she asked opening the door open more.

"talking" me and josh said together

"but josh is in a flannel and skinny jeans and you are in a sports bra and tights, peyton you never wear anything that shows your stomach unless your going to bed" i just starred at her.

"k josh byeee" i pushed josh lightly smiling awkwardly.

"bye" he laughed at little at how i made him sightly move. he walked away and went into his car. i looked at madison and crossed my arms.

"ooo you got a boyfriend"

"uggh! hes not my boyfriend" even though he was. i walked inside and made some coffee. i ran back up to our room and grabed my phone and texted josh.

p: sorry i pushed you. i didnt want madison to know

j: its fine. we dont have to tell anybody if you want

p: yea i just want it secret

j: k i will be sure not to tell nybody

i sighed and got a text from my friend.

t: hey wanna hang out?

p: sure 

i got up and put on my mcr shirt and joshs snapback i stole from him. i kinda laughed at how he didnt notice that i took it off his head when we kissed. i put on my hightops and grabed my keys walking out. i drove to starbucks and waited inside.

"PEYTON"  i heard teagan yell.

"hey teagan" i stood up and she hugged me.

"i havent seen you since collage and you dont have a boyfriend yet? and is that josh duns hat.

"i know and yea and yes it is joshs hat" teagan screamed happily. 

"what?" i asked 

"hey" i heard joshs voice and i turned around.

"JOSH" i hugged him. i heard him laugh a little and teagan had a confused look

"i think thats my hat your wearing" i laughed a little. he took his hat back and put it on. i let go of him and smiled.

"are you two like... friends?" we both nodded

"cool. well imma order you guys want coffees?" 

"yea" i said "im good" josh smiled. i smiled back


i had no ideas dont judge
