chapter one

peytons pov

i woke up and grabed my phone. i decided to text josh since i was so bored.

p: hey joshie

j is typing...

j: hey are you okay?

p: just bored madison is asleep like normal

j: oh same. tyler is just... being tyler

p: wanna hangout?

j: sure where should we go?

p: hmm maybe just walk around?

j: sure. want me to pick you up

p: sure see u at 10:00

j: k

i got up from my bed and grabed my mcr t-shirt and my black pants. i slid on my belt and hightops. i messed up my hair a little sorta like joshs. (peyton has the same haircut as josh) i put on a beanie and grabed my phone and ran down stairs grabing an apple to eat.

"what are you doing peyton" madison said at the bottom steps.

"me and josh are gonna hang out" a smirk crossed madions face.

"ooo peytons got a boyfriend" she said teasing me

"shut up. i said i would never date anybody after that break up" madion scoffed and crossed her arms. i bit into my appke and ran upstairs. i finshed my apple nd threw it away. i put on some black lipstick and my contacts. i heard a door bell and smiled.

"PEYTON YOUR BOYFRIENDS HERE" madion said walking up

"ugh" i ran back down and opened the door.

"hey josh" i smiled

"ask her out" i heard madison whisper. i saw joshs cheeks turn into a bright pink. i giggled a little

"shutup madison" i said still giggling.

"um w-wanna go" josh stuttered. i nodded and we walked out and went into his car. we buckled up and josh started driving. i looked at josh and studdied him. he looked at me and i quickly moved my head looking at my shoes. he giggled a little making me smile. i loved his laugh and how his eyes squint when he smiles. i looked back at him again just not moving my head. i love his cotton candyish pink hair. i think i like him. i cant like him. i looked back at my shoes. we stopped at a park. i got out and closed the door. we walked around a little and stopped at a bentch.

"so peyton.. do you know how to play any instuments"

"well the ukulele, drums, piano and a little bit of guitar" i smiled at him and he smiled back.

"why did you get that hircut?" josh asked

"um i dont know this guy named josh dun you know him?" he nodded "he inspired me to play the drums and well i liked his haircut so i stole it" he giggled a little.

"maybe he will steal the color of hair dye you choose to dye your hair" i stuck my tounge out at him. he laughed a little and i laughed also.

"aw what a cute young couple" the random girl with red hair and looked like debby ryan. she had her arms crossed and looking at josh rudly

"debby what are you doing here?" josh asked standing up.

"i should ask you the same thing and why are you with this girl. i heard that she was in jail once" she gave me a rude smirk. i looked down in shame.

"debby shes just a friend" debby scoffed.

"she better be" debby grabbed his hair and pulled him close to her kissing him. josh had his eyes wide open and his hands still up he slowly moved them to her back. debby pulled away and walked away. josh sighed.

"im sorry"

"no its fine" i kept my head down.

"i dont really like her. i like someone else.." josh looked at me and i looked up.

"what?" i asked.

"nothing. i might break up with debby tonight" he sat back down next to me. i looked at josh my eyes studdied his face. i mostly looked at his lips. they seem so kissable and soft.

"um we should probaly go. tyker might be worried about me" i nodded and we got up. josh dropped me off at my house and i waved bye. i walked inside and plopped down next to madison on the couch.

"are you okay?" madison asked.

"i think i like josh" i put my head back and closed my eyes.


i got ideas for this  

stay street
