Chapter 59

A week flows by like silent wind ,it's Thursday morning ,my husband and I have already started packing, our plan is to move into our new place this Sunday, there's a conference happening this Saturday in celebration of the Lit project finally launching.

Ethan and Miranda's offices are filled with job applications from the millions who want a feature in this new project , I'm proud of my husband and the father of my child ,their project guarantees more than 10 thousand people jobs although it is not enough considering the high number of people that are hopeful but it's still something.

Luckily for me I haven't lifted a finger at the office, Ethan hired 3 trusted accountants to do my work for me like he knows how exhausted I am , he said weddings are stressful and rest is of utmost importance like I was the one doing all the organising between the two of us he deserves the more rest but the perks of being a CEO  doesn't allow him and even if it did he'd still choose to work . I've only been going to the office to watch him work , he begged me sternly saying that he has gotten used to sharing lunch with me ,my absence will make him skip lunch.

Ever since the wedding I'm starting to see his tenderness towards me in every second , I'm certain that he himself is now aware of his feelings for me , I'm still not fully happy because I'm aware of how temporary this is , last night we went to bed reminiscing about those beautiful days and I almost led him on , the guilt I felt afterwards sent me crying in the kitchen, "Because of this baby I'm practically restricted from coming close to my own husband " I thought to myself,as I went back into the guestroom I was trying to come up with an excuse but to my advantage I found him fast asleep, it was the very first time I was great full for the way he overworks himself.

Ever since we got back I haven't gotten a glimpse of Austin, I understand that his job is done so he has no need to be lurking around the office anymore,I'm curious what the rush is about but I'm hoping to see him at the conference.

I'm sitting with Penelope at the reception desk waiting for Ethan to finish with his work so we can head back to the house .

" I heard you and sir bought a new house far away from here ?" She asks .

" Yes we did".

She smiles," congratulations, are we going to be invited for the house warming party?. I'm sure the new house is ten times bigger than the one you had " her expression brightens.

" Honestly I don't think we are going to be having a house warming party but because Ethan is Ethan we'll never know " I lean in on the table.

I don't know if it's weird of me to not want many people to know the location of our house except our families, although the multitudes already know where it is they don't know that it's now our house .

" I think you will , Mr Price loves get togethers , I heard he spent a lot of money on it ".

" Pen ?, Who are your sources ?, I heard this I heard that ?, even I don't know how much he spent on it , I thought you weren't so big on gossip".

" I'm not but I'm also not deaf ,those are the rumours going around the office " her eyes flicker ," so it's smaller than the one you have ?" She looks puzzled.

" The house is small but the yard is slightly bigger ".

" Oh " she doesn't seem to understand," Sir agreed to buy a smaller house ?" .

I laugh because I get where her question lies , " I wish I had all the answers Penelope but I don't,all I can tell you is that I asked him to buy it and he agreed " I shrug.

She nods to herself," then that means the rumours are true?" .

" What rumours?".

" Everyone here they thought it was because he felt guilty and second they thought he was being considerate of the child and that the child really did exist but ever since the wedding they are utterly convinced that Sir has fallen head over heels for you " .

" I also think that's the case Penelope but we can never really know when it comes to Ethan ".

"I'm certain that's the truth , congratulations Lauren " she grins approvingly at me like a proud mother who is happy that I endured to the end.

" Thanks "I respond also proud of myself for staying alive to see this day .

" Maybe we should throw you two a party after the conference " she suggests.

" What for ?, There's absolutely no need ".

" the office staff now respects you ,The new house , the marriage,the up coming baby,we have tons of reasons " .

" You are just looking for a day off ?".

" Particularly" she laughs .

" We'll have to raise this topic next week, I'm always exhausted these days it must be worse for those of you who work " .

" I'm glad that although you are a trophy wife you are still that compassionate Lauren I know ".

" I'm sure you've heard this a thousand times ,Money doesn't change people it just reveals who they are " I reply.

" That's true also but I do believe it has the power to  change a person ".

" Speaking about change , have you seen Austin at all this week " the question that has been itching my heart comes out .

She clears her throat," no but haven't you heard ?" She looks like she's ready to share jaw dropping news .

" No ,what ?" ,My mind tries to figure out what the rumour is .

" Haven't you seen Mirandas finger ?" She asks .

" What's wrong with her finger ?" I hesitate not sure if I want to hear the answer.

" you must be busy fixing your marriage to have noticed, She and Austin have been dating for countable weeks and he realised she is the woman he has been waiting for, he proposed to her on Monday during their dinner date at some luxurious hotel ".

Tears start streaming down my eyes .

" Are you alright?" She stops," is the baby alright?" .

" Yes I'm fine , I'm just so happy for them , I am an emotional person and the pregnancy has made me worse " I answer in a still voice.

Her worry half fades ," there were papers I found at my desk with Mirandas resignation ,I think she's leaving in a month ".

" Does Ethan know ?" I ask .

" Yes ,he already approved, Miranda was worried that he'd beg her to stay but he gave her the green card with a wide grin .at least that's what I heard ".

" She's going halfway around the world for love ,that's adorable, I'm really proud of them ".

If things fail with Ethan then not even the father of my child will welcome me back , he was serious about moving on .... That's the part that hurts my feelings.

Austin will probably have a beautiful family with Miranda that he'll never consider taking in a child outside his marriage. That's the reality I hate , deep down I always hoped that he'd sleep with his door open so I can come in whenever I want .
