Chapter 48

After a long hour of fighting myself , I stand up to wash my face , my posture is indicating composure .

I stare at my red eyes and cheeks for a few minutes until the colour partially fades.

' I've been faking smiles and laughs for longer than I can remember so much so that it has become my second nature, acting has become my everyday life ,60 hours is nothing ' I keep reciting it in my own head .

I'm in the midst of my family dancing like the dalfi princess that I'm supposed to be , they are all clapping and cheering for me ,Ethan 2.0 joins me inside circle and dances with me , moments later everybody else is dancing.

It's 9:30 ,Ethan and I exit the circle to take a rest ," my feet are killing me I express" .

" Are dalfis always this fun ?" He asks joyfully panting for air.

" Some ".

We sit on the bench and watch everyone who is dancing mocking the person with the weirdest moves .

We point at uncle Jerry who is the worst of them all , laughing and bursting  into tears our eyes lock as the laughing fades we are staring into the depths of our souls , everything quiets down , right now I'm staring at the Ethan that I know,the real one .

My face heats up as our lips softly brush against each other ,my heart drops to my tickling stomach.

Someone spots us and starts chanting,the whole family stops to look and joins in as well .

Ethan grins at me with a sense of peace reflecting in his eyes .

" Alright alright , enough of that now ,it's time for dinner all that dancing has drained the old man's energy" my dad cuts off the moment.

We all follow him inside and gather around  the kitchen table, since we are too many some spread to the lounge and a very few are in the living room .

Ethan and I are amongst those who are in the lounge ,that is almost all the youngsters except for Caitlyn , she's in the kitchen with the elders.

many plates remain untouched instead we are focused on the subject at hand which is about money.

Ethan is the one doing most of the talking, I don't know if it's in my head but there is a big shift in Ethan's energy, he's always energetic around people but today it's different.

Or is it because his number one baby - money is being discussed, he knows more about the mechanics of money than anyone in this house does .

After eating the dinner dad gathers everyone together to tell us that the special activity we will be doing is horse riding which everyone already knew since they've  bought horse riding outfits , it's not like Caitlyn forgot to tell me it's just that she didn't care enough to .

Ethan whispers in my ear ," I'll organise something for us before we go to sleep don't worry" he assures me .

We are dismissed to go to our different rooms, everyone else is sharing but Ethan and I were given the free pass because of who Ethan is and out of respect for the fact that it's my dalfi.

" I can't believe I've been missing out on so much fun " he expresses joyfully

" I know right " , we are making the bed together," is it me or are you overly excited today?" I ask .

My suspicion is Andrew , she must've pierced through the hard wall he has put up .

" Is it that obvious?" He asks grinning.

" Therapy is doing its job isn't it ?" I ask.

"It's not Andrew if that's what you are thinking".

" What then ?" I also laugh ," tell me I want to know " my face is beaming with light.

He gets inside the blankets, " it's you " he says .

" What ?" I stop .

" We've kissed a million times but today felt real , something in me revived , Andrew is not the reason why I'm smiling ,it's you Mrs Price" he blushes ., hearing him call me that in such a sincere tone makes me think highly of myself as Mrs Price

Before I even smile back , I remember the truth I'm carrying that will destroy this building at its foundation .

" I feel the same way " ,in my case it must've been the hormones that led me to kiss him , " Mr Price" ,we both laugh .

I know that from this day he'll start being free around me and his true self will start come out.

" One day it will all work out Lauren I promise" he says genuinely getting my heart's attention as it starts pounding rapidly.

" It will " I say it through a broken spirit .

" Just a moment,it must be the client I was supposed to send the money for the promotions " he hops off the bed and goes to the bathroom to answer the call.

I feel an ounce of offence that he is not taking it in front of me but then I remind myself that we are not there yet, unless If I were to secretly abort the baby I'd have a chance but that guilt would send me straight to my grave I could never do something like that .

I have no one else I can share this news with , my mind and heart is cornered by my guilty conscience, I thought about forcing myself to Ethan and make him believe that the baby is his but the number of months will expose me , had I known sooner this plan would've actually worked .

I've always wanted kids  but my relationship with Ethan made me think I'd never have the privilege of having them since I was never planning on leaving him anytime soon ...... But today my lives wildest dreams have come true but the time and order is all wrong that it is now but a nightmare .
