
Sophia walks into her house. Hotch made her go home, since she was refusing to take days off. She had to go get her car from Spencer's place.

She packs another bag, a bigger one this time. With casual clothes, not work clothes. She finishes packing her bag and right back out the door she goes. Her houses still a mess from Annie being murdered and from Oliver's lash outs.


Sophia checks into a hotel. The lobby is nice looking, with red chairs lined against the wall. They look soft.

She glanced around before being handed a keycard.

"Thank you." Sophia smiles at the receptionist and makes her way down the hall, to the elevator.

The receptionist nods and goes back to whatever she was doing before Sophia showed up.

She gets into the elevator, one other person getting in there too. A young girl, maybe eight or nine.

"Hi there." The girl says, ina. cheerful voice.

"Hello." Sophia replies, with a slight smile.

The elevator doors open, Sophia steps out. Making her way down the hall, looking for her room.


She finds the room and inserts the keycard. It unlocks on the first try.

The room smells clean, like a hotel room. Obviously since it's a hotel.

The brunette sets her bag on the bed and flops back on it, but gets up within a few minutes. She walks over to the window and opens the blinds, as well as turning the A/C on.


Sophia's woken up by banging on her door. As well as the hundreds of voices outside her door.

She gets up and unlocks the door, opening it.

"We're evacuating the entire hotel, a murder happened downstairs. Everyone is exiting through the back door." A guest at the hotel tells her.

They look around Sophia's age.

Sophia dismisses the fact that they are supposed to evacuate. Not go check out the scene.

She makes her way downstairs, going the opposite way of everyone else.

Several police officers try to block Sophia from getting any closer, but she pulls out her badge, which she grabbed right before she left her room.

"I'm with the FBI." She tells them.

They let her through.

She examines the body, laying there lifeless. It's the receptionist that Sophia checked in with yesterday.

"There's a single stab wound to the stomach, not much aggression. The unsub most likely didn't know his victim." Sophia says.

"Unsub?" An officer scoffs at the strange word.

She rolls her eyes subtly, "Unknown subject."

The officer got a kick out of it and laughs about it.

"Any weapon nearby?" She asks.

"Yeah." He hands her the evidence bag, it's got a bloody knife inside.

"Run it for prints yet?"

"Nope, just found the body, not even thirty minutes ago."

Sophia nods and feels her pockets for her phone. It's not there.

"I'll be right back." She tells the officers and then goes back up to her room.

She grabs her phone off of the nightstand and calls Hotch.

"Hotchner." Is heard from the other end.

"There's been a murder at the hotel i'm staying at, I don't know if it's a case, but it seems as if the attack was random and the victim was just in the wrong place at the wrong time."

"Yeah, we just saw the news, Garcia was about to call to make sure you were ok."

Sophia smiles a little, "Alright, well, I'll let you know if I find out anything else."


"Alright, thank you, Sophia." Hotch hangs up.

"She's okay?" Garcia asks, relieved.

Hotch nods.

"Reid, you go up to the hotel, help Sophia." Aaron says.

Reid nods, making his way out of the building and to one of the government issued SUV's.

He gets in, he heads down the road, lights on, but no sirens.

Sophia goes back downstairs into the lobby.

She was up there for about ten minutes. In that time, they managed to run prints.

The officer walks up to Sophia as she walks closer to the crime scene.

"We ran the murder weapon for prints, none. Whoever the killer is, they did a damn good job of making sure they wouldn't get caught."

"It's odd," Sophia mumbles, making the officer slightly confused, "the offender left the murder weapon, but didn't leave any prints..maybe they wanted the murder weapon to be found." She shrugs.

Reid walks into the hotel, showing his badge to the officers.

Sophia doesn't notice him until he goes up to her.

"What do you have?" He asks.

"On the unsub, the murder wasn't premeditated, so she was just a victim of opportunity, and we can't determine whether or not he's organized or disorganized. On the victim, name is Alana Clements, thirty-three, single mom, works the night shifts. Not much, but I mean, it's something."

"Call Garcia." Reid says. He walks closer to the crime scene.

Sophia nods and calls Garcia, raising the phone up to her ear.

"Helllooooo, how may I help you today."

Sophia chuckles and a warm smile is placed on her face, "What can you tell me about an Alana Clements?"


Each of the team members sit at the roundtable. Nothing new on the case, though.

"It's been more than twenty-four hours and we've got absolutely nothing more on the case." Sophia says.

"It's more intricate than we thought." Reid thinks, he has his elbow propped up on the table, and his chin in his hand.

"Guys, maybe it was just a one time thing. We might not have ourselves a serial killer." Derek suggests.

"True, but if whoever it is catches wind of the headlines they're making, he might go on a spree." Hotch sighs.

8:12 PM

Sophia decided to go home with Reid again, but he wants to stop by Carolina's place before they head home.

"I won't be any longer than five minutes." Reid tells Sophia.

He walks up to her front door and knocks.

He stands there, putting his hands in his pocket. Waiting for about twenty or so seconds before knocking again.

Carolina answers, wrapped up in a blanket and another man standing behind her.

Reid looks back and forth between the two of them.

"Oh my god- Spencer, it's not what you think." Carolina tries to explain.

Reid felt his heart break and drop to the bottom of his stomach.

"You're trying to tell me right now that you two weren't doing anything? Bullshit." Reid is infuriated, It shows a little, not much, but enough for Carolina to know.
