

The team are all at there homes, spending time with family and those they love.

Sophia's back with Oliver. They're both sleeping, but within a second she shoots open her eyes and sits up. Another nightmare. Oliver wakes up.

"You okay?" He groans and asks.

"Nightmare." She mutters and rubs her face, laying back down and staring at the ceiling.

"I'm sorry." He apologizes.

"It's whatever, I'll be fine," She pauses, "Can I borrow your computer?"

He hesitates, "Yeah, sure, why?"

"I need to check something." She states.

"Like what?" He starts getting a bit defensive.

"Why are you getting so defensive?" She sits up again.

"I just want to know why you want access to my computer?"

"Something for work, jesus." She rolls her eyes and gets out of bed.

Oliver is clearly tense. Sophia notices is immediately knows he's hiding something.

Sophia walks into the kitchen and spots the laptop on the counter, pushed up against the wall and on the charger.

She opens the laptop and is brought to a screen that requires a password.

"What's the password?" She calls out to Oliver.

"six, four, one, one, seven, two!" He calls back.

She enters the numbers into the laptop and gets in.

She's about to click on google, she notices something while skimming through the files on his home screen.

"What the fuck." She clicks on the file.

Disgusted by what she saw. She quickly closes the laptop and goes back into the bedroom.

She grabs a backpack from their closet and starts grabbing random pieces of clothing from her dresser.

"Woah woah woah, what're you doing?" Oliver gets up and moves the bag away from her just a bit.

"Get away from me you fucking perv." She shoved him and grabs the bag and her phone. Hurrying out of the room.

She walks out of the house and directly to her car. She's on the brink of crying. In the car she goes and she starts to drive off.

Down the road she goes, biting her inner cheek. She didn't have time to get ready before she left.

She does have her work clothes in her bag, though they'll be wrinkled, she doesn't really care.

Her office building is right there and she pulls into the parking lot. She parks and gets into the back of her car.

Quickly undressing herself and digging through her bag for those dress clothes.

She puts them on, looking out her windows as she does so, making sure no one is around.

She finishes changing and she gets out of her car.

Hotch is making his way up to the entrance.

Sophia sees him and gets out of the car quickly, bringing her bag inside with her.

"Hotch!" She hollers, trying to get his attention, as she hasn't caught up to him yet.

He turns around, looking at her. He stops walking and waits for her to catch up.

She makes her way to him, finally catching up.

"There's something I need to talk to you about. It's about Oliver," Her voice shakes, giving Hotch some concern, "It doesn't have to be right now though, we can talk about it later, I just wanted to give you a heads up."

She gives him a tight-lipped smile and a thumbs up, before rushing passed him and inside the building.

He follows her inside and they walk down to the elevator together.

"Are you alright?" He asks, acknowledging her shaky voice from earlier.

"I will be," She pauses and they get into the elevator, "Can I talk to you in your office as soon as we get up there instead of later?"

"Yeah, sure." He nods.

Hotch presses the '5' button on the elevator.

The doors close and they both stand there silently.


Hotch sits down in his chair at his desk and Sophia stands in front of his desk.

"This morning I was going to use Oliver's laptop, to check something," She clears her throat, "I found, I found this file labeled 'Sophia & Emily bathroom' and the only thing I could think of was when we were in Dallas a few weeks ago and he asked if he could use our bathroom," She's talking fast. She takes a break for a second.

"Okay, slow down." Hotch says, listening carefully.

"He asked if he could use our bathroom and then when I clicked on the file, it had several videos on it. You know." She fidgets and sways back and forth.

Hotch is in utter disbelief, "I'll see what I can do. You can't stay there tonight, no telling how many more cameras there are."

Sophia nods and walks out of his office.

She sits down at her desk and immediately zoned out.

"Sophia?" Spencer asks, "What happened? Are you okay?"

She doesn't answer, he taps on her desk, catching her attention.


"Are you okay?" He repeats.

"Can I stay with you tonight? I know we're just starting to get along again, but I can't stay at my place at the moment."

Spencer doesn't speak for a second, "Oh, yeah sure, of course."

"I'm gonna go talk with Garcia." She gives another tight-lipped smile and stands up.

She walks to Garcia's little cave.

Garcia gasps as soon as she sees Sophia, "Hiii! Look at this new pen I got." She holds up a pink flower pen.

Sophia smiles, "I love it!"

Garcia furrows her eyebrows, "What's wrong? That was a fake smile? Why are you fake smiling?"

"That was a pretty real smile if I do say so myself." She chuckles.

"No it wasnt."

"Yes it was."

"Fine, but only because I don't wanna argue with you." Garcia gives in.

"So whatcha up to?" Sophia asks, looking at Garcia's array of computers.

"Seeing if I can find Prince Harry's phone number." She smiles big.

"Ooh, any luck?"

"Sadly, no, but I'm going to keep trying." They both laugh.

"We should have a girls night tomorrow! With you, me, JJ, and Emily," Penelope suggests excitedly, "It would be so fun."

It confused Sophia at first since it was randomly brought up, but it made her smile.

8:22 PM

Spencer and Sophia walk out of the building together.

"I'll take my car, you can take yours?" Sophia says.

"I actually," He pauses, he thinks he might embarrass himself, "I actually don't have a car, I take the bus."



"But I've seen you drive a car?"

"Doesn't necessarily mean it's my car." He chuckles awkwardly.

She smiles and unlocks her car, "Get in."

She gets into the drivers seat and he gets into the passengers seat.

"When you pull out of the parking lot, take a left and then keep going straight." Spencer says.


They get out and she puts her backpack on, Sophia locks the car and they walk up to Spencer's apartment.

About five minutes later Sophia stops in the middle of the stairs.

"What's wrong?" Spencer asks, a good amount ahead of her.

"Why are there so many stairs." She groans and sluggishly starts walking again.

He chuckles to himself and continues to walk as well.

They finally make it up all the way. Reid unlocks the door and opens it.

Sophia walks in and looks in awe.

"Wow." She looks up and down the bookshelves.

Spencer smiles and pulls one off the shelf, "This one's really good, I think you would like it." He hands it to her.
