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"They can't keep on living."

Somewhere underground, Mahito and Junpei look at the deformed chimera looking human, if you can even call it as one. "What is that?" Yoshino questioned, wondering what the monstrous looking creature is, curiosity shining in his eyes and tone.

"An experiment to see how big human can get." A cold sweat broke out from Yoshino's face, looking at the small being that has been with him passed to him by Mahito earlier when they enter the underground.

"On the other hand, that's to see how small I can make a human become." The ravenette made a look of suprise, looking at the deformed human on his hand. "This is, a human?" There was a small pause between the two of them before Mahito spoke.

"Junpei, have you gotten used to corpses?"

The boy look up at him in surprise, his thoughts trailing over his beloved mother and |y n|. "I wonder," Yoshino passed the small human on the Bluenette's hand. "If that were my mother to be messed up.. and.."

He bit his lip, breathing out, he continue, and I'd probably have hated you, Mahito-san." There was a brief pause between the two of them, Yoshino's sight drifting to his hand, "but I know the ugly side of humans." His thoughts drifting to the part where he was constantly beaten at school because of Ito.

The hellish torture they all brought to him, unknowingly, it shift to the part where you were humiliated and he couldn't do anything to prevent it from happening.

"That's why I don't expect anything from others.. and I don't think anything of their deaths." There it was, the conflicting emotions he have, it's disturbing but he can't do anything about it nor did he realized that he is being manipulated.

Even still, he believed everything that Mahito had spouted out, somewhere inside him, he could feel it tighten for some reason, although barely, he still caught unto it.

"If you hate them, kill them, just as you eat when you're hungry." His words struck that something inside Yoshino, he look up to Mahito who grin, "I'll validate. Everything about you Junpei." He crushed the small deformed human in his hands simply like a small chip.

"What do you think of my son, |y.n|-san?" What did you think of him? Yoshino is a good person, he would treat others fairly, there's no doubt about it. You arranged your store bought foods inside the kitchen, mind occupied with the question. Despite it being a few days now, the question seems to disturb you till this day.

He's a nice guy, a nice friend. But the word friend didn't sit right with you, if not, then what is he really to you? He took care of you, accepted you for who you are despite the malicious rumors and corridor whispers about you.

You like him, he's someone endearing. Wait, what? You like him..

There was a small tingling feelings but you didn't expect yourself to admitting it. So this is what feels like to have someone by your side, unconsciously, you find yourself leaning on him.

He's your pillar.

Someone who can help you keep straight. Without him, you don't know how you'll do. Even the slightest thought of him leaving you terrifies you that you can even hear your own heart thump against your ribcage.

"Mom, I'm going out." There was no reply. You figured, sighing before leaving.

The day was bright, there are no signs of something bad happening. You walk around the corner, stopping by your tracks when you saw teacher Satomura with Yoshino. You tried to extend your hearing, curious to know what they're talking about.

Satomura is always up to no good when it comes to pressuring students after all.

"Did you stay shut in too long and get weird?" Your eyes widen, people may think of it as something harmless but you know better. "Or something like that? Ahaha!"

Just as you were about to peek once again, "STOOOOP!!!"ย  You flinched, head spinning so fast that you didn't even know you had it in you.

A guy, seemingly in the same age as you and Yoshino flew mid air before steadying himself after landing. Why won't he use his other hand? What? That's impressive though.

The three of you, Yoshino, and Satomura stared at the peculiar teen who literally flew in the air. Your eyes felt itchy, rubbing it lightly only to see something glitching that's on the hand of the pink haired boy before completely disappearing. You could've sworn you saw some entity in his hold back then. What was that? Strange..

You couldn't hear what they're talking about, but you're pretty sure that Satomura is scolding him. You continue to watch by the shadow before your eyes were tainted because of seeing your teacher's pants get pulled down by the very same peculiar boy before running away with it.

"I-" you gape before closing your mouth.
