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Every other day is just the same, the never ending routine is just part of your daily life now. Everyone has a hidden feeling within them. Even a small drop of humanity. Growing up in a kind household made you understand bits of why people does every single thing.

Bullying. Was it because they're insecure? Jealous? If not, then what? There is this kid at the other neighborhood who constantly bullies another child, and what did he confessed? "I'm jealous that he has a happy family." He answered.

Doing illegal things? There is to gain, survival or just greed. Why does some people steal? A criminal once told, "I'm not guilty of stealing food. One piece of bread would not kill you, and that one piece of bread can already save someone."

You kicked a pebble, hearing noises at the other side of the building, Hiyori long gone with her other friends.

"Piece of trash." One held his foot in the air, swinging it down to the poor person who cough out. Your eyes widen and you used your hands to conceal your gasp of shock.

"Huh? Did anyone hear something?" You cursed in your head, the beatings turned into halt, you ducked under a nearby staircase. Closing your eyes tight.

"Oi! Come out wherever you are!"

There was a brief silence before one of them talked, "nah man, there's no one here except us, it's just you being mad." Causing the other two to laugh.

"Let's go, before anyone can see this." The familiar voice made you open your eyes slightly.

Another hit, "sure, let's go stop by that ramen shop."

"Oh yeah Ito, what happened to that writer boy?" Ito. Shota Ito. You could feel your saliva getting stuck in your throat, pinkish lips quiver at the thought. To think that someone such as him would do such thing. Sure he is mischievous and mean, but you didn't know it would go to this extent.

The voices soon fade away, you stood up from your hiding spot and looked at the male who's dusting his uniform, even though some of the dirts wouldn't go away.

He had his back on you, shoulder length black hair as dark as the night. You neared him, footsteps not heard but presence felt.

Yoshino looked at who's behind him, biting his tongue down as to not comment.

Only to see a girl of his age standing with a worried look, "uhm.." she fiddled with her fingers, unsure of what to do. Yoshino looked away, starting to walk away when he felt his hand being tugged.

The physical contact startled him, by instinct, smacking the hand away. The loud thumb echoing slightly to his and the girl's ears.

Your lips once again quiver, "I'm sorry."

Yoshino couldn't help but feel slightly guilty, scratch that, he's guilty of hitting you, by instinct or not. "No, I should be the one apologizing." He mumble his words, "I was just surprised." The boy looked away from you.

"It's just.." you lightly gasped, having a short glance at the dripping blood from his mouth, you shove your hand to your pockets. Hands feeling the softness of your cloth.

You outstretched your hands with your handkerchief on it, "please use this." Yoshino stared at the cloth on your palm, contemplating whether or not take it.

He sighed, lightly pushing your hand back towards you, "I'm alright. This has nothing to concern you."

You don't know what causes you to act as such, once again trying the physical contact hand touching method. This time, he didn't hurt you. You put the cloth on his hand and curled his fingers around it.

"Please use it. You're bleeding." With one hand on his, you pointed at your lips, indicating where the blood is.

Although reluctant, the ravenette accepted it, dabbing the cloth on his lips, seeing his blood staining the (color) colored handkerchief.

"I'll return this to you tomorrow." You only smiled, bowing your head as a farewell and walking to school exit.

What could've been the reason why he's like that? Why is Ito Shota, the school Adonis bullying someone who's done nothing wrong to him? You shook your thoughts, continuing your walk home.

Please, make this world a better one.
