I love you

Please read this first:
I've written the same message in my other book too, and it's about me wrapping it up with my work. I thought I could write for longer and give you more stories, but I can't sit and pretend like I'm having the best time anymore. I have zero motivation, and I think it's because I'm just loosing interest in everything, including football.

It has come to an end, and it's not an easy decision at all. I've thought about it for a few days and I've come to conclusion that it's the best choice for me. I have other stuff I need to prioritise in life, and writing fanfics is just something I don't have time for anymore, or energy.

I'm also just at a point in my life where I want to enjoy what's around me, and that means that I want to stop using my phone as much as possible, and just enjoy my time away from the screen.

I know this sucks, most of you had requested stories too and I'm sorry I can't write them for you, hopefully you can find someone else to do it.

I know many of you love these stories and I appreciate you so much for that. I will make sure to keep my work on here for you to come back to and reread if you want. And right now, I hope this last imagine can make it up to you.

I love you. Thank you💙❤️


"Almost ready, amor?" Pedri walked into his room and saw you standing in front of the long mirror, checking yourself out.

You were checking out the dark blue dress you were going to wear to his cousin's wedding, and you were trying to figure out if something was missing.

"I think I'm ready," you said, turning around. You saw him in a beautiful black suit and looked handsome like always.

"You look beautiful," he said with a wide smile on his face as he looked at you. You blushed at his compliment, wrapping your arms around his neck as he slid his arms around your waist.

"So do you," you told him before placing a kiss on his lips.

You and Pedri had been together for 4 months, and when he asked you to be his plus one to his cousin's wedding, you felt overwhelmed but also excited and happy because this also meant that he wanted to introduce you to his whole family.

You agreed to get ready at his house so the two of you could leave together with his brother and parents. When you headed downstairs, everyone looked beautiful in their outfits, and you were feeling ready for the wedding.

When you arrived at the church where the wedding was held, you kept close to Pedri the whole time. You weren't yet comfortable socializing, and being surrounded by people you've never met would stress you out at times.

Pedri knew this, so he made sure to hold your hand, introduce you to whoever was coming your way, and make it less scary for you.

After introducing you to his close friends and family, the wedding was about to start, so you and his family headed to your seats and waited for the the bride to walk down the aisle.

You could see the excitement in Pedri and his family; that was his older cousin getting married, and it will be a very proud and emotional moment for all of them.

The music played in the background, and the bride walked down the aisle with her father. The moment was very beautiful, and a lot of people cried during the ceremony. You could tell Pedri was getting emotional too; he had told you before that it's scary seeing people around you grow up, and maybe he meant this. Seeing his best friend and his cousin move one step further into adulthood was scary but also exciting.

After that, the afterparty started. It was at another place, so you and Pedri's family had to drive there. It was a huge building, and the inside was decorated beautifully. You had never seen anything like it.

You and Pedri's family sat at a round table; he was holding your hand still, making you feel comfortable. Music was playing in the background, the DJ was in place, and he announced the slow dance for the bride and groom.

Everyone watched from their seats, capturing the beautiful moment with their eyes. You were happy for them; seeing two people in love always makes you happy, and you're thankful you get to experience love with Pedri.

A few others started to head up to the dance floor, including Rosy and Fernando too. You, Pedri, and Fer watched the two slow dancing together with other people around them doing the same.

You saw Pedri stand up, adjusting his suit, before turning to you. "Wanna dance?" He reached his hand out. You smiled and nodded, taking his hand.

He led you to the dance floor and placed his hands around your waist while you placed yours around his neck. You were both looking at each other, enjoying each other's company, and letting the music move you both in sync.

"Have you had a good time?" He asked you

"Yes," you smiled, "have you?"

"I have," he nodded. "I'm still processing that Carlos got married; we thought he'd be the last one," he chuckled.

You chuckled along, "Who did you think would be the first one?" You asked intrigued.

"Everyone said Fer because he's good with girls, but obviously that's not true," he said, making you both laugh.

"Maybe I'll even get married before Fer," Pedri teased.

"Oh, really, with who?" you teased back.

"A pretty girl who I call my girlfriend." He leaned his head closer to yours, placing a kiss on your lips. You blushed at his comment and buried your head in the crook of his neck, placing a kiss there.

A few moments later, the song ended. Pedri took your hand in his, taking you outside to one of the balconies. "Everything ok?" You asked him, wondering if something was going on.

"Just getting some fresh air," he shrugged as he stepped onto the balcony. You looked up and saw the view of the grass field, decorated with flowers.

"It's beautiful," you said, not seeing that he was looking at your side profile, adoring the way you looked.

"You're even more beautiful," he smiled. You looked at him and smiled at his cheesy compliment. "It's true," he chuckled.

He walked closer to you; you were both intwining your hands and looking at each other with nothing but love. "Thank you for coming with me today; I know it wasn't easy for you."

"I'd do anything for you, Pedri."

He smiled, placing a kiss on one of your hands, and looked back at you. "I want to give you something," he said.

"Ok," you said nervously.

He let go of your hands and pulled something out of his pocket. It was a small jewelry box in his hands, and he handed it to you, "please open it."

You became emotional even before opening the box; you felt nervous and excited at the same time, wondering what was in the box. You slowly opened it, revealing a small and thin promise ring.

"Pedri...," you looked at him shocked.

"It's a promise ring," he said, taking it out for you carefully. "I want you to wear it to let you know how much you mean to me and how much our relationship means to us," he explained. "But most of all, I want you to wear it so it can remind you everyday how much I love you."

You realized he said the three words. Neither of you had said them before, and the fact that he gave you this promise ring and said the three words along with it, teared you up.

"You love me?" You asked with a quiet and shaky tone in your voice.

"I do," he nodded, placing the ring on your finger. You looked at it and then at him; your heart was filled with so much love.

"I love you too, Pedri. So much."

He smiled at you, pulling you into a hug. You hugged him tight, enjoying every second of this moment.

"It's a beautiful ring, thank you." You leaned back and looked at your hand. He could see a few tears rolling down your cheeks, and he gently wiped them away.

"I will turn it into a wedding ring one day," he teased, causing you both to crack up. You looked at him again, and he automatically looked back at you. You were both smiling, realizing how lucky you both are to have each other
