Camp Nou

You have seen Camp Nou in pictures and videos that your boyfriend Pedri had sent you. You've seen it on the TV when watching him play, and it never fails to amaze you how beautiful and big it looks. And for the first time in months, you were finally there to support your boyfriend.

You looked around the stadium; you were surrounded by thousands of fans and a beautiful pink sky that made it look like a dream. You felt a bit nervous and overwhelmed; this was your first time in a stadium, and the fact that it was Camp Nou made it even more overwhelming, but in a good way.

You're not the best with crowded places; it makes you anxious at times, which is why you haven't felt like attending a game, and Pedri has been very understanding of that. But today seemed to be the perfect day, and you knew Pedri needed your support. All in all, it was an important game.

30 minutes remained before the game against Real Madrid would start, and the players were already on the pitch to warm up. You were sitting close to the pitch, and you were patiently looking for Pedri before you spotted him.

He was looking for you too; this game was important to him, but the fact that you were there to support him for the first time made it even more special. It meant a lot to him that you were there.

You both caught each other's eyes; he quickly blew you a kiss and waved, causing you to do the same. You felt calm and relaxed in his presence, even if he was standing a bit far away.

"Y/N!" You heard your name, causing you to look next to you. You saw Mikky walking over excitedly. You had met her a couple of times while being out with Pedri, and seeing her here right now was making you feel even calmer.

"Hi Mikky!" you smiled as you both leaned in for a hug.

"I'm so glad you came!" Mikky said it with excitement.

"It was about time I came," you let out a nervous chuckle as the two of you took a seat.

"Well, you chose the best game to attend; there will be a whole lot of drama," Mikky chuckled.

"Oh, I know," you laughed along.

The two of you kept yourselves distracted in your conversation, and as time slowly passed, the game was just about to start. You watched the players line up in front, and you noticed Pedri blowing you another kiss before it was time for him to go to his position. You heard the referee blow the whistle, and the game was on.

The game was intense but also exciting to watch from the stands. Cheers and happy screams erupted around you for each goal that was scored; you also found yourself jumping up in your seat with Mikky, screaming out of happiness. Even if Pedri didn't score, you were over the moon that Barcelona had won, and you were proud of him like you always are.

You watched the Barcelona players celebrate the victory with the fans while the Real Madrid players walked back to the tunnel. The stadium was still pretty crowded, but it didn't stop Pedri from singling you out to walk down the stairs, down to the pitch.

You hesitated at first, but Mikky assured you that everything would be fine. Together with her, you walked down the stairs; your eyes were on Pedri. You watch him wipe off his sweat with the bottom of his shirt as you approach. Your eyes dipped to his abdomen, and you could feel your cheeks heat up when you caught sight of his v-lines.

"Hola, guapa," (Hello, beautiful), Pedri said with a smile.

"Hi," you excitedly said as you pulled him into a tight hug, "I'm so proud of you, Pedri."

"You're my good luck charm," he said with a wink after leaning back from the hug.

You chuckled at his comment before looking around the pitch. You felt your heart beat faster as you noticed the cameras and eyes directed towards you and Pedri.

"You ok?" He noticed you looking around

"Uh, yeah, I'm just taking it all in," you nervously chuckled.

"Just forget about the cameras. Wanna meet the others?" He asked before placing a quick kiss on your cheek affectionately.

"Okay," you nodded with a smile. He helped you over the barrier and casually placed his hand in yours.

You had already met some of his teammates, the ones he is very close with, such as Ferran, Gavi, and Frenkie, but he wanted you to meet everyone; after all, this is Pedri's second family, and you wanted nothing more than to meet them.

As you started walking around the pitch, Gavi, who you knew very well, spotted you and jogged over to give you a friendly hug.

"Good job out there, Gavi," you said as you leaned back from the hug.

"Thanks, Y/N, I'm glad you came; it was about time," he said, throwing an arm over your shoulders while you were still hand in hand with Pedri.

You listened to Pedri and Gavi chit-chatting, talking about the game and how they were joking around. You saw some of the other Barcelona players come over, hugging Pedri and Gavi, before you were introduced. They were very friendly.

The only thing that made you feel a bit tense was the attention of the people in the stands. You knew Pedri had many fans, especially fan girls who went crazy for him. You knew that no matter how good you were to Pedri, they would always find a way to downgrade you, and you simply had to accept it.

"Don't overthink it, bebè, they love you," Pedri said as he placed a kiss on the side of your head as his arm went around your shoulders. He could always read your mind in these situations. You didn't know what to say, so you just smiled and hugged him from the side.

As you continued walking, you met more of his teammates and introduced yourself. Their families were there as well, and you got to know them better.

"Feeling good?" Pedri asked, making sure you were not too overwhelmed or stressed with everything going on. He knew this was a big step for you, so he had to make sure you were comfortable.

You nodded your head. "I'm good," you assured him.

Pedri stuck to your side like glue, holding your hand until you both reached the tunnel. "Let's go home," he smiled as you began to walk to his car.

"Thank you for coming today, Y/N, it means a lot."

"Anything for you. I had the best time," you said as you placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Can't wait for more memories at Camp Nou with you," he smiled as he pulled you into a side hug. You wrapped your arms around his waist, thinking the exact same thing.

You knew that after meeting everyone today and seeing Camp Nou with your own eyes for the first time, this place was definitely going to make you feel like home.
