Chapter 17 - Epilog

^+^ ???'s POV ^+^

✏️February 24th, 2027

This quirk helped not just making things official with Bakugo and Y/n, it also helped Y/n's thoughts of committing suicide, since she had to share them even if she didn't want to...

Bakugo could hear them too, and since the date they knew about it, they've been mastering it.

Now whenever they need it, from missions to "pass me the soda from the fridge", they can use it perfectly.

They announced it to the class too, they were glad and happy for them, very much of "I knew they'd end up together" from Mina and Jirou, but they were happy as well.

The time she spent with Bakugo, Y/n forgot about her negative feelings and tried her best to not embarrass herself with him.

But Bakugo never judged her, he'll be by her side whenever she needs him to, just as well, Y/n promised it too the day of their wedding 6 years later.

Things with Y/n's family got better when Y/n presented Bakugo to them; they started actinf happily and more affectionate with her.

They supported then with everything, just as Katsuki'd parents.

The wedding was in one of Mexico's beaches, it was all crowded by peiple heroes, friends and their families, and maybe some random fans.
Bakugo was dressed with a black suit, with a white shirt and shiny blach shoes.
The ring was made of gold, Y/n's with a little and gorgeous diamond color red, as the blonde's eyes.

However, Katsuki's was the same, just that the diamond was Y/n's eyes color.
Y/n has a large white dress, adorned with small white and gold gemstones, with a long veil up to the waist, and silver heels.
How everyone celebrated and cheered up when the couple kissed, it's simply indescribable and unforgettable.
The party was known all over the world since Bakugo ended up as the 2nd Pro-Hero in the top 10 ranking, they made the same year of the wedding, Y/n was 3rd place.
The kiss was passionate, it was filled with the memories they had since they met, from a street strangers, to lovers and now husbands.


3 years later, Bakugo and Y/n decided to have a baby, this one was named "Narumi" which means 'blooming beauty'.

This little girl grew up with almost all Katsuki's traits, his hair, she had it, (even the spikey part), the red eyes, she had it.

But her attitude was the only thing she got from
Y/n, since she was almost every time with her while Katsuki had to go to work.


Narumi was artistic, clever, hard-working and sensitive.

When Katsuki saw how lonely she was when both parents were busy, decided to give her a brother/sister.


This ended up as a brother, which now got half Bakugo's and half Y/n's traits.

His hair was (your hair color) and his eyes too.

His attitude was just as Bakugo's even though the case was just the same as with Narumi; he had to stay with Y/n almost every time.

Where did he develop that character? No one knows...
He was named "Katsumoto", it means 'victorious child'.

And you must be asking, what happened with the cats which were their first meeting... well, sadly and just as life goes, they died, but not before each of them left five kittens with a mix of their colors.

Now they're raising five cats, two kids and a safe future for everyone.

Thankingn each day for meeting those beautiful and significant cats and having and amazing quirk named illusions. ✏️




        🅁🄴𝚟-𝚟𝕖a𝐥𝐢𝐧----ᘜ ???


??? =

     𝐘/𝐍 𝐋/𝐍


Y/n: Now this took me more than a month man...but I'm really glad with the results, I hope people like this

I looked over a poster I just got yesterday of Bakugo Katsuki, my favorite MHA character, wishing people appreciate how hurtful and painful it's to make a fanfic from a non-existing person.

It does really hurt, but...anytime I ser his smile in the show, when he makes those bombs and everytime he's made-(always)--I-I love it!

How could I fell in love with a character?

But, I'm glad I did, this, this distracted me from a boring afternoon and got me doing the best I can do now!

And I'll help other just as he'd do it, even though...he's just an --Ⓐ︎Ⓝ︎𝘪𝓶ℯ ᴄʜᴀ𝒓𝔞𝔠ㄒ乇ꋪ.-----

And at the end those are just


Thank you so much for reading this short fanfinc!
(Just to clarify a bit, the last part at Y/n's L/n's POV also represents a little how I feel about writing for anime characters; hey, but not that I don't like it, it's just that sometimes the reality hits and-well, I guess you know if you read this...).

