Chapter 1

∞ ??? POV ∞

✏️February 4th, 2027

An incredible coincidence from the future

Y/n was walking through the streets, with her usual mask on. She doesn't like to be seen.
It was a bit late tho', approximately 9 PM.
She was walking from the supermarket with some stuff her mother asked her to bring, and gave her the money to...
She was peacefully muttering some things about her thoughts or cursing and swearing some people she doesn't like to be with. Soon that peace was over.
She turned to look at her left side, another street, were some strange noices were coming, being surprised by a box with two little cats.
The one at the right hand had white and soft fur, and green eyes, the one at the left was light brown, with their fur a little rough, with orange eyes.
They were asking for food the only way they could, meowing.
Y/n fall for those beautiful creatures, they were so cute even tho' she like more aquatic animals.
She turned her glance inside the bag with the things she bough, disappointed looking back to the cats knowing she had nothing to feed them with.
Th cats kept meowing louder and louder.
Soon another loud thing heard coming over the street where Y/n was, like footsteps, but louder than normal ones.

The person shout, letting Y/n know it was about a very aggressive or mad, man, while turning her body to look where the voice was coming from.
Y/n-"Hey, there's no need to scream"
Y/n said looking to the man, ho now was in-front of her and looking at her back, staring at the box with cats.
Y/n-"Uhm... I tried looking for some food in my bag but I don't have any"
??-"Aren't they yours?!"
Y/n-"No, I was walking through this street and I saw them"
The man walked to the box and picked one of the cats, the brown one, they were still crying and the cat almost scratched the man' face, to be specific, he's forehead.
??-"STOP IT!"
The unknown said separating the cat from his head and trying to load it like a baby, after this move, the man started ti pet the cat's head, this action made Y/n giggle a bit because the cat started purr and closed their eyes.
Y/n-"You're pretty good with them tho'"
??-"I'm the best at everything you can imagine!"
Y/n-"Oh really?"
The scream made the cat jump off the man's arm and fall in the box with the other who was still crying.
??-"That was just an accident"
Time was running and the silence was making the environment from funny and cute, turn into an awkward and weird one.
That's why Y/n decides to speak not letting more time pass from the time she had to came back to her home and also clarify what is she going to do with the cats.
Y/n-"Uhm... do you want to keep them?"
??-"I just can have one of them tho' "
Y/n-"Welp-who do you want?, angry boy"
??-"How the fuck did you just call me?!"
Y/n-"Haha, I don't know your name, that's why this nickname came to my mind"
??-"Fuck you"
Y/n-"Ok, then I'll pick this one"
Y/n said picking up the white cat, the sudden move made the cat cry even louder, making Y/n flinch a bit but then load them as a baby and pet them as the man did minutes ago.
??-"Fine, I'll have this one"
The man came closer to the box somehow the moon light letting Y/n see his blond hair and intense red eyes, shining, like he was a love at first sight you can say... but she was sure they were just strangers so nothing will happen and her life will be the ame as ever after this.
Y/n-"I see good people still exists... good, well, I got to go, bye... uhh..."
??-"Bakugo and you?"
Y/n-"Y/n! Well, bye"
The two people took the cats in a hand and start walking through their respective ways.✏️
