INTERVIEWER: "You said that you had to decide for yourself that she would become a star - did you make your choice?"

BILLY: he chuckles, leaning back in his seat, "Ivy Grey was a star the minute she walked out on stage at that old club on the Strip - that girl had born talent."

IVY: "Billy always told me that the second I released an album, I would be selling out stadiums. I think I just used to laugh and tell him that I didn't need his validation," she chuckles, "I saw him the minute I walked out on stage that night, he was sitting at the bar with a whisky in hand and he just had this smirk on his face which used to make my stomach flutter. I knew exactly which of my songs that I wanted to sing."

BILLY: "She was singing about me."

"Hey, y'all, this one is called Sparks Fly!" the small crowd that had gathered, recognising her from previous gigs, gives her a cheer and she begins to strum her instrument- the newest addition to her collection, a light blue electric guitar.

"The way you move is like a full on rain storm/ And I'm a house of cards/ You're the kind of reckless that should send me running/ But I kind of know that I wont get far."

Ivy's brown eyes meet with the familiar set of green ones across the club, "And you stood there in front of me/ Just close enough to touch/ Close enough to hope you couldn't see what I was thinking of."

IVY: "God, I can still remember how intense the eye contact was, I couldnt tell if i wanted to look away or rip his clothes off."

"Get me with those green eyes, baby, as the lights go down/ Give me something that will haunt me when you're not around/ 'Cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile."

BILLY: "She was captivating on stage, I remember every single person's sole attention was on her and all I could think about was how she was focused on me."

IVY: "After my gig, I decided to head over to Billy to see what he thought about it."

BILLY: "We talked a little bit..." he trails off with furrowed brows, "I'm not quite sure how we ended up in the backseat of a cab."

IVY: "We ended up back at my place, my brother was out for the night - he'd met someone or something, I don't really remember what the note he had taped to the refrigerator said - I didn't exactly have time to focus on it."

Ivy's back is pushed against the refrigerator as Billy's hand reaches into her hair. All she could feel were his hot kisses trailing down her neck, his thumb tracing gentle circles on the exposed skin where her top didn't quite reach her flared pants.

She gasps slightly as he nibbles on her sweet spot and he can't help but smirk as his green eyes look up at her, "You like that, baby?"

Ivy is quick to slip out of his hold and switch their positions, "Don't call me baby," she leans closer, smashing her lips onto his own, moaning when he bends his knee between her thighs.

Billy raised a brow slightly at her sudden dominance, not used to this sort of fire, "You are something else, Ivy Grey," he breathes out as he detaches his lips from hers, their foreheads together and lust clouding their eyes.

"How about we take this upstairs?" She smirks and he matches it.

IVY: "I'm sure you can gather what came next."

BILLY: looks down with a frown.

IVY: "I didn't know he had a girlfriend back then."

INTERVIEWER: "What happened when you found out about Camila?"

IVY: Diverts her eye contact guiltily, "I was mad at first, but I wasn't used to not getting what i wanted, ever since Momma...well, let's just say my dad spoiled me rotten."

BILLY: "I couldn't stay away from her."

IVY: "Things stopped for a while and I tried to forget him - I did, but then Teddy made me a part of the band."

BILLY: "We'd sneak around for a bit and then I'd go back home to Cami and try my best to forget about Ivy - I was going to end things with Camila eventually, but then she got pregnant."

IVY: "I was devastated."

Ivy sits on the band's front porch with a frown, a cigarette in her hand and a bottle of Billy's whisky sat beside her, half empty. She wasn't stupid, she knew that Billy probably wouldn't ever leave Camila but that didn't stop a little part of her from having hope.

She feels a tear drip down her face and she wipes it away in frustration, she couldn't cry over Billy Dunne. He was never hers, she knew that but at times it felt like he was.

He was always looking at her when he sang, when he made a joke, when he was proud of himself. She felt betrayed by him, she hated the fact that she couldn't even hate Cami - the brunette had been nothing but kind to her and Ivy knew that she didn't deserve one bit of that kindness.

KAREN: "I think I had a gut feeling at what was happening between Ivy and Billy before I even knew about it," she sighs, "So, when Camila and Billy announced that they were getting married that night and Ivy seemed to have vanished, I went out to find her."

"Hey, what are you doing out here on your own?" The blonde asks, taking a seat beside her new friend on the porch.

Ivy shrugs, "Drinking myself dry."

KAREN: "She was wasted and probably high as well - I didn't want to take advantage of that and pry about what was upsetting her so much, so I just sat with her for a while."

IVY: "Karen was probably my best friend back then, it's like she knew exactly when I wanted to talk and when I just needed some comfort."

"Why is it always people like her that get everything." Ivy slurs, another tear slipping down her cheek as she stubs out her cigarette and reaches in her pocket for the diet pills.

"What do you mean?" Karen asks in confusion, deciding not to say anything about the pills which were being washed down by whisky.

"The guy, the baby, the looks - everything!" Ivy looks down, "And you can't even be jealous of her, you know? You can't hate someone like her because she's so ridiculously sweet and caring and nice and, and a good fucking person. It's like she's made of fucking, I don't know, fucking angel dust."

KAREN: "I just assumed she was jealous of the fact Camila was getting married and pregnant and that Ivy was lonely," she shrugs, "Ivy didn't really have many friends or anything when she joined the band - she had Toby and that was about it."

IVY: "Of course the band thought I was lonely - the only people they saw me with were them and my brother. But I'd often party with Daisy, she was fun to be around and she was good at getting cheap alcohol and pills. And the rest of my time was spent with Billy behind closed doors."

"You're a good person too, Ivy," Karen tells her but she shuts her eyes tight, more tears spilling out as she shakes her head. Karen places a hand on the girls arm to regain her attention, "You are, Ives."


"Yes." Karen says firmly, she takes a hold of Ivy's hand and pulls her to stand up, "Now, come on, dry those eyes and let's go and join the others."

KAREN: "I often wonder that if we had stayed out there just a little longer, would she have told me about the affair before it became as big as it did? And if she did, would it have ended?" she shrugs, "We'll never know because I dragged her back out to the wedding party and we didn't mention that conversation ever again."

IVY: "I didn't do much partying that night, I did, however, wake up hungover out my mind the next day and found an old notebook with a few lines to what would soon become my song Lacy."

"Like ribbons in your hair/ my stomachs all in knots/ you got the one thing that I want/ oh, i try, i try, i try, try to rationalise/ people are people but/ it's like you're made of angel dust."

