
I had wondered for days. Through dense green woods and a smoldering sea of sand. My feet ached and were blistered. I did not know where I was going. Only that I would know when I arrived. 

Something was missing. Some large part of me knew that to find it, I would have to leave home. Waiting would only make it worse. This ache I felt whenever I thought about talking to anyone. My future depended on finding the one person who could help me. 

I only had so much time. I could tell that I was beginning to grow weaker and my mind was beginning to come more clouded. It was hard to remember things that had happened minutes ago and finish a thought. 

I looked out into the distance hoping to see some source of water or shade. I needed a break to rest my aching feed and get more water, I was starting to run dangerously low. 

I could barely hear my own voice when I spoke out loud. my mouth had become so dry at this point there was nothing for me to swallow. Drinking the last of my water would no longer help. I would have to wait till I was close to water. 

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