

It was all I felt. I knew he would show but when?

Destiny, Fate, they were all here in this one moment.


There was something about the way she moved.

Lithe and graceful, almost hidden from the eye.

Unknown to me Innocence can be seen in all things someone does. I had never seen Innocence in someone. Everyone I knew were only every truly Innocent when born.

Her Innocence shown brightly.

A bright ray of sunshine I had never seen.

I waited for her to turn; to get a glimpse of her full beauty,

And her... to glimpse her future.

Green, vivid, so deep it was almost like a never ending sea of tress.

Drowning in the depth of Aspen trees.

She was beautiful and perfect and mine.



It was all I felt. I knew you would show but when?

Destiny, Fate, they were all here in this one moment.


Waiting for a moment when the clouds would part and the sun would began to shine.

There was Innocence in you eyes,

But you would always be mine. 

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