
"Today is the day." Amber grins, taking her hair out of its ponytail and letting fall onto her shoulders. "Today is the day I finally get to see them!"

She double-checked her calendar, just to make sure. Yes, it was the day. On this Saturday in January, 1964, she would get to go to her very first concert. A Beatles concert, to be exact.

Amber looked at herself in the mirror, she had to wear something absolutely perfect.

The night before, she had rooted through her closet and wardrobe, searching for the perfect thing. Now lying on her bed was her two choices.

"Hey Kimmy! Which do you think I should wear?" Amber's best friend comes into the room, yawning. She's just gotten out of the shower, so she towel-dries her hair while looking over the choices. She had spent the night, because they'd be attending the concert together.

"Why are you asking me? You're the fashion expert." She says, fingering the fabric of the dress.

"I know, but do you think a dress would be too fancy? Too overdone?"

Kim shrugs. "I'm just going to wear jeans."

Amber looks at the outfit next to the dress. Jeans, and a black sweater.

Kim walks over to the window and looks out. "Just think. In a few hours, we'll be watching a Beatles concert!"

"I know right! It's almost seems to good to be true..." Amber says as she slips the sweater over her head.

"But it is true." Kim grins wide.

"We need to find you something to wear." Amber takes Kim's hand and pulls her to the overnight bag on the floor. She looks through all of it, then finally pulls out jeans and a simple cream colored top.

They both stand in front of the mirror, doing each other's hair.

"I bet John is going to think you're sexy." Amber giggles.

"Like he would ever look at me. First, I'm 19 and he's 23. Second, he would never think I'm pretty. Imagine all the gorgeous girls he's met."

"Aww, c'mon. You can't possibly think that. You're really pretty, and he would be lucky to have you. And a girl can dream, can't she? Like I dream about Paul..." Amber sighs dramatically.

"I personally think you'd be better with George." Kimberly says as she puts thin braids throughout Amber's short purple hair.

"An why's that?"

"Because you need someone calm and quiet in your life. You're rather crazy. The first time we met, when you moved to England, I was scared of you."

Amber laughs. "Because I was a purple-haired, green eyed American who was playing an electric guitar in the park? Who wasn't a little scared of me at first?"

"True, true." Kim chuckles.

Once Kim is finished with Amber's hair, they look at themselves in the full length mirror. "Does this make me look pale?" Amber asks, looking at her hand compared to the black sweater.

"You are pale." Kim says.

Amber punches her in the shoulder. "Shut up."

Amber looks at the clock. "11am. When does it start?"

"Umm... " Kim gets her ticket out of her bag and inspects it. "4pm. What should we do until then?"

"Call Mari and see if she wants to jam a little?" Marilyn was there other best friend, and last member of their band.

"Yeah. Sure." Kim picks up Amber's phone and dials the number.

"Hello?" A sweet voice answers.

"Hey, girl! Me and Amber have a few hours to go before our concert, so do you want to come over and play a little?"

"Of course! I'll bring my bass!" She hangs up after that.

"Wow. She must be really eager to play." Amber laughs. She walks to the corner of her room and picks up her sleek black electric guitar. It had originally belonged to her sister, but Amber was the one who had a real interest in playing it.

Kim and Amber both go to Amber's living room. She lives in a small house, with two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a small living room. The living room has become their practice room, a piano in the center of the floor, and a drum set to the left of it. They don't have an official drummer, but Amber plays the, we'll enough.

"She should be here soon. By how excited she sounded, she might run instead of walk." Kim smiles.

Marilyn shows up in a number of minutes, her bass strapped to her back. "Ready to play?" She pants when Kim opens the door for her.

"Did you run all that way?" Kim asks. Marilyn nods.

"With your bass?" Amber asks, mouth gaping. Marilyn nods again and gives a sly grin.

Mari is tall and slim, but looks perfectly like a bass player. She sings a sweet soprano, which compliments Kim's perfect alto and Amber's low and loud rock voice.

"Okay. I just have to get my guitar from Amber's room!" Kim runs out of the room and comes back with her acoustic guitar.

"So, what are we playing today?" Amber asks.

"We'll, I don't know about you guys, but I was thinking we could eat something first. That run took a lot out of me." Marilyn says.

Amber leans her guitar against the piano. "I'm feeling a bit hungry as well."

Marilyn and Kim set their instruments next to Amber's, and they all walk into the cozy kitchen.

Amber grabs a pickle jar out of the fridge, and offers some to Marilyn. She takes one, and hands it back to Amber.

"I don't see how you two can eat just pickles." Kim says.

"And I don't see why you don't!" Mari giggles.

Kim takes out a package of crackers and turns on Amber's record player and her Beatles album begins to play.

"I just love them so much!" Amber says, swaying her head to 'I Saw Her Standing There'.

"The Beatles aren't really my thing." Marilyn says. "But I guess they're alright."

"If you were anyone else, I'd slap you." Kim points a finger at Mari, her face serious. Then she starts laughing.

"Hey, Mari. Earlier me and Kimmy were talking about how are concert might go. Don't you think Kim and John Lennon would look absolutely adorable together?" Amber asks.

"Yes!" Mari smiles.

"No!" Kim blushes. But then she smiles. "But what about Amber and George?"

Mari wiggles her eyebrows.

"But I like Paul. He's my favorite." Amber says.

"Whatever you say." Marilyn crunches on another pickle.

Soon they're done snacking, and finally playing some music. They way songwriting works is Kim writes the piano music and possibly acoustic, then it goes to Marilyn for bass, then Amber usually does lyrics and drums, and possibly electric if it's needed. Or in a totally different order, but the same person does the same thing.

They play for a few hours, until Kim's fingers are sore, then she steps put and just watches and talks. Amber and Marilyn finally stop playing when Amber's voice is a little hoarse and Marilyn announces she's hungry again.

"Man, that girl can eat." Kim mutters as Marilyn finishes off the pickle jar. She then hands the jar to Amber, who drinks it.

"Gross." Kim says, and Marilyn smiles.

"What time is it?" Amber asks, wiping up the pickle juice that had been dribbling down her chin.

"3pm. We really have to leave." Kim says.

"Where is the concert, anyway?" Mari asks, grabbing her bass and getting ready to leave.

"About a mile away. So we're walking." Amber answers.

Marilyn leaves and Amber and Kim get ready to go.

"I can't believe this is really happening." Amber says, fixing her hair a little.

"We're actually going to see the Beatles." Kim says, her eyes sparkling. "WE'RE ACTUALLY GOING TO SEE THE BEATLES!" She yells. Amber let's out a powerful screech. They jump up and down, and then start laughing really hard.

"We're freaks!" Amber says, laughing.

"Freaks who are going to a Beatles concert!" Kim grins.

Amber and Kim then grab their bags and head out the door, smiling the whole way.
