
I feel terrible. I'll probably just end up uploading the next three chapters, because it takes me forever to get on here. 

I originally had this story on a website called Quotev, and the sequel is already out there. 

  "Your house is... Nice..." Rebecca looks distastefully at the drum set in the living room.  

"Would you like to know where you'll be staying?" Amber asks.  

"Yeah. Of course." Rebecca nods, picking up her bags.  

"I'll lead you to the guest room and help you unpack." Kimberly takes one of her bags and begins carrying it up the stairs to the guest room.  

"So, Will... How you been?" Amber asks him, attempting to be polite.  

"Pretty good. What about you?"   

"Oh, you know... Just my weird self." She laughs.  

"You're not weird... You're actually quite pretty." He takes a step towards her.   

"Um, thanks, I guess."   

"Will! You should come unpack your things, as well!" Rebecca shouts from atop the stairs.  

"Coming, my love." He calls back, and goes up the stairs.  

Amber feels odd, all alone, until Kimberly comes back. "Give the love birds something to do?" Amber asks her.  

Kim clears her throat. "No, but they gave themselves something to do." She raises her eyebrows. "If you know what I mean."  

Amber gasps and starts for the stairs. "Not in my house, they don't!" She runs up to the room and pounds in the door.  

"Busy!" Rebecca calls.  

"No you're not!" Amber takes out her key that opens every door in the house, and unlocks the door. She covers her eyes. "Just a warning, this is my house, and none of that goes on here."  

Rebecca giggles. "Not for you, it doesn't."   

Amber's face turns red. She takes her hands off her eyes, to see them both smiling, all wrapped around each other.   

"Now listen here, Becca. And you too, Willy." Amber seethes. "If you're to stay here, you have to be nice. And no 'couple time' until you're gone, okay? This is my house."  

Rebecca rolls her eyes and slides away from Will. "Fine. Whatever."  

Amber smiles. A bit of an evil smile. "Good." She then marches back down the stairs to Kimberly, who hits her on the back. "Hear any of that?" Amber blushes.  

"All of it." Kim smiles.  

"Hope they know now." Amber sighs and sits down at the piano chair. Kimberly sits next to her.   "Would you mind calling the guys, see if they'd like to come of tomorrow? I want them to hear the rest of that song." Amber picks up her guitar.  

"You finished it?" Kimberly smiles, walking to the phone.  

"No. But I will." She scratches her head. "And maybe another..."  

"Alright, go do what you need to do. I'll start cooking something for lunch in a little while."  

Amber walks up into her room and strums her guitar a bit.


Kimberly smiles when she hears Amber's ragged voice singing something. Her voice is the kind that can go from high and pretty to low and rumbly in a matter of seconds.  

She's decided on making mashed potatoes, but it's harder than you'd think. She stirs it up and mashes it until she's finally satisfied. It's been about an hour, so she decided to call the others.   "Rebecca! Will! Amber!" She yells. She would go up and get them, but doesn't know what she'll find in Rebecca and Will's room.  

Amber is the first to come down, a smile on her face.  

"Did you get it?"  

Amber throws her hands up in the air. "Success! Finished that one, and finished another one I've been working on for a while."  

Kimberly claps her hands together. "That's great!"   "We're here." Rebecca says from the stairs. Her hair isn't messy, which is a bit of a relief. She actually looks kind of mad at Will.  

"Ready?" Kimberly puts the potatoes on the table.  

"Yeah. I'm starving." Amber pats her stomach.   They all sit down at Amber's table. It's silent until Amber clears her throat.  

"So, Kimberly, are they coming tomorrow?"   

"Yeah. Ringo answered, he says that they can come for dinner tomorrow. He says that he'd love if we could have it outside, in your backyard."

Kim smiles.  

"Wait. Who's 'they'?" Rebecca leans forward.  

"You said Ringo..." Will scratches his head. "No, you can't mean..."  

Amber grins. "Yeah. We're best friends with the Beatles."   

Rebecca laughs. "Really? That's amazing. But how do I know you're not lying?"   "Uhh...." Kimberly looks at Amber.   

"You'll just have to see them tomorrow." She sets her hands on the table.   "Alright. But you better be telling the truth." Rebecca points her finger at them.   

"You know, I should probably go home." Kimberly pushes her chair back and stands up. "I don't think spending another night here is a good idea."   

"And I think I'm going to go to sleep." Rebecca stands, taking Will up with her.   

Amber begins clearing off the table while Kimberly gets her coat and guitar ready to leave.   

"You're really going to leave me alone with them?" Amber whispers to Kim as Rebecca and Will walk up the stairs.  

"Oh, you'll be fine. I'll be coming around here tomorrow at 5:00, so we can get ready for dinner." Kimberly slips her coat over her shoulders, and her guitar onto her back.   

Kimberly leaves the house and Amber puts all the dishes into the sink. She'll have to get to those later.  

Amber puts on the beat-up leather jacket shed had since she was fifteen, and starts down the street. She doesn't want to come back to the house until Rebecca and Will were sleeping.  

It's really pretty outside. The moon is bright and glowing, the air is cool and wind. It blows back her hair, and makes her cheeks flush.  

Then Amber hears a whimpering from the alley to her right. She looks down it, but see nothing.   "Hello?" She walks towards the alley slowly, and hears it again. "Who's there?" She walks into it, and her foot hits a box on the ground. 

  "Whoa..." She crouches and looks inside the box. The whimpering is coming from a small puppy. Next to it is a kitten. Amber quickly picks up the box. She roaches the kitten, to make sure it's alive. It is, but might not be for long.  

"Whoever left you here... They deserve to be left in a box on the street." Amber takes off her jacket and puts it on top of the animals like a blanket. She makes sure she has a firm grip on the box, then jogs towards home. Her steps are light, just in case whoever left them is still near by.   Amber quickly opens the door to her house, and locks of again. She sets the box on the table opens it. "REBECCA!" She yells.

  Her sister runs down the stairs. "Shh! Will is sleeping!" Then she sees the box. "Oh my." She picks up the kitten and feels for a heartbeat. Then she starts rubbing it.  

"What will that do?" Amber whispers, doing the same to the puppy.  

"They're freezing, genius. It'll keep them alive." Rebecca does that for a few minutes, then hands the kitten to Amber. She takes a blanket off the couch and places it by a heat vent, making a makeshift bed. "Put them there." Amber does what she says.  

"Are they going to be okay?"  Amber whispers, looking over Rebecca's shoulder at the animals.   

"Hopefully. Just stay here until morning. Every so often, make sure they're still breathing. If not, rub them a little like before." Rebecca yawns and starts walking towards the stairs.   

"Why don't you stay here with me?"  

"Because I have a man to stay with, unlike you." Rebecca laughs.   

The puppy whimpers. "What if he just keeps whimpering?"  

Rebecca sighs. "When we had that dog, back when we were kids in America, before you moved here... How did you make him sleep? Wasn't he whiny, too?"  

"I sang to him." Amber whispers.   

"Then do that." Rebecca says before going up the stairs.  

Amber takes a deep breath and looks at the puppy and kitten. That dog that her and her sister had... It was shot by a rabbit hunter when Amber was twelve. The same year her grandpa died...   "Nothing you love ever stays..." She whispers. "Not for me, at least." The puppy whimpers again and Amber starts singing softly until it stops. She checks their breathing, and they're fine. Then she takes another blanket off the couch, and falls asleep on the floor.
