Part Seven: Ryder

(Part Seven: Ryder)

(Ava's P.O.V)

I pull my hands out of Xavier's steel grip as my phone blares a familiar tune and I quickly check the number.


"Hey" I answer, placing the phone by my ear and placing my free hand back onto Xavier's.

He smiles slightly, exhaustion clear on his face.

"Hey... Is uh, Xavier listening? " Stephen answers, his voice hushed, forcing me to listen harder.

I glance to my side and nod slightly before realizing he can't see me.

"Yeah, why? " My attention leaves the tired figure beside me and I watch the tv as a familiar show comes on.

"Don't let him, I have to say something important but I don't want to stress him out" Stephen says in an even more hushed tone.

"What?" I ask, hearing him but wanting him to repeat himself.

What could possibly stress him out when he's all drugged up?

"Just leave to use the bathroom or something, don't tell him you're talking to me" Stephen speaks slightly louder.

"Why can't I listen? " Xavier mutters from beside me.

I jump at his sudden sentence and glare jokingly at him.

"I've got to take this call from Stephen, I'll be right back" I say loud enough for Stephen to hear.

He whines from his side of the phone as I don't listen to him and I get up silently leaving the room.

"Okay drama queen, I'm out of the room, you can tell me" I muse, wrapping my arms around myself as a chill makes its way to me.

A few nurses pass me, smiling and carrying on their way.

"Prepare yourself AJ, this is pretty serious" He sighs and I frown.

What could possibly be serious enough that I'd have to brace myself?

"I saw Ryder. "

It takes a moment for me to understand what he's saying, but once the name leaves his mouth, I freeze.


My thoughts instantly trail to high school, when I met him and I shudder.

"That's not possible, no one knows where he is" I scowl.


"I'm so sorry Ava, but... I wouldn't lie to you" He speaks, a frown evident in his voice.

I close my eyes.

"I know. "
~ ~ ~ ~

(Three years prior)

I pull my sweater closer to myself, fearing for my life as the upperclassmen push past me.

"Freshy" Someone jokes to me and I glare to my side, relaxing when I see a freshman acquaintance of mine.

"Says you" I nudge her.

"Yes says me, you look like you're fearing for your life" She giggles, covering her hand with her mouth.

"Well, I am" I pout, narrowly dodging another student walking down the wrong side of the hall.

I doubt if I were to fall right now, anyone would stop.

I'd be trampled to death.

Or not, I don't know.

We fall into a comfortable silence until we part ways.

I turn a corner, instantly clashing into someone else, my books toppling to the ground.

"The binding! " I cry out, bending down and inspecting the book bindings, relieved to see they're fine.

"I'm so sorry" A low voice rushes out and I look up, my eyes widening as I see the most beautiful human in existence.

"Yeah.... " I daze off staring at him before realizing how rude I was being.

I take his hand and he pulls me up, into his chest.

"I'm sorry, I meant to apologize i-i just got distracted-" He cuts me off with a laugh.

"You're cute.....I'm Ryder" He sticks his hand out for a hand shake.

My face heats up at the compliment and I fist bump his hand, leaving him confused.

"I don't do hand contact" I quickly explain.

Well, I don't do any contact.

I'm very touch averted.

With a smile he nods in understanding.

"Oh, and I'm Avalon, but friends call me..... Avalon" I awkwardly shuffle.

He's silent for a moment before snapping his fingers.

"How about Ava? It suits you" He responds without missing a beat.

Only my mom calls me that, it's sort of weird.

Unlike him, I don't get the chance to respond, because right as I'm about to, a lanky kid around our age slings his arm over Ryder's shoulders.

Ryder gives him an annoyed look and I subconsciously move away from the two.

"What Kyle? " He grunts.

"Who's the babe? " He winks to me.

"Did you really just say that? " Ryder gives him an incredulous look.

I shuffle my feet and freeze as the bell rings.

Well, that's nifty, I'll be late to my first class, first hour, on my first day, on my first year.


While they chat I slowly back away, scampering to my class in hopes of being on time.

~ ~ ~ ~

I lean against a wall and bang my head back, closing my eyes in frustration.

"Class that rough? " A voice muses from beside me and my eyes spring open.

I snap my head to the side and see Ryder giving me a lopsided grin and shoving folders into his bag.

"Oh hi" I squeak, embarrassed at being caught in my distress.

"Hey" He grins and finishes putting stuff away.

"Are you a 'freshy' Too? " I ask, exasperated and tired.

With a soft laugh he responds, nodding and leaning against the locker.

Good, maybe I'll have a friend in this horrid place.

~ ~ ~ ~

(Present Time)

The little prick.

My mind flashes back over the memories and I scowl, knowing he didn't stay friendly much longer.

I just got off the phone with Stephen and for once, I'll agree with him.

We shouldn't tell Xavier until he's out of the hospital.

I peek around the corner, watching a nurse try to hand Xavier a tray as he refuses to the best of his ability.

"I'm flattered but I have a girlfriend" His loopy voice fills my ears and I cover up a laugh, feeling slightly guilty that the nurse is struggling so much.

I decide to make an appearance, sliding into the room.

The nurse relaxes a considerable amount, and I take the tray from her as she silently thanks me.

"C'mon, you need to eat" I pull a chair closer to him and sit down, handing him his smoothie.

He stares at me for a moment before a bright smile breaks out onto his face.

"Goldi" His smile softens and he starts frowning before tearing up.

"What's wrong? " I ask, aware that the gas makes him emotional and out of it.

He looks intensely doped up.

"I just love you so much" He pouts, messing with the smoothie in sadness.

"The feelings mutual" I joke while kissing his cheek.

Within a good ten minutes of us talking, he's fast asleep, allowing me some time to think.

There's no way Ryder could be here because of us.... Right?

How could he have known? It was a spontaneous trip.

Not only that, but we told minimal people about it.

The list of people we told go down to our parents, pets and that's all.

Is it possible that this is where Ryder has been hiding?

Or the more logical reasoning behind this....

Maybe Stephen was just seeing things, he's got the imagination of a ten year old.

I nod to myself, a false sense of relaxation filling me.

~ ~ ~ ~

"What would you choose for a super power? " I hear Stephen ask Tracey as I approach them.

She's silent for a moment and they completely ignore me as they're too caught up in their questions.

"I don't know, probably like, hindsight" She shrugs.

"Yes okay that's great, but not a good power to fight villains" Stephen pouts.

She stares at the ground, sipping her coffee, "Yeah, I see that now. "

I roll my eyes and sit down with them at the table, running my hand through my hair.

"Sorry to interrupt your harmless banter, but we need to talk. "

Stephen shudders overdramatically while whispering, "anxiety inducing. "

I lightly slap his arm, closing my eyes for a moment at his idiocy.

"Ryder? " I give him a look, waiting for an explanation.

"Oooh yes, that guy" Tracey gives me a sympathetic look as our ever so dorky friend, breaks into the story.

~ ~ ~ ~

I place my head in my hands, defeat weighing down my chest.

Tracey coos in a motherly way while hugging me, all trying to make me feel better.

"I'm going to the bathroom" I mutter, standing up.

They nod to me and I make my way down the hallway, deep in thought.

It just... Doesn't make any sense...

Is he up to something? Should we contact the police?

That's a great idea, but where's my evidence?

There's the deal breaker, I guess it'll be an on our own problem.

Instead of going to the bathroom, I walk to the back exit door, squinting at the lamp post as I walk outside.

Sitting on a bench, I stare at a few visible stars and watch my breathing fog the air as the night gets colder.

"This sucks" I laugh to myself, feeling tired from the long day.

"You can say that again" Someone mutters from beside me, causing me to jump and whip my head to the left.

My eyes widen and I cover my mouth, immediately getting off of the bench and backing away.

"Don't piss yourself, I'm not here to cause trouble... " The familiar face lifts both hands into the air, a defensive look on their face.

"Ryder." I stand up stiffly, crossing my arms and staring at his dark figure by the lamp post.

With a slow swift motion, he takes of his hat, letting the light shine on his face.

I step back again as his dark eyes stare into mine.

"Hey Ava. "


So I threw a flashback in there, to make sense of it, I'll continue to do that for a few chapters.

Also, I don't update anymore jeez, but.... I just realized my love for writing again....

Hope y'all enjoyed~ QBW 🍉
