Part Eight: Sadistic Fuck

(Warning: extreme violence, continue reading at your own risk)

(Part Eight: Sadistic Fuck)

(Avalon's P.O.V)

(Three years prior)

"Pink or black? " I hold a few shirts up to myself, comparing the colors.

"Pink and black" Jude jokes, turning his attention back to Maya.

I purse my lips into a line and throw the pink one at him.

"You're no help at all, ever" I glare, tossing the other shirt to my much more feminine friend.

She giggles and drops her eyeliner into Jude's hand, ignoring his angry mutters, "I think neither" She stands up and walks to my closet, flipping through.

Eventually her mind is made up and her arm extends to me, holding out a maroon shirt, "that one definitely screams 'school spirit' " Jude jokes from the floor, fixing his hair in my mirror.

"Shut it, you boob" She glares at him.

"Look, all I'm saying is, if you want that guy to fall head over heels for you, pick something peppy, he is a football player, isn't he? " Jude raises a brow.

He's sort of right...

"I know I am, I mean, football players kill for that shit" He grins.

Oh, guess I said that out loud.

~ ~ ~ ~

The bleachers break out into screams as we score one last touchdown before the time runs out, leaving the scoreboard, 34-2.

I grin happily down at Ryder as he shoots me a wink and my heart starts thumping in my chest, causing me to let out a weird gasp, laugh.

After everyone calms down I wait patiently for Ryder, knowing he'll be making his way to me.

We've only known each other for two weeks and I'm already head over heels for him.

"Hey Ava. "

My breathing hitches as I take in the familiar face, blushing at his sweaty state.

"Hey hey" I grin, wringing my hands and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"You played really well" I look up at him through my eye lashes and blush slightly at our proximity.

"Thanks for coming to watch, it was a confidence booster knowing such a pretty girl was in the crowd cheering for me" He grins, lightly taking my hand in his.

"Pfft ah well, you know" I joke, waving him away as if it were nothing.

"So I was wondering if it wasn't too big of a deal-" He's instantly cut off as his teammates pool around him, shouting  praises of his playing and slapping him on the back.

Before he can finish his sentence, he's begrudgingly being pulled away to the locker rooms.

I sigh in happiness and rub my hands at the tingles he left.

~ ~ ~ ~

(Present time)

My hand grabs my phone in my pocket and I click it a few times quickly, sending a call to the police.

Of course the man in front of me doesn't notice and he just stares on, willing me to speak first and break the silence.

Ryder stands in front of me, still radiating cocky energy as he smirks and crosses his arms.

And suddenly I'm filled with anger.

Not fear, or sadness, or even regret.

Just anger.

With four long strides, I'm up in his face and before I know it, my fist is pummeling straight towards him.

It connects with a crunch, and jolts of pain shoot through my arm.

Whether the crunch came from my hand or his nose is another problem.

He stumbles back clutching his nose and squeezing his eyes closed.

I ignore my throbbing hand due to my improper punching technique, and just enjoy watching him doubled over from pain that I caused.

I sound evil right now, but I really don't care.

One punch still won't cover the years of torment and abuse he put me through.

Surprisingly, Ryder stands up very quickly, straightening his posture and grinning wildly at me.

"Well that was thrilling" He smirks, wiping the blood onto his jacket.

I stare at him in confusion and rage.

How can he not be fazed by this? I just punched him in the nose!

"You sadistic fuck, what's wrong with you! " I cry out at him, cradling my injured hand as he looks towards me with no emotion.

"I get you back once and you just sit there, having the audacity to laugh? "

Tears burn at my eyes as my pent up emotions start to resurface.

"I'd hardly call it 'getting me back' you threw one measly punch at my face and quite frankly, I enjoyed it more when your boyfriend punched me" He frowns while running his blood covered hand through his hair.

I stare at the ground for a moment, processing my thoughts before calmly looking up at him.

I take a few steps back and he smirks, assuming this means he's won our little fight.

"Do you remember when we used to date? And the silence you forced me into for years? " I cross my arms, my eyes burning into his.

I leave him no time to respond as I continue, "I remember. I remember very vividly. How everything I did was circled around the thought, 'what would Ryder think. '"

He cocks his head and looks at me confused as to why I'm basically monologuing.

"I'm not sure if you've noticed, but I've changed myself. You really thought you could crush every last bit of confidence I had and that's hilarious" I stop, breaking into a cold smile, "I think its a riot when people like you decide to play god and try to change people's lives. "

"I just want you to know that nothing you did then, has affected me now. I'm a completely different person and no amount of mental or physical abuse changed that for me" I close my eyes and breath.

"Why should I care about anything you just said? " Ryder scoffs, rolling his eyes.

"Because you failed. you thought you could change me, but in reality you jus screwed yourself over. "

"Look at you now, on the run from the cops, a broken nose, what makes you think you can fix this? " I laugh and throw my hands up in exasperation.

"What makes you think I can't keep running, there's no problem with that for me" He guffaws.

"I know that the cops won't ever catch me" He glares at me, his eyes cold and distant.

Right as he finishes his sentence, a loud siren cuts through the silence.

Ryder freezes staring at me and then the red and blue lights flashing very close by.

"Fuck" He hisses under his breath, turning around and bolting.

He skids to a stop as a cop car pulls up in front of him, two officers getting out.

I stand there still, watching the whole thing go down.

I glance at my phone in my hand before turning it off and shoving it in my pocket.

Once Ryder realizes he's surrounded, he looks distant for a moment, before glancing over at me with a genuine smile.

Confusion fills me and I frown.

What's he doing?

I freeze as he pulls a gun from his pocket, sending me a wink.

My heart starts thudding in my chest, as I fear for my life.

The cops start yelling orders to him, but they're fuzzy in my ears, nothing seeming to make any sense.

"He has a-" I choke on the last words as Ryder places the gun to his head and shoots.

