looking back

looking back at the girl i once was, i laugh.

she was once so negatively empty and felt like she wasn't worth anything. she lived by the law that she would never be a good person, that she would never be loved by anyone and that her existence was a fable.

well, her beliefs were a fable.

over time, she met a group of people she laughed with and joked with. these people accepted her for who she was and sat through all of her dramatically obnoxious rants and comforted her through the hardest times of her life. although she was so talkative and so annoying, they were still there for her.

she also found the concepts of patience and honesty. the patience was kind of difficult, because she often found herself exhausted and unable to actually express herself because of how 'patient' she'd been. this hurt her, horribly.

then she came across the most amazing girl she'd ever met. this girl had titanite eyes that would make her heart melt, a delicately beautiful soul that would make her smile. she was so speechlessly happy and grateful for the girl, and she adored the girl with all her heart. she still does.

she learned how to take a breath, how to dissolve all the negative threats that clawed at her mind. she learned how to be patient and honest without being silent. she learned to speak for herself, she learned to look for the positive.

she also learned to live. after months of darkness, hurt, and tears, she had finally found her place on her planet.

and it will take a while. but you will too find your own place in this world.
