Track 05: The Only Hope For Me Is You - My Chemical Romance

This song is definitely mine and Peter's engagement song. See, not long after we got back together, we hit another wall. I wasn't happy with Peter photographing the Playboy girls. He's bisexual, you see, and I was paranoid that he would leave me; I kept having visions of him leaving me for one of them.

One night, he came home like, two hours late. I was panicking. I was listening to this song on my iPod when his arms slipped around me. I pushed him off and turned around, tugging my earphones out, ready to have a go at him when I froze. He was down on one knee, ring in hand and the goofiest, most nervous smile on his face I had ever seen. I have never been happier. He was late because he was getting the ring personalized. It was the second best night of my life.

Peter: I love this song. I remember hearing it through your ear buds the night I proposed. You looked so scared, so angry. I was knew right then you thought I had been cheating and I felt terrible. I could never cheat on you. But when I saw your face when you saw the ring... God Har, there's only one time I ever saw you more beautiful.

I actually YouTubed every song on your iPod, looking for this song. I YouTubed one thousand, one hundred and forty-five songs for you. You better love me as much as you claim to.


If there's a place that I could be,

Then I'd be another memory,

Can I be the only hope for you?

Because you're the only hope for me,

And if we can't find where we belong,

We'll have to make it on our own,

Face all the pain and take it on,

Because the only hope for me is you alone.
