Track 03: Beauty Vocabulary - Austin Jones

Oh God, this song is terrible! It's so corny. Every time I hear it, I just cringe. The lyrics are just horrendous;

"Oh no, where did Austin Jones go? I see his face on a milk carton but he's not home. I'm sorry, I just got lost in your eyes, again."

It's all about a kid working up the courage to tell a girl his feelings; a feeling I remember all too well. I even took Peter to Paris and still messed up telling him my feelings. It took me seven dates and eighteen coffee meets to eventually confess and even then he beat me to it! Although, kissing in front of The Hudson as fireworks went off for Independence Day is a pretty damn romantic first kiss.

Peter: The first time I ever heard this song, I thought of you, Har. I thought about all the times I tried to tell you I loved you. And I kept messing up. I even messed up in Paris! Paris of all places. But I finally did it. Well, I never told you but I think kissing you told you. Anyway, I love how much you love corny songs so enjoy this one.


Telling you you're beautiful is the greatest understatement I've ever told.
