Chapter 19

*Kenzie's POV*

When Johnny stormed upstairs I started to follow him, but the doorbell rang.

Knowing it was Brandon I fixed my hair quickly in the hall mirror and walked to the door way.

"Hey." I said as I opened the door.
"Hey." He said.
"Here, come sit." I walked over to the couch and sat down. He did too.
"So what have you been up to?" I asked trying to make conversation.
"When started school again, at Westpoint I met this girl that said she knew you. Her name was Ruby I think."
"Oh, yeah. Me and her are good friends. Our families know each other."
"Oh." He said seeming not interested.
"Well what has happened to you?" He asked.
"Truthfully or lieing?" I asked.
"Well, I started off this school year flirting with this guy, Hayden, well turns out he didn't actually like me and then when I confronted him he made up a rumor about me." I said.
"Wow, well actually something big happened to me too." He said.

Then Lauren burst thought the door. She walked up to me and said,

"Hey can I talk to you for a second?"
"I'm a little busy talking to Brandon right now. I'm sure it can wait till later."

She rolled her eyes and ran upstairs. I'm guessing to find Johnny.

"You could've talk to her." Brandon said.
"Well I can talk to her anytime but I can only talk to you now, so what were you going to say?" I asked.
"I'm moving." He said.
My heart sunk a bit, "Where?"
"Here!" He said, "Just down the street!"
"What?! Omg!" I burst out.

We talked about how fun this will be for a bit before Johnny and Lauren came down the stairs with their stuff.

"We're going home." Johnny said sounding very irritated.
"What? Why?" I asked.
"I just think me and Lauren have had a day and just need some time to be alone and relax."
"Well can't you do that here?" I asked a little desperate.
"No, actually. We can't." He replied.

He put his arm around her shoulder. And they left.

Hm. That was weird. I wonder why he was so mad.

*Johnny's POV*
At Home

I took a shower and got in bed. Today has been a long long day. I picked up my phone and looked at my notifications. They were mostly just from Twitter and Instagram. A few from Snapchat. But there was a text from Kenzie too. What does she want?

Kenzie: Guess what?

I guess I'll play along.

Me: What?
Kenzie: Me and Brandon are dating. Turns out he is moving down the street from us.

I didn't respond. I just went to sleep. I couldn't deal with her at moment.
In The Morning

I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in" I said wiping my eyes and stretching.
"Hey" Lauren said.
"Hey?" I replied. See the thing is Lauren and I are close but not come and talk to each other in the morning close.
"So did you get the text from Kenzie?" She asked. Yay starting my day off horrible.
"I'm sorry," she said, "I don't know why she is like this. I mean I love the girl and all but she is a complete and total mess." She said.
"I agree."
"Well we are going to go to the park later and then we are going to come home to eat dinner with the Zieglers. Apparently mom planned it like a week ago." She said.
"Ugh. Who is we?"
"Me and you. We are going to have a brother and sister bonding day. We are going to have fun and talk about all of your feelings!" She said laughing.
"When are we leaving?" I asked.
"Whenever you get up. Everywhere is in walking distance so mom isn't going to be chaperoning. Oh and by whenever you get up I mean be ready in an hour!" She said cheery.
"Okay." I said and she got off my bed and left.

I picked up my phone and scrolled through my notifications. Ugh another text from Kenzie.

Kenzie: Why didn't you answer me?
Me: No reason.
Kenzie: Obviously there is.
Me: Did you know our families are having dinner later?
Kenzie: They are?
Me: Yeah
Kenzie: Wait stop! Don't change the subject. Why didn't you answer?
Me: I'm not doing this right now.
Kenzie: Johnny!
Me: We can talk about this later. Right now I'm having a brother and sister day with Lauren.
Kenzie: Ugh fine but we are talking about this later.

Hey guys! What did you think of that?! You can thank Arf128 for this chapter. She gave me the idea.

Thank you for reading! Have great day/night
