~ "You're so gay!" ~

Jake and Sean were busy talking about who knows what while Hailey and Milly stand closer to the door and mumble amongst themselves.
"That's two relationships within our club." Milly says.
"True," Hailey answers. The door slams open, it was Lia.
"Milly someone is flirting with your boyfriend and making him uncomfortable," Lia says.
After the competition, Lia had apologized to everyone and stopped being friends with Zoey. She had apologized more than a million times to Hailey, and almost as many to Jake.
"Oh that hoe!" Milly exclaims, stomping out of the room.
"Lia!" Zander hisses.
"Yes?" Lia asks, tilting her head to the side. Everyone was ignoring Jake practically clinging to Sean at the back of the room.
"Now we have to make sure teachers aren't around," Zander says, sighing.
"It'll be fine," Hailey says, giggling.

Thirty minutes later, a triumphant bloody-nosed Milly enters the room.
"I won against the whore!" Milly says, grinning. Jake claps for a moment and then he grabs a tissue for Milly's nose.
"Are you sure that girl is a whore?" Zander asks, his hands on his hips. Luke's arms were put through Zander's arms and was hugging him from behind.
"Well uh- she wanted a taken guy, so yeah! Plus she's some annoying geek kid in Elliot's science class. He says she's a know-it-all." Milly responds.
Jake hands Milly the tissue and then goes over to Sean. Sean pulls Jake close, hugging him and kissing his head.
"Dude, gross. Why must you do that in here? Knock it off with the PDA!!" Milly grumbles, wiping her nose.
Hailey shakes her head and says, "Mils, if you don't stop complaining I will take my money back, got it?"
"Can't take it back if I already spent it," Milly replies, grinning.
"Just finish cleaning your nose up, dumbass," Zander says, rolling his eyes.
Jake was ignoring everyone, totally off in his own little world. He didn't even hear when Sean of all people was saying his name.
"You should kiss him to get his attention,~" Milly encourages.
"Why is that?" Sean asks.
"Because he won't respond to anything else and I don't think you want me or Hailey to kiss your man, do you? And Luke and Zander don't want to whether you're okay with it our not," Milly reasons.
"...fuck you." Sean mutters, pulling Jake closer to himself. He sighs and kisses Jake.
Jake's face turns red as he snaps back into reality.
"I- wha- what-" Jake mutters, flustered.

A/N: I was planning to make this longer but you guys probably want another part so here ya go <3
A/N 2: also sorry I didn't update very much this week, my half-sister (she was born less than a month ago) is finally coming home from the hospital. (It was an emergency C-section.) Plus, we have a talent show coming up at my summer camp, school starts soon, I have other socials to tend to, I'm too into talking with ai, my mom and I plan to go to the Ren Faire soon, etc etc. Many reasons. Plus the lady who runs the summer camp is an ass and keeps trying to snatch my phone while it's unlocked because I "have on when I'm not supposed to" fuck that, creepy old lady. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this silly little chapter ^^
