~ "Smells" ~

Jake had asked Sean to walk home with him because of what happened the other night. He was scared he'd come home to his mom like... that... again.
"Hey, Jake," Sean says, squeezing Jake's lightly.
"Yes, lov- I mean- uh- Sean?" Jake responds.
"You can call me 'love'," Sean mutters before looking back at Jake, "I was going ask you if it was okay for me to call you Mio caro-"
"That is-?" Jake asks, blushing.
"It's 'my dear' in Italian," Sean replies.
"Oh, y- yeah, go ahead," Jake responds.
The two continue walking, hand in hand, toward Jake's place.
When Jake opens his door, he can smell what smells like glue, puke, and burnt food. Not a food smell.
He squeezes Sean's hand and walks into the kitchen, no one is there. He goes to every room on the bottom floor, he finds the glue stench. It was a way overheated glue gun that was practically melting. In the kitchen the oven was on with a very over cooked pizza inside. Jake pulls the pizza out and throws it away before turning the oven off. He walks into the bathroom and has to step right out. Literally Luke everything in his downstairs bathroom was either puked on or just dirty. He walks away from that quickly, knowing it'll take hours to clean.
He goes upstairs and checks the other bathroom; nothing. He checks Milo's room, no one at all. Milo was at a friend's house today and tomorrow because the friend's dad offered to watch him and let him sleepover. Jake looks in his room, Oreo was curled up under his covers as if hiding,probably trying to block out the stench.
Jake creeps toward his mother's room as if a vampire might pop out of the door. Sean is right behind him, but Jake's let go of Sean's hand now.
"Mom..?" Jake opens her door a bit, and there she was. Sitting at her desk, a cold pad on her forehead, writing out a resume.
"Hm?" Ms. Sterling looks up.
"Mom, you look sick. The bathroom downstairs is a wreck, and the oven was on,and- and-" Jake pauses.
"I'm sorry Jake- I was trying-" Ms. Sterling starts.
"Mom, it's fine. Lay down and rest. I'm making you some soup and then I'll clean everything up." Jake makes his mom stand up and get into bed.
"Oh Jake-.. what would I do without you?" Ms. Sterling mumbles before drifting quickly into a light sleep.
Jake walks out of the room, Sean waiting at the door.
"Here, you can make her some soup I'll help you out and clean up," Sean says to Jake.
"No, if you'd like to help you can make the soup, but I can't ask you to clean up all of.. that," Jake responds.
"I'm offering, you're not asking, there's a difference," Sean replies.
"Fine, but don't complain when you get to the bathroom," Jake starts walking down to the kitchen, Sean following behind him.
"One more thing," Sean says, pulling Jake to him for a moment.
"Hm?" Jake looks at him.
Sean smiles and kisses Jake on the cheek, whispering into his ear, "It's going to be okay, don't worry."
