Chapter 13: Okay. I'll give it one more chance

Chapter 13: Okay. I'll give it one more chance.

Davis's POV:

Sleeping next to Ashley was fantasy. Being so close to her, I couldn't control myself. I wanted to touch her. She was deep asleep. She looked beautiful as always.

I wrapped one hand around her waist and snuggled my head in the crook of her neck. She smelt like vanilla and strawberries. Her skin was warm and sent tingles down my spine. Before I knew it, I was deep asleep.


After I showered and ate breakfast, I left Ashley's house to go and meet Natalie. I liked Ashley so there's no point of continuing the relationship with Natalie.

I knocked on the door of Natalie's house. She answered the door and threw herself onto me. Great. She's making this even harder. She was wearing shorts and a crop top with her wavy black hair put into a side braid.

"Natalie we have to talk" I said as I pushed her off me.

She frowned. "What's it about?"

"About loving you and all" I said.

"Oh my gosh! You finally love me! I knew that I'd make you fall for me" she winked.

"No. Natalie I'm breaking up with you." I stated with no expression.

"What?" her face turned pale and her eyes widened with shock. She pursed her lips and his her face in her hands. I knew that she was crying.

"Go away Davis. I trusted you. I really love you and I can't deal with this she said as tears rolled down her cheeks. Then she slammed the door on my face.

I sighed. There was nothing more I could do about it. I had a feeling that she's going to be just as miserable as Ashley was after her break up with Sean.

I got into my car and drove back to Ashley's. I texted my mom that I'll be spending a day at her house and she had agreed. Soon I pulled into the driveway of Ashley's house.

I opened her door with the spare key and went into the living room.

Ashley was sleeping on the couch and on the other couch was Jake Woods. Wait. What is Jake Woods doing in the house? I felt extremely jealous. If anything happened between them, I'd murder Jake.

I don't think Ashley would ever invite him over. He was fast asleep.

I picked up Ashley bridal style and while climbing up the stairs, she snuggled her head into my chest. She was deep asleep and smiled as she inhaled my cologne.

I smiled at that. I loved the way I was affecting her. I also knew that she was enjoying it. Soon we entered into her room and I gently put her down onto her bed. I covered her with her blanket and walked back down into the living room.

I woke Jake up and asked him what he was doing here. After he told me everything, he left to go home. I had a feeling of happiness inside me. Ashley had turned down Jakes proposal.

Wait. What if she likes someone else?

I sighed as I walked into Ashley's room. She looked calm and peaceful. I felt like cuddling her. She looked so cute.

I walked down the staircase and entered the kitchen. I poured myself some coke and plopped down onto the couch as I began to watch football on TV.

Soon I heard footsteps descending the stairs. I turned to face Ashley. She gave me a warm smile as she approached me and sat down next to me.

"So...." I trailed off.

"So?" she asked with one eyebrow raised.

"Jake came here huh?" I asked.

"Yeah. He came uninvited. Then he proposed and I declined. After that we're just became friends" she stated as she turned to face the television.

"So why did you decline it? Do you like someone else?" I asked. I felt insecure and hoped that her answer would be a 'no'.

"No I don't" she smiled at me and continued to watch television. I silently sighed in relief. Now I just had to get her to like me.

"How did it go with Natalie?" she asked interrupting my thoughts.

"Oh it went horrible" I sighed.

"What happened?" she asked as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"She couldn't take the news and she broke down and slammed the door on my face" I said as I remembered the scene.

"Oh crap. Poor girl" Ashley sighed as she leaned back on the couch.

"Yeah but its done now" I said as I fiddled with the end of my black leather jacket.

"I think you should apologize to her and get it done in a less harsh way. Give it a chance" Ashley shot me a pleading look.

Ashley I wish you knew how I felt about you.

I sighed. "Okay. I'll give it one more chance.

I just had to apologise to Natalie and break up with her in a better way. The question was, will she hear me out?

I wouldn't have done it. Heck I wouldn't even think about doing it.

Ashley asked me to do it. So now I was going to do it.
