Chapter 11: The night of the party.

Chapter 11: The night of the party

Davis's POV:

After I hugged Ashley, I plopped down onto the couch and began to think of what had happened at the ice cream parlor.

What the heck possessed me at that time? Why was I acting like Ashley's my girl? Heck, at that time I wanted to punch Sean for even going near her.

Heck. I think I was developing a slight crush on Ashley again. I had begun to like her when we were fourteen but I got over it quite fast as I decided that it would be the best for both of us if we just saw each other as best friends. Well, what I feel for her now is way deeper than what I felt for her at that time. Ashley, what the hell are you doing to me?

I'm sorry Natalie. I'm not a cheater but I'll make sure I break up with you before I make a move on Ashley.


Tonight was the party. The party for the soccer players and the cheerleaders. The party where I could beat up Sean to such an extent that he would have to leave the state in fear of me.

Around seven, I showered and got ready. I put on a black full sleeved T-shirt and dark wash jeans. I wore a pair of black converse and spiked my hair in the usual way. I wore my daily cologne and put on some mint mouth freshener. After strapping on my watch, I grabbed my car keys and wallet and left. Sean was going to be dead meat tonight.

I got into my car and drove to the area of the party. It was at some jock named Jared's house. I hadn't texted Ashley the address because tonight I wasn't going to drink. I was going to stay sober and beat the crap out of Sean.

I parked my car outside the house and entered through the gates. As soon as I entered, a drunk girl who was wearing hardly any clothes threw herself onto me. Annoyed, I pushed her away. If girls are going to throw themselves on me, my plan is going to fail once again.

I walked into the house which was blasting with music and people were grinding against each other in the dance floor. Many guys waved at me and many fist pumped me.

I looked around for Sean but I couldn't find him any where. How could this be? Weren't all the team members supposed to be here? Especially Sean. He was the team captain.

After a whole lot of time passed, I began to walk around the area. Finally, I sat down on a couch at the corner when I heard a groan. It sounded alot like Sean. I got up and walked in the direction of the sound.

Soon I reached a room where the sound was coming from. I opened the door and looked in to see Sean kissing a girl. What a man whore. The girl was Tracy. Not surprising.

I slammed the door shut behind me.

Both Tracy and Sean stopped doing their business. Tracy was half naked and she screamed and ran out of the room. Sean gave me a blank look. I managed to give him my best glare.

I walked up to him and lifted him by the collar.

"You should'nt have cheated on Ashley. You're going to pay for doing that." I said as I punched him hard. I busted his lip and a line of blood dripped down his jaw line.

He punched me in the gut and I dropped him as I groaned in pain. Its going to form a nasty bruise by morning. Soon we both were on the ground tackling each other. We hit each other till we both bled and finally I succeeded when I hit his head and he became unconscious.

I stood up and walked out of the party. There's no way I'm going to be there while everyone finds out what has happened.

I got into my car and drove home. I couldn't ring the bell because that would wake up my parents and they would murder me for violence. I walked to the backyard and climbed up the pipe that leads to my room window. When I reached my window, I realized that it was locked. Crap. I can't go to my house now. The only option left was Ashley's house.

I climbed down the pipe and rounded the house. I got onto the street and walked towards Ashley's house. I remembered Andrew saying that their parents are out so I went and rang the doorbell.

Andrew irritatedly answered the door but his expression immediately changed when he saw that it was me.

"Dude what the hell!" he exclaimed as he pulled me inside.

"Andrew I met Sean at the party." I stated.

"Oh. But you were supposed to hit him not yourself" Andrew said with a tone of humour in his voice.

"He punched back man. He wasn't drunk enough" I said as I plopped down on the couch.

"What's going on?" a new voice interrupted us as we heard footsteps descending the stairs. Ashley.

"Oh crap." Andrew stated as he turned to look at her. Saying she looked shocked was a complete understatement.

"Davis!" she exclaimed as she ran over to me. "What happened? Who did this?" she asked with panic evident in her voice.

I smiled at her. "Sean wanted to finish what happened in the ice cream parlor" I lied.

She looked at me with a worried expression as she looked at my body to see how badly I was hurt.

Andrew coughed. "I'm going to bed. You guys don't have too much fun" he winked as he began to walk up the stairs.

"Yeah right" Ashley rolled her eyes as she sat down next to me.

She cupped my face with her gentle hands as she studied the cuts and bruises on it.

"Let's go to my room" she stated as she held my hand and dragged me up the stairs. Once we reached her room, I sat down on her bed. She got out the first aid box and began to bandage my wounds. When she was done, I had one bandaid on a cut on my forehead and a little ointment on my facial bruises.

My arms weren't affected but my abdomen hurt from Sean's punches.

"That's it right?" Ashley asked as she began to put away the first aid box. I nodded.

She walked back to me and I stood up. I held her waist and pulled her close to me. She looked surprised as I chuckled.

"I need a hug" I stated as she sighed and gave me a tight hug. I winced and backed off when my abdomen began to hurt by the hug.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt on your abdomen?" she asked curiously.

"No I'm fine" I lied.

She slowly advanced towards me and lifted my T-shirt. She gasped when she saw the bruise.

"That's horrid!" she exclaimed as she slowly examined the bruise with her fingers. I winced a bit but seriously her touch sent tingles down my spine. My heart began beating faster and the urge to kiss her was strong.

"It'll heal Ashley. Relax" I stated as I walked back to the bed and sat down. I had to get away before I would lose self control and kiss her.

I couldn't do that before I broke up with Natalie.

"Its not going to heal by itself" Ashley gave me a deadpanned look.

"Okay chill. Let's get some sleep" I stated as I dropped myself onto her bed. She walked over to me and covered me with a blanket. After wishing me goodnight, she turned to leave the room when I caught her hand. She turned to look at me.

"Stay." I said sleepily.

"Umm what?" she asked with one eyebrow raised.

"Sleep next to me" I said as I rolled to the side providing her with place to sleep.

She looked shocked. "I..I can't" she stuttered.

"We're not doing anything wrong. Just sleep off" I said as I patted the empty space beside me. She sighed as she lay down beside me and covered herself with a blanket.

"Goodnight Davis" she stated as we both fell asleep.

