
It's been about 3 weeks since y/n joined the club now. Yaku and now Kuroo are working her to the bone but she has gotten better at her receives and Kuroo helped her to block even with her height. But nothing interesting has really happened over the last couple of weeks. Right now y/n is getting ready to go home. It was a Friday and she was exhausted. Kuroo and Kenma had gone to wait for her at the gate so she was left to her own devices.
She put on her school uniform, slowly may I add, and went to retie her hair. At that moment her hair band snapped in two. She was so tired she couldn't be bothered to even try and look for a new one and just placed her wig over her hair. She then left the room.
She thought no one would be outside so she didn't think her wig half on would be a problem.
She was halfway to the gate when she bumped into someone.
Y/n fell backwards onto her backside with a thud. She was too tired to really notice what had happened. She looked up to see who was bumped into her. They had already stood up so she had a hard time making them out at first with her tired eyes but after a few seconds, she came to realise it was the brown-haired Libero. Yaku didn't notice anything about her appearance at first but was picking up all of y/n's books off the floor. Once they were all in her bag again he helped her up. This was when he realised there was something up about her appearance.
"Are you okay f/n?" Yaku said, certainly confused.
"...yea," she said, rubbing her eyes. Just then Yaku subconsciously took off y/n wig. After doing so he repeatedly apologised and handed it back.
"Why... do you wear a wig?" He asked, now just curious.
Y/n panicked for a moment in her head before saying with a straight face, "it's a stylistic choice". Yaku stared at her for a moment before saying, "rightttt". There was an awkward silence before Yaku cut it off by saying, "I'm headed to the gate, are you?"
"Yea I am" y/n smiled. Yaku and y/n headed for the main gate. Every time y/n yawned she would get chewed out by Yaku.

They eventually made it. Kuroo and Kenma we're leaning against the wall. Kuroo was watching Kenma play while trying to talk to him. Kuroo looked up to see Y/n getting yelled at by Yaku. Then Kuroo noticed the missing wig. With that he walked over, "f/n ready to go" he said. Y/n nodded sleepily and started to head off, not before saying goodbye to Yaku.
When Kuroo caught up with Y/n, Kenma close behind, he immediately said, "what the hell happened?". Y/n sluggishly looked at him for a few moments finally responding with, "my hair tie broke".
"Well did he find out?" Kuroo asked.
"I don't think so. I told him I wear a wig for stylistic choice" she said proud of herself. Kuroo face planted, "your really bad at lying you know that"
"I'm not that bad," she said but that was also a lie. Kuroo laughed patting her on the head.

- - - - - :B

Y/n had been able to get out of lessons really early today. She said she needed to go to the toilet so the teacher let her out early. She decided to just go to the club room and get dressed before everyone else gets there. Humming to herself Y/n began to change. It was peaceful all alone in that room. That was until the door slammed open. Quickly spinning around y/n made eye contact with Lev. "Again!" She thought. Lev looked down at her for a moment not realising she was half-dressed. When he did he turned around immediately, "y-your a-"
"Girl. I'm a girl" she cut him off. She quickly finished up getting dressed and kicked Lev's shins causing him to turn around to face y/n. "Gonna say anything?" She asked slyly walking around him before stopping back in front of him.
"How?" That was all he could muster up.
"How? I've always been a girl that's how" she snickered, "before you ask I did this because I wanted to. Thought it would be fun. Nothing more nothing less." Y/n shrugged her shoulder, "oh and you can't tell anyone". Y/n poked her tongue out before starting to put on her wig when she heard another click of the door. Thinking Lev had left she didn't turn around. That was until she heard Lev say, "F/n's a girl". Y/n quickly turned around to see the small Libero Yaku.
She didn't want her secret to be spilt too quickly and knew she had to lie. She turned to face Lev and say, "Jeez Lev stop spouting lies when you get surprised" she waved her hand as to dismiss him. She stood half behind Lev giving him a kick in the shins. Lev stood staring blankly in pain. Y/n looked back over to Yaku, who looked confused. He seemed to dismiss it though as he changed the subject.
"Oh f/n" Yaku started walking over to y/n, "you should really stop wearing the wig. Be proud of your hair," he said raising a fist and grinning. He walked behind y/n and began to put her hair into a man bun. Y/n just stood there in silence not sure what to say. Once done Yaku began to get changed in the corner of the room.
"What the hell-" y/n whispered under her breath. She covered her face in her hands. It's not like she liked him or anything but physical contact is always nice. That was it, right?
Y/n left the clubroom and made it early to the gym. She began to set up, calming down now. As people walked into the room they all either complimented her hair or were confused. Especially Kuroo and Kenma. Kuroo even pulled her aside to ask her why she was not wearing her wig so y/n had to explain.

Practice went as it usually did until the coach pulled everyone over to talk about something. "In a few weeks, we are having a practice match against Karasuno". Everyone looked around in excitement. Especially the first years. This would be a chance to show off their skills. The coach explained the date and time and sent us back to practice.
"I can't wait to go!" Y/n said in excitement.
"I wish I could be excited. I'm new to the game so I have to stay behind and practice more" Lev frowned.
"Well then, practice as hard as you can and next time we have a match you can wow them with your height and power" y/n smiled. Yaku called y/n over so they can practice receives while Kuroo took Lev. This is finally a chance to show off her skills. She's been friends with Kuroo and Kenma for years so she has some tricks up her sleeve.

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Wooo chapter 3! Yes yes I know they're still is no juicy parts but I really wanna build into the story first. Y'know, build a genuine relationship seeing as the two have never met before you joined. But anyways next chapter will be Karasuno vs Nekoma!
