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β€œSo… what did I do?” he sighed.

β€œWhy did you decide me to get your ex back?” he widened his eyes a little in shock.

β€œBelly, I-”

β€œI already heard you talking about it with Jeremy so don’t even try to lie.” I warned him in case he makes himself look like a fool and I won’t want to hear whatever explanation he has. I am giving him the chance to explain things now, but if he tips me off, I won’t listen to what he has to say.

Before he could start clearing up things, our conversation was followed by a small knock on the door before someone entered, β€œOh, you are here.” Clare, Conrad’s ex spoke as she saw me in the room. Well of course I am the one who is here, I am the one with the injury.

β€œWhat are you-” Conrad began but didn’t get to finish his sentence.
β€œHi, baby, I heard you missed me. I’d be more than willing to get back together as long as you are willing to apologize.” She walked up to him and sat on his lap. I wanted to laugh and cringe at the same time.

β€œWe broke up for a reason. You were too possessive yet you cheated on me.” Now I was confused. He was using me to get her back, she is back and he won’t take her back? Was she a rebound he was also using and he wants another girl back?

β€œSo you don’t wanna get back together?” She asked to confirm, but she was still sited on his lap.

β€œNo.” she got up and glared at me before leaving the room. If she hated me before she probable hates me 10 times more now. it seemed as though I had set a trap for her to embarrass herself from her point of view.

β€œI am so lost.”

β€œBelly, I only said that so Jeremiah would not hate me.” he continued the conversation like we weren’t just associating with his ex a few seconds ago.

β€œThat sounds so stupid!” I am not letting him fool me again like the 50th time. I am tired of wasting my tears on him. It is so time to move on and get over him for good. I always told myself I was done and he would find a way to make me believe or forgive him, but not today.

β€œI know, but it is the truth. It is the reason I didn’t want to get together after we almost kissed. I knew he had feelings for you and I didn’t want him to hate me, but later on I realized I could not stay away from you no matter how hard I tried. but I know he would not forgive me if he knew that my feelings where real. You saw how he fought me after finding out that I knew about our mom’s cancer.”

β€œI don’t know if I can keep up with you and all this drama. It is just too much for me and at the end of the day I don’t even know if you are telling the truth or if this is worth it.” I pointed at us. Maybe our relationship was meant to be platonic. Sure I was sad he didn’t see me that way before we became a thing, but I am just as sad now, maybe even sadder. He is not a bad guy, I know, but he is not the right one for me, and we both have to accept that and move on.

β€œI am.”

β€œBut you are not being honest with me and you are so confusing and this relationship has been so complicated. I thought I was the girl in this relationship.”

β€œPlease try and give it more thought. I really, really, really like you.” I thought he was being sincere, I was not 100% sure, but even if I was. This thing is over. Dating him brings me more tears, worry and stress than it brings me joy. I won’t lie, he still makes butterflies roam around in my stomach, but I will get over him eventually.

Plus, I want Jeremiah. Sometimes Conrad’s words may give me butterflies, but Jeremiah’s presence gives me butterflies, makes my blood rush, mostly in my cheeks and it is probably visible. He makes tingles go down my spine, and every time we touch, it is like there is electricity that runs through my veins instead of blood.

And yet, I still feel like I can be myself around him, and he just makes me happy, he is the cause of my smiles and not my tears. Maybe I am wrong and he is not the guy for me, but one thing is for sure. Conrad is definitely not the right guy for me, and breaking up with him was definitely, the right decision.

I woke up as the sunlight beamed through my window. I sighed as I sat up on the hospital bed. different thoughts run into my head. last night was very… eventful. First the fisher’s mom, then taylor and steven, then my fight with Taylor, followed by my car accident, and lastly, my talk with Conrad. When did my life become so full of drama?

I mean, the people who know what is happening in it but are not involved in it may enjoy it, but I don’t. I just want to get my life straight. Like forget the drama. Why can’t I have a cute, loving boyfriend without any drama? Oh wait, I could have, but then I was dumb enough to let Conrad back in after telling myself I would not fall for his charm again.
A soft knock on the door brought me out of my daze. β€œcome in.”

β€œHello.” I saw it was Taylor and took in a deep breath. I was not in the mood for her. you could not blame me. It was not her fault but the act that the last time I saw her I ended up in a hospital, it said a lot.
