
After Conrad left I went to my room and my mind just went over everything that just happened. I have to admit, I do still have feelings for him, and I feel like it would be safe not to mention anything to Jeremiah until I am completely over Conrad because I need to make sure no guilt comes and I make up my mind once and for all. For now, I just need my me time, no guy drama, just me myself and I.

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Steven's POV

Things a good between me and shayla but i havent seen her in a while. My sis has been annoying lately. She always invites taylor when I am around even though she knows how awkward things are between the two of us. I geuss she doesn't care.

I am kind of mad at her for what she did to Jeremiah. Why would she start dating him if she knew she was willing to take back his brother. She needs to get her self together and think before she acts. She did this after confronting me about kissing her best friend, and yet she did the same to mine.

Some people are just so.. UGHHHH. but she is my sister so I am forced to love her. ย I decided to see if I could meet Shayla so that we can go on an official date, I don't remember if we have before though.

I can't text her about it because girls dont really like it when you ask them out through text. I'll just go to her house and check. First I have ot tell Jeremiah because I am at his. house right now. I knew he was in the kitchen so I went to inform him that I was leaving.

"Hey, dude, I am off. Gotta go-" I stopped talking in shock when I realized what he was doing. ย  " ย DUDE!!! What in the world are you doing???" I asked as I isaw he was holding a razor near his wrist.ย 

"nothing" he hid the razor and turned his face to hide the tears he had.ย 

I am so confused as to what is going on, I thought only depressed girls do self harm. Once you start for some reason you don't stop.

"why would you do that to yourself??" I asked with my voice a little shaky. I couldn't believe my eyes. I was scared. Is my best friend mental??

he turned his head to face the sink and a tear fell, and then a few more followed it as he had his hands on the sides of the kitchen sink to support him.

I hated seeing him like this so much, it scares me knowing that he is obviously becoming suicidal. Is it because of my sister? Before this summer our lives were normal and boring, but know there is just so much drama for nothing. This is why I didn't want him involved with her.

Maybe it isn't what caused it. Maybe something else happened that I dont know about.

Why are girls so complex?

ย หšห™สš~โ™ก~ษžห™หš

Good news for those of you who have been dying for this story to end, it is about to... I think.
