Movie Night

Group chat

Ugly Ducklings with handsome Styles and Holland (Created by Ajiah)

Ajiah: hello everybody!

Harry Holland: hey! Who's the handsome Holland btw?

Sam: hello! It's of course me Harry!

YN: heyyyyy! I am not ugly!!!

Ajiah: Handsome Holland is Tom. Btw where is Harry and Tom?

Harry Holland: I am right here.

Ajiah: I know, but not you. I am talking about Harry Styles.

Harry Styles: hey

Spidey boi: ello everyone!



GEMMA πŸ’•: hey :)


GEMMA πŸ’•: YNNNN!! πŸ€—

Ajiah: stop you both for a second!
Ajiah: I am so fucking bored. Just wanted to ask if y'all are up for a movie at our place?

YN: hell yeah! I can cook Biryani for everyone!

Harry Holland: I am down

Sam: Me too

Spidey boi: me three

Harry Styles: yessss

Ajiah: ohk cool! But YN isn't gonna cook anything.

YN: *gasps* whyyyyy?

Ajiah: we don't wanna die this young!

YN: I can cook well! I cook all the time.

Spidey boi: I am pretty sure YN is a great cook.

Ajiah: what about Gemma? Are you up for the movie night Gem?

Gemma πŸ’•: I am sorry guys but I can't join. I have plans.

YN: that's fine!

Harrison: why am I added in this group if no one is gonna ask me if I wamt to join?

YN: bruh! Do we need to ask you?

Ajiah: I mean we asked everyone.

YN: you should come if you want Biryani.

Harrison: ohk I'll tag along with Tom.

You: good! Now I should go and start cooking!

Sam: I'll bring cake!


Harry Holland: who's gonna bring movies?

YN: dude!

Harry Holland: what?

YN: we have freaking Netflix!

Spidey boi: Harry is living in 90s. 🀣

Ajiah: ohk then. See y'all at 8 at our place!

Harry Styles: yup. See ya xx

YN: see ya!

Ajiah: we got a dog!! And... A cat.

Spidey boi: I am definitely coming to see your dog!

YN: Rogers is the best cat ever!!

Ajiah: I hate cats.

YN: I hate dogs!

Gemma πŸ’•: guys both animals are great in their own way. πŸ˜‚

YN: but I still don't like them!

Ajiah: and I also don't like cats!

Harry Styles: you guys need to calm down please.

YN: don't ask me to fucking calm down! She is talking shit about my Son!

Ajiah: and she's talking shit about my Daughter Nymeria.

YN: I am not!

Harry Styles: ohk ohk! Stop it guys.

Ajiah: I am not gonna say anything just cuz Harry asked me to stop.

YN: oh just admit it you don't have anything to say! Get your ass back home, you have walked your dog enough!

Harry Holland: finally! Thanks Harry for stopping these two.

Harry Styles: I had to.


Spidey boi: yes ma'am.


Your POV

We're back in London. Ajiah and I adopted a cat and a dog. Well the cat is mine and dog is Ajiah's. I of course HAD to name my cat after MCU charecter so I named him Rogers as in Steve Rogers. And Ajiah went with the original name of her Dog Nymeria.

Nymeria is a rescue Blue Staffy puppy, she's 8 months old. And Rogers is a 7 months old ginger kitten. It's been 3 months. Since we got these two munchkins and they've adapted to their new home pretty well by now. They both have their own room. I mean it's just a closet we never use, we kwpt their beds there and they both snuggle up there at night.

"Ajiah get out of your room!" I banged her door.

"what?" she whined opened her door.

"come on help me!" I dragged her kitchen and she helped me cook dinner. We both cleaned up the house a bit, it's gonna get messy in a while. I brought out the bean bags from my room. By the time we were done with everything. Everyone arrived.

We directly started with our dinner cuz it was prepared and still warm. All the boys were nice enough to help us. Both Harrys helped doing the dishes even though Ajiah and I literally fought with them to not do it. We finally decided to watch all the Conjuring movies, and Annabelle movies. I brought out the blankets. Or you can say I brought out blankets cuz I am NOT a big fan of horror movies. I can sleep through night after watching a horror movie but I can't sit through it. It's just too much for my little brain to handle.

"I am gonna sit in middle!" I threw a blanket at Styles and jumped next to him with mine.

"noooo! I want to be in middle." Ajiah whined.

"too late babe!"

Harry just snickered next to me. I gave him a hifive. Harrison put on the first Conjuring movie, blasting the volume. Good thing we have our own house and we don't live in a apartment complex. Tom and Harrison were sitting on the two sofa chairs, Sam and Styles next to me. Holland took the bean bag and Ajiah sat on the floor right beside Nymeria and Rogers.

"ahhh!" I screamed at a jumped scare. Ajiah started laughing.

"shut up!" I kicked her.

"ouch!" she winced rubbing her ass where I kicked her.

"I don't want to see. I don't want to see this. I don't want to see this." I chanted as I hide under my blanket. All of sudden I felt something warm and wet on my feet. What the fuck?

"oh my god!" I looked down. "Nymeria you scared me!" I sighed seeing Nymeria was licking my foot.

"why are you so scared YN?" Harrison managed to asked between fits of laughter.

"dude!" I rolled my eyes.

I calmed down. There were no jump scares and I was finally able to focus on the story line other than just trying to hide under a thick sheet of fuzzy fabric. I was so into the movie that I didn't even look around. Ajiah was tickling my feet to scare me.

"stop it Ajiah." I pulled my legs up on the sofa, I heard her giggling. "Mummy!" I screamed hiding my face to Harry's side as I felt someone grab my shoulder.

"hey, hey. It's me." He said laughing.

"noooo-" I didn't realised I started crying. IT IS HIM! "you are so evil!" I started hitting him with the pillow.

"I am sorry. I am sorry." he ducked down to protect himself.

"you scared me!" I sobbed.

"I am sorry, I won't do that again." he held my hands tight. Of course he's stronger than me, I wasn't able to move. Maybe I should really start working out now.

"awwww look at you two!" Sam commented. He's sitting next to me.

"too cute right?" Ajiah added. I hit her head with the pillow as well.

"I hate you all. I am gonna go and sleep!" I got up but pulled me down.

"I am sorry, it was Ajiah's plan." he pointed out.

"you know she's mental. Why did you take part in her plan?" I cried again. "I am leaving."

"stay here!" he insisted literally crushing me in his arms so I couldn't move. I looked at Ajiah but she looked away.

"fine!" I sighed. "Ican'tbreathethough."

"oops sorry!" he chuckled let go of me but still had his arm around my shoulder. I don't mind. We- I mean everyone watched the movie, I just kept hiding under my blanket or hiding my face to Harry's side.



I woke up to sound of someone dropping a spoon. I tried to get up but I couldn't. Oh sheit! I fell asleep next to Harry last night. His arms are still wrapped around me tightly. I looked around and found no one.

"Harry!" I called him. He just hummed and went back to sleep. "dude, at least let me go!"

"hmm!" he pulled up the blanket on himself. What? Seriously? This is so freaking awkward. We literally fell asleep while cuddling and he is still snuggled up next to me. It feels weird!

I NEVER cuddle anyone!

I somehow managed to get out of his grip, and I seriously need to start working out now. I put another blanket on him cuz it's cold and walked in kitchen. I found Ajiah and Tom making waffles.

"what the hell are you two doing this early?" I asked.

"making you brunch..." Ajiah stated.

"as if you're not gonna eat it!" I walked out.

"you need to stop being sassy in the morning!" she almost yelled.

I went to my room brushed my teeth and washed my face also fixed my appearance. I look like a a fluffy dog whos fur hasn't been brushed in days. I definitely over slept my face is all puffy. It's 12.30 in the afternoon. I walked out and found Harry was awake. He looked like he's trying to figure out where he is, it's actually funny. I chuckled and walked in living room picking up the blankets and pillows.

"good morning!" he smiled while trying to keep his eyes open.

"more like good afternoon." I folded the blankets. He just giggled. "you can use the rest room in my room. There's a new toothbrush in the cabinet."

"yeah. Thanks!" he nodded.

"hurry up. You don't wanna have to miss the brunch. Ajiah is cooking!" I picked up the pillows and folded blankets and jogging to my room. Ajiah NEVER in her life have cooked anything. I cook for her all the time. I shoved the blankets and pillows into the empty closet and ran out.

Tom was struggling to teach Ajiah how to make waffles and failed miserably. I doubt if he knows how to make those cuz the way he's doing it doesn't seem like he do.

"move over kids. Let me teach yall!" I pushed them both to a side and showed them how it's done.

"I knew that!" Tom protested.

"yeah. I saw that." I flashed him a sarcastic smile making him giggle.

"cool, now let me try!" Ajiah took over and did a pretty good job.

I helped Tom to take what was cooked and edible out to the dinning table. Harry came there by the time we were done setting the table.

"good afternoon Styles." Ajiah greeted Harry.

"Good afternoon!" he smiled.

"dude, why do you over sleep? Look at your puffy face, you look like a bear." Ajiah laughed.

"Hah! Hah!" I rolled my eyes and sat down on a chair. Harry was gonna sit next to me but Tom took that seat.

"I doubt it's cooked." I poked the waffle on my plate, and sneakily winked at Harry who is sitting in front of me asking him to tease her more.

"It looks like it's cooked." he grinned. "but kinda burnt though."

"yeah I know. It's her first time cooking anything so it's acceptable." I tried to hold back my laugh seeing Ajiah's reaction. Harry and I laugh hifiving each other from across the table.

"Bitch!" Ajiah mumbled.

"who me? Or Harry?" his headed jolted up when I asked.

"both of you!" She huffed.

"by the where is everyone?" I asked.

"oh they left at night. Tom fell asleep and they all nicely tucked him in before leaving." Ajiah giggled.

"awww you're a baby!" I cooed.

"stop!" he chuckled. Red in embarrassment.

After brunch Harrison came to pick up Tom amd he left and so as Harry. And the house feels empty now. Last night we had friends over, it was fun! But the entire house is quiet now! It's weird.
