Day 1 in LA: Chaos!!

Your POV

Ajiah and I reached LA and checked into our hotel. It's so boojie and Shazhamed!!! But we have to share a fucking suite. Ajiah was a mess throwing up from travelling for hours in air plane to here. We anyway don't have anything to do today so we relaxed till she felt good and got out to have lunch. I am vlogging for my YouTube of course.

"hey guys we're in LA right now!" I said to my camera. "I have no idea what we're gonna do today but we're heades to this restaurant down the street from our hotel- like people here say- my friend Emma said they have amazing coffee and food."

"yeah. To be honest I am excited for the coffee more than food. Cuz when Emma says the coffee there is bomb then IT IS BOMB!" Ajiah agreed.

"how to you drink that bitter dirt water?" I aaked disgusted.

"how do you drink tasteless water which you call Tea?" she snapped at me. I just shrugged.

"what should I title this video? I am seriously having a really bad creative block." I am so frustrated. For real!

"we'll figure it out BB don't worry." Ajiah said swinging her arm around my shoulders and squeezing me.

"you're hurting me bruh!" I struggled to get out of her grip. She just laughed.

"Karan mentioned about Scarlett Johansson. Oh my god! Does that mean I could get to meet her as well?" I looked at Ajiah.

"I don't know! But I am NOT ready to meet Harry again after what you did at his concert!" She rolled her eyes running her hand through her now freshly dyed dark blue hair.

"what? I was helping you!" I laughed.

"yeah!" she nodded her head in a sarcastic manner. "What am I supposed to say to him when he asks how my "date" with that girl went? What and I supposed to say? That she ditched me at last moment saying I am fucking weirdo?"

I feel sorry for her but I can't help but laugh. "yeah! That's what you say. Remember good children never lie!" I said waving my pointer finger in no at her. She sighed. I love to annoy her.

"but hey you can at least write a song about being ditched like me." I winked at her making her laugh. The song I recently is released was about me being ditched for the exact same reason.

We ran into a few subscribers who asked for selfies. I am running out of video idea, so why not ask my fans for some idea.

"so we're here for next 5 days and I am having a real bad creative block. And I need idea from you guys!" I said.

"oh! We have idea for you. You should definitely try out the snacks in your hotel suite." guy who introduced himself as Rob said.

"yeah! And you should definitely try swaping your entire outfits for a day." his girlfriend Maria said.

"that's a cool idea!" I agreed.

"and you should try out coffee and drinks around the cafes here if you're free to explore!" Rob gave the last idea.

"thank you so much!" I smiled. "do you guys wanna be on vlog?"

"of course!" They agreed. They said little message to the camera and I bid them bye. We went to the restaurant. Our friend Emma came to meet us. We drove to her house to film videos for our YouTube. That was pretty much how the day went.

It was a mild chaos until Ajiah threw up again when we reached back to our hotel making it more CHAOTIC. I am seriously worried for her.

"bro you sure you aren't pregnant?" I asked.

"Shut up!" She mumbled as she threw up in the toilet and I had to hold her short hair out of her face. She was finally done. "maybe it was food I ate on plane!" she plopped down on the floor.

"you'll be fine. Wash up your face and I'll get you some water!" I gave her a quick hug and walked out. There was no water in our room, we ran out. Room service would take too long. I grabbed my wallet and phone.

"I'm going to get some water. Don't pass out on the bathroom floor." I announced. I rushed down stairs and Got a few bottles of water and ran back up managing to hold my phone, wallet, and 5 bottles of water.

I just don't want Ajiah to pass out on the bathroom floor. To makes shit worse I bumped into someone and dropped everything.

"are you bli-" I stopped as I noticed who it is. It's Harry! What the hell is he doing here? I don't give give a fuck. I need to rush to my Best Friend. I started collecting my stuff which is now scattered around the lobby. He butted his forehead into mine as we both bent down to pick up my phone.

"I am sorry you alright?" He asked.

"yeah. I am sorry I wasn't-" I stopped again as I could literally hear Ajiah throwing up and sobbing loudly. "oh shit!" I bustes into the room throwing everything on sofa and ran into bathroom. Ajiah looked horrible. She almost passed out.

"Oh my god! Is she alright?" I heard Harry behind me.

"no, she's been throwing up since we arrived." I am trying so hard not to panic.

"let me call the reception to ask for medical help!" He ran out of the bathroom and called the reception. They immediately sent a doctor to our suite and she checked Ajiah. We eventually ended up taking her to the hospital cuz she couldn't actually make the diagnosis here.

She just have food poisoning. After getting the meds we came back. Harry actually offered to drive us to the hospital and back here. I helped Ajiah to lie down in her room, she immediately fell asleep.

"thank you so much for helping us!" I smiled at him.

"no problem. Let me know if you need any help. I'm your next door neighbour!" He smiled back.

"sure I will." I smiled. I walked him to the door. He walked to his room suite which is right in front of mine. I waited to shut the door until he got it. I don't wanna be rude. Especially after he just helped me take my best friend to the hospital.

He waved at me as he got in his suite, "good night."

"good night." we shut our doors at the same time. I dragged myself to my room and threw myself on bed.

Today, was a literal Chaos!
