Chapter 12

Toast wasn't quite sure what to think at the moment. He was waiting in a cold, quiet room, the walls painted white and filled with people unsure of whether their loved ones and friends and family were alive right now. Worried if they were okay.

Toast had never liked hospital waiting rooms, and he especially hated them now, as he waited for news on Ghost. His partner, boss, best friend-and as he now realized, his love.

Many thoughts whirled around in his mind, mainly just that Ghost can't possibly be gone. There was no way. He had just had him back into his life, he couldn't lose him so soon.

Especially not now that he'd realized how he felt for him. Not before Toast was able to let him know how much he loved him.

Toast sat with his head held in his hands for what felt like hours and hours, waiting helplessly for the news of how Ghost was doing right now. He didn't realize he had been crying until a nurse came up to him with a tissue.

"Are you Johnny Toast? The one who brought in Mr. Ghost?" She asked, and Toast nodded, looking up at her and studying her face carefully.

She had a very grim look, like she did not want to deliver the news to him, and she wouldn't meet his eyes. She simply stated into one corner of the hospital waiting room, chewing nervously on her lip.

"Is he.. Okay?" Toast asked, looking scared. Once more, I can't lose him went through his mind. The nurse jumped as he questioned her.

"Yes, yes oh, I'm sorry. He is going to be fine, he's awake now if you'd like to go and see him. I'm terribly sorry if I frightened you, I... Have another family, to give some not as good news to." She whispered the last part, chewing more on her lip.

Toast's eyes widened, and he felt like immediately rushing over to the room his friend was in, but he made himself pause for a moment. Placing a hand on the nurses arm gently, he gave his best reassuring smile. "I'm sorry. I wish you luck." He told her, and the nurse smiled softly and sadly at him, thanking him before taking a deep breath and walking towards the family.

Toast stood and watched for a second, but turned his eyes away before she told them, not wanting to see what happened next. He quickly remembered Ghost, rushing as quickly as he could to his room.

"Sir..!" He called once he got inside, and Ghost looked up at him, eyes wide.

"I'm so glad that you're okay, Ghost." Toast said, his arms wrapping around him, careful of his injuries. "I was so worried..."

Ghost didn't say anything at first, simply holding Toast back. After a while, Toast heard him mumble something. "Johnny... Did you get the ghost..?"

"No, sir.." He muttered in reply. "He.. Managed to get away, just after he hurt you, and I was too worried about you to think of the ghost.."

Ghost's eyes widened. "So you mean.."

"Yes, sir. The ghost is still out there."
