Chapter 78: Summer Escape

Soon after Gu Hui Yan finished speaking, as expected, within a few days, in the morning court the Emperor proposed to go to the outside palace to escape the heat this summer, instead of staying in the Forbidden City.

In the Forbidden City, the hierarchy was strict and the palace walls were heavy. Courtiers must be cautious when they go to court every day, this was a constraint on both the Emperor and the court. If they get out the palace, not only was it much easier to discuss things, but also not far away from the Royal Hunting Grounds, which offered the best of both worlds, political affairs and entertainment.

But it's a pity that the Emperor's kindness was not recognized by his courtiers, especially the official group headed by First Assistant Zhang, strongly opposed to the Emperor leaving the imperial palace and going outside the capital. Zhang Xiao Lian had been the First Assistant and the Emperor's teacher for many years. Everyone was used to Zhang Xiao Lian making decisions for the Emperor, everyone thought that this time will be the same as before. Even if the Emperor this young man was anxious to have fun, as long as First Assistant Zhang disagree and the Emperor being stubborn, in the end could only listen to First Assistant's opinion.

But the matter of going to the outside palace was particularly troublesome. The Emperor showed a cold face during morning court, and the noon meeting afterward were canceled off. For many years, in order to assist and teach the young Emperor, the cabinet also double as instructor for the Emperor. Every day after the morning court finished, they would be summoned by the Emperor to Qianqing Palace to give lecture for His Majesty. This practice was constructed by Zhang Xiao Lian, and now the Emperor has cancelled the cabinet lecture for the first time, which was undoubtedly a clear statement to everyone in the capital that he was dissatisfied with Zhang Xiao Lian's practice.

Very childish behavior, but the meaning behind it was huge and terrifying.

Later, Yan Wang came forward to deal with it and agreed for the Emperor to go to the outside palace to escape the heat, but the following army must be strict. In front of everyone's eyes he also went to Zhang's Mansion, and personally acted as a lobbyist for the First Assistant and the Emperor. Zhang Xiao Lian really didn't have plan to usurp the throne. He just had a clear and independent set of ideas about what the Emperor should do and how the court should function. He drew a perfect template for the Emperor, and asked the Emperor to follow this model and grow into the image of wise monarch in his mind.

But how was it possible. The Emperor was asked to be a virtuous and upright monarch since he was a child, and he himself was prepared, but if he said a few words to the little palace maids around him, he would be reprimanded by the First Assistant for not acting like Shang Zhou and Zhou You (tn: wise emperor of the past), and to get closer to a certain palace eunuch. He would be told that he should be close to the virtuous minister. Even when the Emperor indulged in calligraphy and after copied a few characters, he would be sternly lectured by Zhang Xiao Lian, shouldn't let trifling destroy the will.

In particular, everyone felt that the Emperor was still a child, and in the end would always listen to First Assistant Zhang's words, which made the Emperor's rebellious heart became even more serious. Among the civil and military forces of the dynasty, probably only Yan Wang who did not regard the Emperor as a child. The Emperor said it several times, but Gu Hui Yan often used honorific words such as "Your Majesty" to him. Although felt a bit estranged, Gu Hui Yan always kept his duty as a minister and satisfied the Emperor's self-esteem.

When Gu Hui Yan personally came forward, Zhang Xiao Lian still need to give the Emperor some face. However, even if he relented, he refused to show that he agreed with this matter, rather said he was ill and declined to accompany to the outside palace.

And the Emperor knew that he was being uncharacteristic, he didn't even show a caring attitude for his teacher's health and directly ordered the entourage to set out towards the outside palace. As for the unhealthy First Assistant, then stay in the capital to recuperate.

The officials in the capital all smelled a strong gunpowder smoke. Although there was a sign before, as long as the last layer of window paper was not broken, everyone could pretend to be ignorant. But now, the Emperor was not even willing to maintain this superficial effort.

A big change was coming, right under everyone's nose.

The outside palace was built in the southwest of the capital, surrounded by mountains and rivers, with lush vegetation. Many wild animals were bred on the pasture just for the imperial family and nobles to hunt and play. Because the front was surrounded by water and backed by the mountain, even if the outside palace was more south than the capital, the temperature was appropriate throughout the year, especially suitable for summer escape, so it was also called the Summer Palace. The architectural style of the Summer Palace was very different from that of the capital. Flowers and trees were planted everywhere, and the courtyard was no longer strictly in accordance with the hierarchy and symmetry like in the capital, it was much more lively and graceful.

After three or four days of rest, Lin Wei Xi was slowly recovered, and her face didn't look as pale as when she had just arrived. Her body was weak, even after rebirth Lin Wei Xi meticulously maintained it, the sickness that came from mother's womb, no matter how you raised it, still couldn't be as good as ordinary people.

Lin Wei Xi was recuperating, and the entire Yan Wang Mansion moving around her quietly. Now that Lin Wei Xi got better, everyone in the mansion had light steps. The condition of the mistress of a mansion directly affected the appearance of the entire mansion.

"Wangfei, this is an invitation from Marquis Chengde Mansion inviting you to enjoy the flowers."

Lin Wei Xi glanced at it and said, "Put it down."

A few days ago, she declined to meet visitors, and took leave from the Empress Dowager and the Emperor. Visiting the sick and well-wishes cards were accumulating into a small piles. Now that her health was better, the endless invitations from each mansion were becoming more and more diligent.

Lin Wei Xi leaned on the soft pillow, Wan Xing held a thick pile of cards and read them one by one for Lin Wei Xi. Wan Yue stood by the side, changing the water and fanning Lin Wei Xi from time to time, taking care of Lin Wei Xi's body carefully.

Gao Ran also stood not too far away, but she looked absent-minded and seemed incompatible with Lin Wei Xi's master and servant this three people. Even the maid need to call her three times before Gao Ran woke up and covered her cough.

Lin Wei Xi glanced at her and asked, "What's wrong with Shizi Consort, are you unwell?"

"Not at all." Gao Ran bowed her head. "It's just that the windows were not closed tightly last night, and felt a little cold."

Lin Wei Xi nodded lightly and said, "Shizi Consort should pay attention to your body. If you feel unwell, you should go back and rest first."

"How can this work? It's not a major problem." Gao Ran lowered her eyes to decline. Lin Wei Xi glanced at her, and said nothing.

As soon as Gao Ran went out later, Wan Xing get close to Lin Wei Xi's ear, and whispered: "Wangfei, Shizi and Shizi Consort was arguing again just now."

"What happened?"

"It seems that Shizi of Duke Yingguo Mansion came here not long ago. I don't know what he said to Shizi, but Shizi looked unhappy. Shizi Consort saw it, and after a few words of persuasion, the two separated again.

It turned out that the father-in-law came, no wonder the two people were so cold to the naked eye. Fathers often think differently from female elders such as grandmothers and biological mothers. Female elders understand that it was not easy to be a daughter-in-law, so they always persuade their daughters to be gentle and tolerant, but the fathers were always confident with their own convictions. No matter how he treats his wives and concubines, in short, his daughter cannot be wronged at all. The Duke Yingguo Shizi made this special trip, presumably to support his daughter to vent her anger, but with Gu Cheng Yao's character, was he a person who could reflect on compromise? It's impossible, so it's no wonder that Gu Cheng Yao and Gao Ran once again had a cold war.

In fact, Gao Ran felt angry too. Seeing her and Gu Cheng Yao's relationship eased a little, Duke Yingguo Shizi had to come over and inserted his foot in. This inferior father came to support her and teach her husband. Gao Ran didn't feel touched. She only felt that Duke Yingguo Shizi's extra effort and self-righteousness were disturbing the relationship between their husband and wife.

For Lin Wei Xi, these things were just a gossip to past the time. After finished listening she continued to lower her head to deal with her own business. After a while Gao Ran came back from outside and continued to wait on Lin Wei Xi's side. At this time, a young manservant ran in from the outside. He cleverly gave Lin Wei Xi a salute and probed the room: "Wangfei, is Shizi here with you?"

"No, I haven't seen him." Lin Wei Xi looked at the young boy's expression and asked, "Why are you looking for him?"

"It's nothing big, but Wangye has instruction for Shizi, to let Shizi go over as soon as possible."

"What's the matter?"

"This little one also doesn't know, it seems that Wangye want to ride the horse to the hunting ground."

Lin Wei Xi's eyes became rounder: "Wangye is going to the hunting ground?"

The young manservant scratched his head. Actually, he was not sure, but Wangfei was so excited that he was unwilling to say no. Although Lin Wei Xi was in poor health, she still had a passion for dangerous sports. Especially with the boudoir strict training, she had never been to an eye-catching place like hunting grounds, as for riding horses don't even think about it. In this sense, after marriage as long as the husband and mother-in-law allowed it, the woman's autonomy would become greater. Riding horses for a young lady was considered improper, but after marrying, as long as the mother-in-law allowed it, and the husband accompanied the woman to ride a horse, then what could other people say?

Since Gu Hui Yan sent someone to call Gu Cheng Yao, it must be Gu Hui Yan's personal plan, not an invitation from his colleague. In this case, Lin Wei Xi could follow along and develop it into a family gathering.

Lin Wei Xi immediately went back to the house to change into her riding outfit enthusiastically. Gao Ran also heard these words, of course she had to follow along. Gao Ran was sent back by Lin Wei Xi to change clothes. Both of them changed their clothes abnormally fast. After a while, Gao Ran changed neatly into her clothes and returned to Lin Wei Xi's room. Lin Wei Xi took Gao Ran and went outside to find Yan Wang.

After Duke Yingguo Shizi came out from Yan Wang's residence in the Summer Palace, he walked for a long time in trance.

He also knew that Gao Ran had returned to his family some time ago, but he was not clear why. It was not until a few days that Gao Chen spill the beans. He carefully asked Han shi, only to realize that Gao Ran returned to her maiden family because her husband was taking a concubine. Duke Yingguo Shizi was furious when he learned about it. In fact, he also had a lot of concubine, but his son-in-law accepted a concubine, and even wronged his daughter for the concubine, how could he bear this kind of thing? (tn: Hypocrite much!)

Just now in the Summer Palace it was convenient to get in and out. Duke Yingguo Shizi with a black face came to Yan Wang Mansion to settle accounts with Gu Cheng Yao. However, Gu Cheng Yao grew up in a good environment, his life always smooth sailing, where would he concede to lowering himself in front of his father-in-law. Duke Yingguo Shizi had a bad tone, after he said a few words, Gu Cheng Yao was also annoyed. With a cold face he threw the yin yang pot to Duke Yingguo Shizi, so that he could see what his precious daughter did. Don't think that his daughter was all great, as if suffered a grievance, then everything was the fault of others.

At the start Duke Yingguo Shizi was completely in disbelief when Gu Cheng Yao said that Gao Ran plot against the concubine's reputation. It was not until Gu Cheng Yao put things in front of him that Duke Yingguo Shizi was shocked to find that it was not Gu Cheng Yao who was slanderous. He had no idea that there was such an inside story, or it could be said, he had never thought that his kind and gentle daughter would do such a thing.

The son-in-law wanted to accept his personal maid who had served him for ten years as a concubine. Gao Ran was unwilling, so she used medicated wine to frame the concubine with the crime of adultery. Had it not been for Wangfei who found out that there was something wrong with the wine pot, Gao Ran would have succeeded.

When Duke Yingguo Shizi walked out of Yan Wang Mansion, his steps were weak. He didn't care that he lost his face in front of his son-in-law, now his whole mind was on another matter.

Duke Yingguo Shizi faintly remembered that many years ago, one of his favorite concubines was also found to have an affair. At that time, the favorite concubine cried very badly. She kept crying that she fell into other people's trap, didn't know who put medicine on the wine, that she lost consciousness after drinking it. At that time, Duke Yingguo Shizi disdained her. He was furious for being cuckold, and only felt that this woman was quibbling. Later, the concubine was hurriedly dealt with a bowl of medicine, and in the deep courtyard, the dead was silent.

In fact, she was a concubine that Duke Yingguo Shizi liked very much. She was unbelievably lively, smart, and considerate. What a pity.

However, now that Duke Yingguo Shizi got the Yin Yang pot from his son-in-law, he suddenly remembered this past event. After so many years, Duke Yingguo Shizi's anger from wearing a green hat had been appeased, and he could finally sort out the cause and effect of this matter rationally. Were the signs of the favored concubine during that time really like having an affair with another man? Not necessarily.

Suddenly, Duke Yingguo Shizi did not dare to think about it anymore. Gao Ran used a yin yang pot to her concubine's room. Then in Duke Yingguo Mansion, who would attack his concubine? Where did Gao Ran inherit this yin yang pot, and even the medicine in the wine?

Duke Yingguo Shizi stood under the June's bright sunshine, stared blankly for a while before he finally felt himself standing on the ground. Suddenly a torrent of anger from being deceived burst out. He immediately ordered his right-hand man to go down and investigate the matter of his favorite concubine's adultery that year. A cold light appeared in Duke Yingguo Shizi's eyes. If he really found that someone was deceiving him, coax him into running around in circles for many years and let her be the biological mother of his only son. He would not spare her lightly.

Gu Hui Yan, Zhou Mao Cheng and others were walking on the winding corridor, Gu Hui Yan asked, "His Majesty going out to hunt again today?"


Gu Hui Yan sighed in a low voice, "Let the guards next to him follow him closely. Go down and remind Xia Lin in private that although His Majesty' wish is hard to disobey, once anything goes wrong, he will be the one who take the blame."

When the Emperor was out of the palace, of course the guards around him could not be careless. In addition to the Yulin Army, Gu Hui Yan also transferred a lot of personnel, among which Xia Lin who are his people. The Emperor had great trust in Yan Wang's army. In the past few days, he ran farther and farther. Even when the Empress Dowager heard that Yan Wang's people was following, she was relieved to let the Emperor go out.

The Emperor and courtiers were relieved, but Gu Hui Yan in here had a lot of trouble. It was him who vouched for the Emperor to go out. Don't look at First Assistant Zhang and other officials saying nothing now, but if something goes wrong, he couldn't escape the blame.

After Gu Hui Yan beaten down his subordinates, he asked the arrangement of the guards around the Emperor. They were detailed and clear, not one drop of water could leak out, but in the blink of an eye there were several loopholes. Zhou Mao Cheng hurriedly wrote it down one by one, and he secretly admired. The bunch of them had been scrutinizing the patrol list for a long time, and thought there was no leak. Who knew that Yan Wang just listened to it once and noticed the personnel conflict. Amazing, Zhou Mao Cheng was sincerely convinced.

Gu Hui Yan walked along the winding corridor, seemingly slow and leisurely, but the steps were almost equidistant, which immediately distinguished him from ordinary nobles. No matter how much those young master paid attention to demeanor and appearance, still could not take such upright and solemn steps.

"Gu Cheng Yao."

Gu Cheng Yao took a step forward: "The son is here."

"If the Emperor summons you to go hunting these few days, you can find any reason to refuse. Mandate of Heaven is hard to disobey, but also cannot indulge him to much, lest he really thinks he is omnipotent, and we will grant whatever he asked for."

In private, Gu Hui Yan's attitude towards the little Emperor did not like the respect and restraint he had shown. After hearing this, Gu Cheng Yao fell in awe, bowed his head and replied solemnly, "Yes."

"Since you can't accompany the Emperor to go hunting, it will be no good to accept the invitations from other families. You should not go hunting in the hunting ground these few days, if you want to ride a horse wait until we return to the capital."

"This son understand."

They were still talking when they suddenly saw a group of people walking across the winding corridor. When Lin Wei Xi saw Gu Hui Yan her eyes clearly brighten, and quickly greeted him: "Wangye."

This call was sweet and crisp, Gu Hui Yan's expression unconsciously became more relaxed. He caught Lin Wei Xi who was leaping over, looked at her and smiled: "Why are you here?"

Lin Wei Xi looked at him in surprise: "Is it not you that said you want to ride a horse in the hunting ground, I'll follow you."

Gu Hui Yan's smile unchanged, turning his head without saying a word to look at the people behind. Gu Mingda retreated to the back and asked a few people, and soon returned. Lin Wei Xi looked at these people curiously. It was rare to see the embarrassment on Gu Mingda's iceberg face. Gu Mingda clasped his fists and whispered: "Wangye, it's a small servant in the outer courtyard who was the problem. Wangye asked someone to find Shizi, to ask Shizi not to go to the hunting ground. He listened the wrong way, so he passed the wrong words to Wangfei."

Lin Wei Xi was immediately unwilling to hear this: "I have changed my clothes, you suddenly say not going?"

Upon seeing this, Gao Ran whispered to Lin Wei Xi, "Mother, since the servant passed the wrong word, let's go back."

It was alright if there was no expectation, but Lin Wei Xi excitedly get ready to go out to play, and suddenly it was canceled, the gap in her heart especially uncomfortable. She was fuming, looked up with round eyes and gave Gu Hui Yan a ferocious look.

Gu Hui Yan could only relent: "Since you want to go, let them enclose another place for you to play. Can you ride a horse?"

Lin Wei Xi was overjoyed and pleasantly surprise, "Really?"


Lin Wei Xi's eyes lighted up, and if it weren't for so many people around, she would have pounced on Gu Hui Yan: "Thank you, Wangye! I can't ride a horse. Wangye, please teach me!"

Zhou Mao Cheng and Gu Mingda looked at each other in amazement, even Gu Cheng Yao found it incredible. What? A few seconds ago, didn't Gu Hui Yan just said not to go to the hunting ground during this time? Did Gu Hui Yan think all of them are deaf? Don't go back on your words so quickly!

The men tacitly kept silent, and followed behind silently, watching Yan Wangfei happily pulling Yan Wang to the stable.
