Chapter 55: Pride

When Yan Wang came back, people from Duke Yingguo Mansion did not dare to sit down anymore. Lin Wei Xi out of courtesy sent the people out. She politely said: "The old madam is leaving now? It is not easy for you to come to the mansion, don't you want to take a look at Shizi Consort?"

When the maiden family arrived, there was no reason they could not see their daughters. But today, the situation was special. The Duke Yingguo madam and Yan Wang had face-to-face meeting. Now she just want to leave the house as soon as possible, so how dare still stay in the mansion. The old madam said: "That's not necessary, the Duke Yingguo Mansion and Yan Wang Mansion are close, there will be more opportunities to meet in the future, there's no need to rush. On the contrary, we have been disturbing Wangfei for a long time today, and Wangfei still need to arrange the lunch, so this old body will no longer disturb."

"The old madam is polite." Lin Wei Xi smiled and suddenly asked, "According to the old madam, what should I do with Shizi Consort who hasn't finished copying The Book of Filial Piety? The New Year is coming soon, and she stay in the Buddhist hall also not good. If not, just forget it?"

Duke Yingguo old madam indeed thought so in her heart. Wasn't this kind of thing everyone would tacitly agree and then went through the motion. However, when Lin Wei Xi said it like this and asked in front of everyone, Duke Yingguo old madam, no matter how big the face, dare not say "Just forget it", the old lady could only bite the bullet and said, "How can that be?! How can she give up halfway when she made a mistake? After the year is over, let her go back and copy it again."

Lin Wei Xi said "Oh", sure enough old ginger is spicier, but it was a pity that Lin Wei Xi had understood the old madam's way, and it was useless to play with her. Lin Wei Xi smiled and asked sweetly and frankly: "When is this after the years over? That is too general. I'm afraid I will make a mistake. It is better for the old madam to make it clear, what day do you mean?

Gao second lady really couldn't close her mouth. She looked up at Lin Wei Xi in amazement, as if she saw some strange species. Duke Yingguo old madam had to grit her teeth a bit: "After the seventh day, after the People's Day, it is time for the Kitchen God to return to heaven."

"Alright." Lin Wei Xi responded with a smile, "Then follow the instructions of the old madam and let Shizi Consort continue to go to the temple to copy books on the eighth day of the New Year. I will inform Shizi Consort, the old madam and second lady will wait for Shizi Consort?"

"No need." The Duke Yingguo old madam twitched the corners of her lips stiffly, and said, "We are leaving now, Wangfei stays."

As expected, Lin Wei Xi stopped at the gate of the courtyard, smiled politely, and asked the maid to send the people out. Normally Lin Wei Xi should take a few more steps, but now Yan Wang was inside. Even if she leaves Yan Wang to send off the guests, the people of Duke Yingguo Mansion also dare not take it.

Lin Wei Xi more or less stood at the gate, and then turned around to return to the room. Just now Gu Hui Yan's expression looks wrong when he came in. What's wrong?

Lin Wei Xi did not see Yan Wang after entering the house. She asked the maid standing by the side: "Where is Wangye?"

The maid squatted over and quietly said: "Wangye is in the study."

Lin Wei Xi walked to the side house. She stood at the door and saw Gu Hui Yan standing in front of the bookshelf, sorting out his own collection. The eastern side house was called the study room, but actually it used to be vacant. Now Wangye moved the frequently used books back to the inner house, and the Wangfei also put things in it. Originally the side house was not spacious enough, so the study naturally need to be expanded. Now the East side house had opened the back pavilion, removed the old windows, and installed clear glazed windows, as far as eyes can see was bright and tidy.

The brightness Lin Wei Xi may have some credit, after all, it was her idea ​​which direction to open the window in the first place, but the neatness was all because of Gu Hui Yan. In fact, Lin Wei Xi's living habits were definitely not messy. After all, her family background and education were there. She was not a person who throws things around, but Gu Hui Yan's obsessive-compulsive disorder was absolutely inexhaustible. His book must have the same height, the same direction, and different categories were also in different places, no matter what direction to look at, they were in neatly straight lines.

Lin Wei Xi couldn't help but stop when she walked to the door. Yan Wang's arrangement of this place was so neat that it made her difficult to move. She felt that she was the biggest mess.

Gu Hui Yan had heard Lin Wei Xi's footsteps a long time ago. He waited for a while but found that the noise had stopped. He looked back and saw Lin Wei Xi leaning by the door with a strange expression on her face. Gu Hui Yan was amused by such a weird expression, and the quiet and solemn face finally had some liveliness: "Why don't you come in? What are you doing at the door?"

"Wangye has arranged things clearly here. Once I went in, wouldn't it be messed up again?"

"Worst comes to worst just arrange it again, it's not a problem." Gu Hui Yan looked at her and smiled, and reached his hand to Lin Wei Xi, "Come here."

Lin Wei Xi really leaned forward. She took the book from Gu Hui Yan, looked up at Gu Hui Yan, and smiled crookedly: "Although Wangye said it's not a problem, I'm still afraid that you blame me in your heart. I will give you a hand, you definitely cannot say it's inconveniencing me."

Gu Hui Yan smiled, did not object, and said, "Then thank you for your trouble Wangfei."

Lin Wei Xi and Gu Hui Yan stood side by side in front of the tall and solid red sandalwood bookshelf that still exudes a unique woody fragrance. Gu Hui Yan held the book in one hand, quietly and calmly returning it to the right place. The setting sun hit Gu Hui Yan through the glazed windows, coating his profile with a layer of golden light, and he became more and more like a god descending to the earth, handsome and refined. The orange sun shines on Gu Hui Yan's hands, making his fingers slender and well-shaped, while the thin callus on his fingers and palms silently demonstrate the strength of a master.

Lin Wei Xi looked somewhat spellbound, but Gu Hui Yan saw that she didn't respond, so he could only said it again, "Li Weigong Questions."

Lin Wei Xi wake up from a dream, quickly found the book and handed it over to Gu Hui Yan.

The two of them one handed the books one put it in place, very harmonious. Although Lin Wei Xi felt that her role had no effect at all, and suspected that she was slowing down Gu Hui Yan's progress. But she still shamelessly gave a credit to herself, that she finished organizing the book collection with Gu Hui Yan. The atmosphere in the study was harmonious. Lin Wei Xi was looking for a book and asked while she was free: "Wangye, are you angry just now?"

Gu Hui Yan's hand invisibly paused, and then proceeded to sort out the spine of the book: "No. Why do you ask?"

"It's nothing, just think you are in a bad mood."

Gu Hui Yan glanced down at her, with a light tone: "How old are you, have you learned how to discern other's words and observe their expression?"

"What's wrong with my young age, was it not allowed to be born brilliant and talented?" Lin Wei Xi was dissatisfied with Gu Hui Yan who always said how old she was, and couldn't help muttering, "Was it not because I see you often that I paid attention, otherwise who's going to take care of you."

Gu Hui Yan glanced at Lin Wei Xi lightly, and after a while, he couldn't help but smile.

In fact, Gu Hui Yan rarely revealed his emotions, especially emotions that showed his true thoughts such as anger and discomfort. He actually didn't intend to mention these words, but who wanted to be seen through by the delicate and bad-temper little wife at home. Gu Hui Yan didn't think it was a retrogression in his many years of qi training. Perhaps, as Lin Wei Xi said, the two of them got along day and night, so the small changes even political opponents could not detect, it still couldn't be hidden from the person who shares his bed.

Lin Wei Xi saw Gu Hui Yan smile, and the pressure around his body became much better. She felt encouraged and asked tentatively, "Is it because of Gao Chen?"

Really didn't know where Gao Chen learned that "good habit". He could do things like eavesdropping in other people's house, and he almost succeeded. If it were not for Gu Hui Yan's sudden return, and he was more alert than ordinary people, afraid that Lin Wei Xi still unaware that what she said was heard word by word, and all at once it would be pass on to Han shi and even Gao Ran's ears.

Lin Wei Xi thought that Gu Hui Yan had caught an eavesdropping in his mansion, and felt unhappy. But Gu Hui Yan laughed, and shook his head: "Of course not. Why?"

Even if eavesdropping on this kind of thing was a bit shameless, but Gao Chen couldn't even count as a piece of sand in Gu Hui Yan's eyes. How could he be worried and even upset for such an unknown person? The people who was able to affect Gu Hui Yan's mind could be counted on one hand, and now, one more person has been added.

Gu Hui Yan looked down at Lin Wei Xi. She was still thinking ignorantly about the culprit that caused Gu Hui Yan's mood to deteriorate. When Lin Wei Xi mentioned Gao Chen, she couldn't help but think of the Book of Heaven and the future end of Gao Chen's inheritance of the Duke title. Lin Wei Xi's heart was stirring and couldn't help asking, "Wangye, what do you think of Gao Chen?"

"He?" Gu Hui Yan didn't expect Lin Wei Xi to suddenly ask about this person. He was just a shu grandson of the Duke Yingguo Mansion, only seven or eight years old. Gu Hui Yan didn't put this child in his eyes. Hearing Lin Wei Xi's question, Gu Hui Yan thought for a while and said, "Too flattering and embarrassing."

This conclusion was completely different to what Lin Wei Xi saw in the book, but Yan Wang's judgment of people couldn't be wrong, so why was there such a big deviation? Lin Wei Xi was curious, so she asked, "What makes Wangye think so? Is it because he eavesdropping?"

"No. Those who succeed will not bother with trifles, using trickery for a good principle then eavesdropping on what people say is nothing. But whether a true gentleman or a treacherous man, those who succeed without exception are all strong in heart and have clear goals, but he is too superficial. What he thought are all in order to meet others' preferences. I don't know the origin of this child, but I assumed that he most likely adept at pleasing the madams in the inner house, and in his eyes could only have his own family. In the future, he will be good in fighting for power, but there's no way for him to be a pioneer that open up a frontier."

With this words Lin Wei Xi suddenly realized. No wonder, in the future, Gao Chen indeed would rely on the help of his sister and brother-in-law to overcome his shu status to become the duke, but Duke Yingguo Mansion was not outstanding at that time, all relied on the light of their in-laws. Gao Chen becoming the duke and the person himself was incompetence were not contradictory. Wining the family power struggle did not mean that he could lead the family to prosperity. The idea of ​​looking at the old at the age of three didn't came out of thin air. Gu Hui Yan barely met face-to-face, and his evaluation resolved Lin Wei Xi's long-standing confusion.

Lin Wei Xi was originally very uncomfortable with Gao Chen inherited the Duke Yingguo Mansion. Now that she listened to Gu Hui Yan's words, she even more didn't want to let the trajectory of the world to follow the heavenly book.

If Gao Chen was a real talented person, then Lin Wei Xi disliked Gao Chen because of personal grievances, really has a limit. But if Gao Chen couldn't take the Duke Yingguo Mansion to go up, might also lead the family to indulged in the status quo and slip into the abyss of complacent. Then Lin Wei Xi really had no reason to sit by and watch a person who was incompetent and she personally hated, become the patriarch of the duke mansion.

Lin Wei Xi lowered her eyes and couldn't help thinking about her clan brothers from the side branch who were both excellent in morals and studies. For Lin Wei Xi, the people who had the same bloodline but not the same parent, Guo Ji and his younger shu brother to inherited her father's Shizi position, it would be no difference. After Lin Wei Xi reborn, she was determined to draw a clear line from the past. Her status, past glory, and dowry were all buried with Gao Xi's death, and everyone in the Duke Yingguo Mansion was no longer her maiden family. Even if Lin Wei Xi approached Grand Princess Shou Kang out of selfishness, it was with another identity, and she did not intend to reveal the secret that she was Gao Xi.

Therefore, Lin Wei Xi really had nothing to do with her previous life. The life and death of the Duke Yingguo Mansion has nothing to do with her, but after all, the Duke Yingguo Mansion had raised her. Lin Wei Xi's lavish life since childhood, the meticulous education, and the pile of gold and jade, were all brought to her by the family. It would be very low if you enjoy the protection of the family, and after you got married, you will curse the family for sucking blood and eating people. Although now Lin Wei Xi was dead and reborn and stayed out of the way, she still want to contribute to the family that once gave birth to her and watch the Duke Yingguo Mansion go up at least for the rest of her life.

Lin Wei Xi quickly went through Guo clan's side branch, tried to choose a suitable child in all aspects. However, this kind of thing could not be rushed, she raised her head and saw Gu Hui Yan looking down at her, his eyes deep: "What are you thinking?"

Lin Wei Xi blinked, stretched out her hand to embrace Gu Hui Yan's arm, smiled shamelessly, and refused to say. Gu Hui Yan could do nothing to her, so he let her vaguely passed.

If Gu Hui Yan really wanted to know it was very easy to break through Lin Wei Xi's defense, he allowed Lin Wei Xi to act coquettishly, and didn't want to go deeply into it.

Lin Wei Xi originally helped hand over the book properly, but later she didn't want to answer, so she just hung her whole body on Gu Hui Yan. The interference was so strong that it was impossible to organize the bookshelves. Fortunately the books were almost all sorted out, and for the rest one-hand was enough. Gu Hui Yan unhurriedly sorted the book, with his other hand wrapped around Lin Wei Xi's waist, very unwittingly asked: "The scenery outside is just right, but you want to stay in the house with me to tidy up the books. Isn't it boring? "

"No." Lin Wei Xi bafflingly asked, "How can I feel bored? It's rare for Wangye to have such a long free time, can do something with you... although most of it is done by you, anyway, I feel very good."

Gu Hui Yan lowered his head, just in time to see Lin Wei Xi tilting her head against his shoulder, her delicate chin slightly raised, arrogant and straightforward. Gu Hui Yan smiled slightly, and his heart slowly relaxed. In fact, this was not the answer Gu Hui Yan wanted to hear. Lin Wei Xi did not understand his probing. Sometimes, she did not realize that he was testing her. But what does it matter? She was already his wife. Before considering the issue of providing for the elderly life, she had to spend a larger part of her time with him. Therefore, the reason Lin Wei Xi chose to marry him, there was no need to get to the bottom of it.

Gu Hui Yan could understand Lin Wei Xi's original thoughts, because Gao Ran decided to give Lin Wei Xi to others and said something to provoke her. Lin Wei Xi refused to be oppressed, just like the girl in the boudoir refused to be overwhelmed by her sister. Gao Ran showed off her Shizi Consort's status, Lin Wei Xi in a fit of pique wanted to marry someone higher. Gu Hui Yan knew from the beginning that Lin Wei Xi was act in a fit of pique, and he was just a tool in her willful actions, just a way out. But it doesn't matter. He could become a way to climb the social class, precisely because he was the higher social class, Yan Wang's achievements and glory were also part of him.

The past had passed, people were already married, the marriage was completed, and the little girl was really enjoying the role of Yan Wangfei. For him to let her be proud and happy for a long time, it's not impossible.
