Chapter 7

Chapter 7 In Another Way Again…

    The sky is bright, the lawn is covered with a layer of hoarfrost, the buzzing bees are busy among the flowers of Angelica dahurica, and the sound of the waves that does not go out all night, after the ears get used to it, it will be very clear in the morning.

    A new day has come to this era, and it has begun again.

    It's extra relaxing on days when there's no alarm clock to wake you up. Yu Shanshan went to the kitchen to find water to brush his teeth, and saw a whole row of olive oil, seven bottles in total.

    Surprised for a moment, then she thanked the fairy and the big head who were carrying the camera, "Thank you for your hard work, I invite you to eat delicious food at noon." The

    fairy said the question in her heart, "How do you know it's us?"

    "Your fingers are stained. "

    He lowered his head, his fingernails were really purple, they laughed, "Hahaha."

    "What's for breakfast?" Jiang PD also came over.

    Yu Shanshan said, "Go and see if there are any eggs by the bamboo grove."

    Yesterday's flock of chickens and ducks lived in a stronghold, next to the bamboo grove, there may be eggs, duck eggs, and goose eggs.

    Datou blushed, "I went to fetch them in the morning." No one was left behind.

    Jiang pd: "???"

    [Hahahahahahaha. ]

    [Not only olive oil is not reserved for them, but eggs are too! ]

    [Big head: Eat according to your ability. ]

    The big head put down the camera, and took out one, two, three, four, five, six or seven eggs from the big pocket of the jacket. There are 4 eggs in total, 1 goose egg and 2 duck eggs.

    [Hahahahaha, I died laughing. ]

    [A big family of eggs. 】

    Very good, the olive oil is abundant at present, and the breakfast omelette is arranged.

    They said they don't need to give them, the program team gave them milk and egg food in the morning.

    Yu Shanshan fried two eggs for breakfast. After the breakfast problem was almost resolved, the boiling water on the stove hit the lid of the pot.

    Boiling water to wash my hair. I worked all day yesterday and sweated. I couldn't take it anymore.

    At the beginning, the program group only distributed one piece of soap, neither for face cleansing nor hair washing. A small piece of light green was used for washing face, clothes, bathing and hair, and it used up nearly a third of it. I don't know if they will be replenished in the future.

    Yu Shanshan had no choice but to wash his hair with soap, a bit disgusted with the soap full of chemicals, his hair was frizzy after washing, and he rubbed his wet and frizzy hair. Osmanthus pancreas, soap, and scented osmanthus oil are arranged later.

    However, for now, we must first solve the basic problems of food and clothing and survival.

    The house has been repaired, but there are no tables, beds and chairs in the house, and the food stored in the kitchen is only enough for a day or two. If there is a heavy rain or typhoon, if she cannot go out to find food, she will starve.

    She has long hair, almost waist length, not easy to dry. It was sunny outside, carrying a bucket, went to the reef by the sea to find food, basking in the sun and blowing the sea breeze.

    A group of four followed her to catch the sea.

    The gentle sea breeze blew the girl's long hair, a few hairs crossed the bridge of her nose, and Yu Shanshan pushed it behind her head.

    The sea breeze seems to be obedient, blowing in the opposite direction of her walk, her hair is natural pure black, the camera zooms from the distant view of the sea to the girl's flawless side face.

    I was shooting a place where the characters are beautiful. The fairy and the big head have been partners for many years. The fairy scenery is well photographed, which will create an atmosphere. The big person is well photographed. Combined, the mood of the girl walking on the beach against the blue background is absolutely beautiful. .



    [Youth is really the best capital, pure makeup, full of collagen, the face is already puffy, and it is naturally sculpted, no makeup is needed at all. ]

    [Don't say that, I'm only seventeen years old, and I'm not even a tenth of the beauty of the mountain, I'm dying of laughter. 】

    【Are you looking for abalone again, or are you going to pick up shells? 】

    Other guests on the east side had almost finished exploring, so Yu Shanshan chose to go west, and after about two hundred meters, he saw a reef.

    Climb up, put down the wooden barrel, find a suitable position, squat down, and start scraping the seaweed with a small sharp knife. This kind of seaweed looks like laver, and the locals call it hairweed.

    You can find a lot of hairy vegetables on the small island. Because of the large quantity, it is almost all over the island, and it is easy to find, so it has become an important food for the program crew. When the guests couldn't find anything else to eat, they went to shaved beef.

    Every day, every meal, I eat beef and hairy vegetables, and people's faces are as green as the beef and hairy vegetables.

    Yu Shanshan also ate beef hairy vegetables, and the fans of the other guests finally got a little more balanced: [Hahaha, I knew Yu Shanshan would go find beef hairy vegetables! There is nothing else to eat on this broken island except beef hair! 】

    【Psychological balance is better, everyone eats hairy vegetables. ]

    [What's wrong with the beef hair dish? You can't just eat protein, you should eat some vegetarian dishes. Let's change the taste. 】

    No one has been to the place I was looking for before. The beef hair on the stone is very thick. After 10 minutes of shoveling, I picked half a bucket. I went home to dry it and could eat it for several days.

    Several small puddles formed between the reefs under his feet, the sea water was crystal clear, and on the dark yellow sand, there was a brown creature swimming slowly.

    A smile appeared on Yu Shanshan's lips, he took off his sneakers and socks, went down barefoot, his thin white hands went deep into the water, slowly closed, and grabbed a sea cucumber.

    It was brown, shaped like a miniature brown mace, and held like a slimy slug in the hand.

    Although it doesn't look good, it's delicious and has high nutritional value, and it's expensive!

    [? ? ? Sea... sea cucumber? ]

    [Fuck, this sea cucumber is so big! ! ! ]


    [Our shaved beef is just a side dish, okay? Is it okay to eat sea cucumber for the main course? 】

    [Hahahaha, this is the first time I caught a sea cucumber. ]

    [It's strange, these high-end wild seafood, here in Yu Shanshan, it's like picking up trash on the roadside, and you can catch every one. ]

    [Hahahaha, I can't be envious. ]

    Jiang pd pointed again, and said pleasantly, "Look at this side, Shanshan, there are also!"

    Yu Shanshan walked to the puddle she mentioned, and caught another small wild sea cucumber. The sea cucumber just now was as long as Shanshan's palm, but now it is smaller, as long as a finger.

    [Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Lucky girl. ]

    [Tomorrow's food is also available, hehe. 】

    There are still a few small ones in this small puddle. When I grabbed them, they were too small. She was satisfied with two big ones, and put the small ones back into the water.

    [Shanshan is so kind~]

    [Kind people will always have good luck. ]

    [Make an appointment in advance, how do you eat sea cucumbers at noon? ]

    [Of course it is served with beef hair, hee hee hee. 】

    It's too dazzling! It's so dazzling! The fans of the other guests couldn't stand it anymore, and their hearts were blocked. My own idol, I guess I will eat beef and hairy vegetables at noon.

    After going to the sea for an hour, I returned with a full load and my hair was dried.

    Looking at my home from a distance, the small, gray-black yard covered with moss is the first to come into view. There are several revitalized plum trees and orange trees in the yard. There are three houses and a living room currently used A bedroom, a kitchen, and an original bedroom.

    The living room was repaired yesterday and is used as her bedroom.

    From a distance, the house is very beautiful. Always feeling something is missing, Yu Shanshan asked Jiang PD, "Is there anything missing in our house?"

    Jiang PD looked at it for a while, yesterday it was still a haunted house, today it looks like a place where a person lives, simple is simple, "What is missing?"

    "Lack of color." The overall black and white gray, too dull, not good-looking, "Renovate it today."

    Jiang pd is curious about how to decorate, "I will help then.

    " ]

    [Hahaha, yes, now pd and camera will help. ]

    But making the necessary furniture is the most important thing. The house is empty and there is no place to sit.

    I looked at my watch. It was nine o'clock in the morning. After handling the sea cucumbers, I put on my gloves and picked up an ax to cut trees in the back mountain. Many trees in the back mountain are actually miscellaneous books with weak strength and toughness, and cannot be used as wood.

    Shan Shan walked in for half an hour, and finally saw the tree he wanted.

    "Shanshan, what kind of tree is this?" Before he knew it, Jiang PD would ask her directly.

    She raised her head, "Golden rosewood, which belongs to the same family as huanghuali wood, was used as a substitute for huanghuali wood in later generations."

    Huanghuali wood was the main material for hardwood furniture in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, because of its yellow color and fine texture. It is favored by craftsmen in Ming and Qing Dynasties because of its soft texture and soft fragrance. Huanghuali can also be made into bracelets, with a fragrant smell. Very popular with the public. ——①This

    golden rosewood tree is getting old, and the trees next to it are green in this season, but its leaves are sparse and yellow, obviously lacking in nutrients.

    Yellow rosewood cannot be felled, but golden rosewood can be felled. In addition, this tree is too old, and half of its body has already stepped into it.

    After asking clearly that the trees here could be felled, she began to cut them down, which requires both skill and strength.

    Yu Shanshan saw that the man was thin, but he had great strength. In half an hour, he felled a big tree.

    After the branches are removed, a tree weighs more than 200 catties.

    At this time, Fairy and Big Head stepped forward, and Fatty Liu also came, and the three men dragged the trunk back together.

    Jiang pd carried the camera, she was not very stable, but in the ear, the number of people in the live broadcast room has not decreased, and there are more than 30,000 people online.

    【Oh, so the fairy and the big head look like this. ]

    [Jiang pd is shooting now, it's hard work. 】

    【It's great, the whole family will take action and eat sea cucumbers at noon. ]

    [Hahahahaha, what the upstairs said is the truth. 】

    The small courtyard is full again.

    Yu Shanshan brought back a wintersweet by himself, and planted it in a corner of the gate of the yard, so that he could see it when he returned home. There are a few gouache flower buds hanging on the branches, which must be very beautiful when they are in full bloom.

    【This is the color Shanshan said. Adding a wintersweet plant in the yard really looks much better. 】

    【Hurry up, hurry up, let's build a house together. 】

    Generally, during infrastructure construction, the number of people in the live broadcast room will be very high. This live broadcast is doing woodworking, and there are 40,000 people online in the live broadcast room.

    【Can Shanshan really know how to do carpentry? ]

    [Could it be that the program group invited the master to come over? I have relatively low requirements for artists, as long as they can cut trees. 】

    Since it is pear flower wood, Shanshan said, "Then let's make a canopy bed with a moon gate of huanghuali together. Let's call golden rosewood huanghuali.

    " ]

    [As for the beds that often appear in ancient dramas, the entrance of the bed is oval, and there are hollow wooden shelves on all sides, which are very delicate. 】

    Shanshan used a ruler to measure the size respectively, and wrote it down in the notebook. Then draw a picture, and the sketch she drew was clearly seen in the live broadcast room.

    [Fuck, human CAD. 】

    I saw the sketch drawn by hand. In addition to marking the data such as length, width and height, the pattern carved on the canopy bed was also enlarged and marked beside it.

    [It's so intuitive, the picture of the canopy bed is here! 】

    [Yu Shanshan was originally an art student, so it's not surprising that he can draw pictures. Is it just that she can do woodworking? ]

    [Laughing, draw it yourself upstairs. With this skill, you can draw it in ten minutes without ten years? ]

    [No, can the carved pattern be drawn so quickly? ]

    Jiang PD was also curious and asked her how she came up with the carved pattern so quickly.

    "When you cut down a tree, you were thinking."

    [The big guy is the big guy. When you are thinking about the next step, he has already thought of the tenth step...]

    "It took time and effort to make the bed of a big family in ancient times." Yu Shanshan explained while sawing wood.

    In this way, everyone sees it as a live broadcast, and it will not be so boring.

    "In ancient times, as soon as a daughter was born, the family would make a large carved bed for her to marry until her daughter was married, so it was also called a thousand-work bed, and the bed was also used as one of the dowry for her daughter.

    According to legend, in Ningbo, there was a family The construction of the daughter's bed happened to start together with the Town God's Temple, and when the Town God's Temple was completed, the bed was not finished yet and was still being carefully crafted, so people also said that making a bed is more time-consuming and laborious than building a Town God's Temple. ——② But we made a simplified version this time, and it can be done in four or five days."

    [So I said that if this bed can be made, I will live broadcast X]

    [Waiting for you. ]

    [Waiting for you. ]

    [Waiting for you. 】

    After the wood is sawn, it has to be planed and planed into planks. They have no modern machines, only two hand planes.

    [Yu Shanshan is quick at counting. A board was planed in half an hour. Just looking at the design drawing, there are 32 wooden boards for a bed. I want to finish it in four or five days, but the time is definitely not enough. ]

    [Not enough is not enough, have you eaten your rice? ]

    [Yes, it is understandable for Shanshan to do it for a month. You can't even chop wood, a little bit, a rookie. 】

    After Yu Shanshan finished planing a piece, he cast his eyes on the two photographers, who both took a step back.

    [Hahahahaha, do you want to be a carpenter? ]

    [No, you don't want to. ]

    Datou was very interested, because his grandfather in his hometown was a carpenter. He grew up among sawdust when he was a child. The smell of damp and soft wood brought back many memories for him.

    He tried planing wood boards by hand, "My grandfather said that there are fewer and fewer craftsmen now, and my grandfather is still a municipal intangible cultural heritage inheritor."

    "At that time, pencils were expensive, and a thread soaked in black paint was drawn straight Once flicked, a thread came out."

    "Our family has a very long stool, five or six meters long, it is a whole tree, and there are various traces on it."

    "My grandfather is eighty I left at the age of nine, and spent the last day doing woodwork."

    Datou couldn't help but choked up, he was brought up by his grandfather, and these planes were his childhood toys, but he never picked them up in half his life . I never thought I would have the opportunity to do carpentry again.

    I'm going to call the old man tonight, I haven't called them for a long time.

    They listened quietly at the side, probably men are naturally fond of crafts, the fairy said "I can't do it, I can't do it", and she got started very quickly, he made a general plan, and Yu Shanshan took a closer look.

    In the morning, the pear tree was almost divided.

    The thick, slightly moist wood quietly changes various forms in the hands of the craftsman, and is reborn in another way.

    For lunch, Yu Shanshan first went to the kitchen to cook sea cucumbers, Jiang PD came to take pictures of her, and several other people were busy in the yard.

    The cooking steps of sea cucumber are simple, but the heat should be well controlled.

    She made a red grilled sea cucumber, and then made an egg soup with beef hair.

    Two sea cucumbers, one for the program team and one for herself.

    The fairy took pictures cheaply and sent them to colleagues in other groups, "Are you envious?"

    Colleague eating a sandwich: It's so dazzling.

    [Guess what other people eat today? 】

    【Hahahahahahahahahahahaha, I'm sorry for laughing unkindly. ]

    [They are better today. They waited for an hour for the chickens to lay eggs in the pond they found in Shanshan, and finally got an egg. Killing me. 】

    In the afternoon, the basic structure of the bed is almost done, and a single nail is useless. It is a bed frame built with a mortise and tenon structure.

    The fences on all sides have not been done yet, so I will do so much today.

    [Science popularization: Mortise and tenon is an extremely delicate invention. This method of component connection makes traditional Chinese wooden structures a special flexible structure that surpasses contemporary architectural bents, frames or steel frames. It can not only bear large loads, Moreover, certain deformation is allowed to offset certain seismic energy through deformation under seismic load and reduce the seismic response of the structure. ——③]

    【Summary: The traditional Chinese wooden structure yyds can bear load and reduce the earthquake effect! 】

    Afterwards, Shanshan made a table and two chairs. Sculpture is to be carved, and now the basic survival needs are guaranteed.

    After the bed, table and chairs were moved in, the home was finally furnished and it no longer looked empty.

    The setting sun dyed the wintersweet tree at the door, and a small wintersweet petal poked its head out, hey, it seems to be early, it must have been early, just look good.

    【Moving! ! We have furniture! ]

    [Wow. Wintersweet is blooming! ]

    [The house is so beautiful! I want to live too! ]

    [Let's dream hahaha]

    A long time later, these two chairs were sold at an auction for a high price of 60 million.

    These two simple yellow pear chairs are known as the proof of the rejuvenation of intangible cultural heritage.
