Chapter 7

I woke up and couldn't help but smile. Farkle is one of the best people I've ever met. I think I'm going to tell him I love him. So I got up brushed my teeth got dressed and did my hair.

Then I got a text on my phone so I checked it. It was from none other than BuckyMcBoingBoing.

Ranger Rick🐴🏇:Howdy ma'am I know we haven't talked in a few days and I'm sorry I was wondering if I could come over so we could talk.

Me: it's fine and Ummm.... Sure

Ranger Rick🐴🏇:Great I'll be there in a few minutes
*Picture Delivered*

Me: Who took that picture?

Ranger Rick🐴🏇: My mom

Me:Ok see you in a few

Ranger Rick🐴🏇:Wait not so fast you know how this works you send me a pic I send you one back and vise versa.

Me:Ugh your such a pain

Ranger Rick🐴🏇:Eh you love meh cowgirl

Me:Call me a cowgirl one more time and I will kill you got it

Ranger Rick🐴🏇:Yes Ma'am

Me: *Picture Sent*

Ranger Rick🐴🏇:You have some sort of obsession with sending me selfies with the peace sign

Me: Yes because I'm trying to tell you Adios

Ranger Ranger🐴🏇:*gasp* I'm hurt

Me:Sure you are huckleberry

Ranger Rick🐴🏇:Anyways come outside I'm here

Me: Ok and I'm going to scold you when we get in the car

Ranger Rick🐴🏇:What Why?!

I put my phone in my purse and walked outside to be greeted by Lucas in his truck. I walked up to it and sat in the front.
"Hey huckleberry, by any chance were you texting and driving?"I ask

"Maybe"he replies

"Are you crazy?! Are you trying to
Get yourself killed?!" I yelled scolding him.

"Ok I'm sorry I won't do it again." He said looking at me fearfully.

"Promise" I said.

"I Lucas Friar promise you Maya Penelope Hart that I will never drive and text ever again"he said holding up his right hand like it was an oath.

"Good, So where are we going?"

"Well first off have you had breakfast yet?" he asked.

"Nope."I said

"Well then let's eat."he said driving off.

He took to me to IHop and we ate breakfast. I tried to pay for my own food but he wouldn't let me. After we left IHop he took me to the park and he pushed me on the swings while we talked.
"Hey Maya" Lucas said while sitting on the swing next to me"

"Yeah huckleberry?" I questioned.

"The sun is going to set soon so there's some where else I want to take you."he said getting up and gesturing for me to take his hand.

"Thanks" I said taking his a hand.

"For what?" he asked

"For today" I answered

"Anytime."he said opening the door to his truck for me.

"Thank you" I said getting in the truck.He just chuckled and tiled his imaginary cowboy hat.

"What's so funny?"I asked

"I don't think o have ever heard you say Thank you so much in my life"he replied.

"Don't get used to it Sundance"I said putting my seatbelt on.

"Yes ma'am" He said winking and driving off once again. Before we arrived at where ever Lucas is taking me he told me to put a blindfold on.

"Why?"I questioned

"Just trust me Maya."He said

"Fine" I said putting it on.

A few minutes afterwards I felt the car stop.
"Can I take it off now?"I asked

"No you can not but for safety reasons I'm going to need to carry you on my back"he said.

"Safety reasons huckleberry just let me take it off" I said impatiently.

"No come on Maya"he said as he lifted me up onto his back and began to walk. As we kept waking I began to hear a lot of people talking and carnival songs.

"Are we at the carnival?"I asked

"Yes but you still can't take your blindfold off yet"he said

"Ugh but whyyyyyyy?" I whined

"Maya just 5 more minutes, right now I'm going to put you down and I need you to sit down ok"he said putting me down onto a platform and leading me to somewhere where I could sit.

"You're lucky I trust you"I said to him.

"And for that I would like to say thanks"he responded and started to feel myself moving.

"I swear if I'm on a roller coaster huckleberry this will be the end of my trust for you"I said worried and threatening.

"No we're not on a roller coaster"he said as I felt that we came to a stop"but you can take your blindfold off now"he said.

I took off my blindfold to see one of the most beautiful things ever.

(If you haven't noticed yet they are on a Ferris wheel)

"Lucas this is beautiful thank you"I said giving him a hug.

"Did you just say Lucas?"he asked shocked.

"I've always known you name"I said smiling.

"Maya do you remember how I always said that my moment will be my moment and how at the campfire I didn't have the guts to kiss you?"he asked

"Yeah why?"I responded.

"You never answered my question, why do you make fun of me?"he questioned.

"I said it once and I'll say it again it's because your a huckleberry, a Ranger Rick and if I liked you in that way don't you think I would just come out and say it well I do g know if I do so way I do say is ha-hu-"I got got cut of by Lucas putting his hands on my face and kissing but this time on the lips. I didn't hate it so I kissed back and I felt something sparks. It felt like we were the only people in the world and that no one not even Fark- whoa. After a few seconds he pulled away.

"Maya Penelope Hart I have been in love with you since that day you Ha-huured in my face and called me huckleberry, hopalong, Sundance, ranger rick, ranger roy, and even BuckyMcBoingBoing.
Your one of the greatest things that has ever happened to me and I know that I'm not helping when it comes to you making a decision, but I at least wanted to tell you how I feel. And that is how I feel."he said with honesty in his voice.

I couldn't say anything I had no words so I just gave him a hug, and thats when I woke up.

(Hahahahah no I'm kidding I wouldn't do that. did I get you?anyway here's what really happened)

I didn't know what to say so I just gave him a hug and when we released each other from the hug we were at the bottom of the Ferris wheel and people where clapping.
I blushed and hid my face behind Lucas.
---Time skip to when Lucas is dropping Maya off at her house-----------------------------

Lucas pulled up to my house in his truck.
"Lucas seriously thank you"I said giving him a kiss on the cheek and a hug.

"Anytime"he saids hugging me back. In his arms I felt safe. As we released from the hug I got out of the truck and unlocked my door to go inside. I guess my moms not home yet. I went to my room took a shower and put on my pajamas.
I don't know what to do I thought I liked Farkle but now I think I love Lucas ugh this is all so frustrating, and with that I fell asleep. I have a heck of a school day ahead of me.

What did you guys think? Btw its Mia. Did you see that coming?Did I do a good job I mean I don't think anyone can follow up misfits chapter but I tried. Please vote and comment it would be greatly appreciated. See ya guys later!Bai😊-Mia
