Chapter 4

It's now Thursday after school and let me tell you. School was the best it has been in a year. Yes, I still got bullied but, I have my friends back and that's all that mattered. Farkle and I have been avoiding each other since the kiss, it's very awkward between us at the moment. We all agreed to meet up at our spot at the cafe. So that's where I'm heading right now.

I walked into the cafe and saw everyone sitting. They all smiled and waved as I sat down.

"Hello beautiful." Lucas said with a wink.

"Lucas no fair! Now you have to call me beautiful so it's even." Riley smiled.

"And hello my other beautiful." He winked.

"Now can we shush about the beautiful stuff it's making me wanna puke!" Zay pointed in his mouth and scrunched up his face.

"Fine." Lucas stuck out his tongue playfully at Zay.

Farkle was sitting down quiet as ever. He wouldn't even look at me. Not even once. He looked like he was in a very deep thought. I decided to leave him be.

"Maya can I talk to you privately for a minute?" Farkle said out of no where.

"Uh.. Sure." I followed him outside where we sat at a table.

"No easy way to say this so I'm just gonna say it. I think I have feelings for you. After that kiss I feel like we are meant to be." Farkle said.

"I uh.. Don't know what to say other then I don't know how I feel."

"Which is fine. You will figure it out one day but, till then I will be here waiting." He smiled and then frowned. "One problem."

"That is?"

"Somebody took a picture of us kissing." He took out his phone and showed me.

A/N:(Let's just act like lips are touching👍)

"Who could of taken that!" I yelled and was now panicking. "Don't tell me you took it for your memory box Farkle!"

"Maya, please if it was going in my memory box it would be framed." He smirked. "But, I have a feeling it was Smakle." He sighed deeply.

"Why would she do that?" I sighed.

"She wants revenge on me for breaking up with her. I couldn't pretend to love her when I loved someone else." He looked at the ground.

"Who do you love Farkle?" I got serious.

"I love you. I love Maya Penelope Hart." He blurted out and left.

"Hey where is Farkle going?" Riley came outside and suddenly asked.

"Home. He said he was sick." Love sick.. I thought to myself.

"I'm gonna head home too." I waved and walked home.

When I got home my phone went off as soon as one foot was in the door.

*Message received.*

Josh ❤: Can we schedule another coffee date for tomorrow?

Me: Sounds great. What time?

Josh❤: 7:15 pm. Since you have school tomorrow.

Me: okie dokie. Ttyl.

Josh❤: Before you go can I see your face. I really miss it right now.
*Picture Sent*

Me: Sweats and hair tied up. Lol.

Josh❤: and more beautiful then ever. Ttyl.

Me:Thx😊 and not so fast now you have to send me a picture.

Josh❤️:If you insist but I'm not as good looking as you
*Picture Received*

Josh❤️: There you go gorgeous😉ttyl

With that I put my phone on the charger because It was about to die. I laid down and stared at the ceiling and went into a deep thought.

(Hey guys misfit wrote an authors note when she published this, but me being my clumsy self accidentally deleted it bc my phone is being stupid, while editing. Sorry! All I remember is it said Hey Peeps!)
