Chapter 11

Please read A/N at the bottom!

"You can't come in here! Leave now!" I hear Hank yell from the entrance hall. I get up from my chair and quicken up my pace the wind blowing my (Hair color) hair to my back from the speed. Hank gets pushed down by one of the bigger men and then looks at me with a smirk. "We've been looking all over for you girl," Says the broad-shouldered man. An equally built man walks from behind him and they both start to walk toward me. I cower in fear, breaking into a cold sweat. Just as I was about to run, one of the men pushed me making me lose my footing, causing me to fall to the floor with a loud thud. I try to get myself up but the men push me down again with full force, making me result to the next option... "Charles! Help me please!" We all stay still, seeing anyone would come. Silence. Charles didn't come to get me, hoping it was because he didn't hear me I yell again, "Charles!" 

No response. The men laugh as pick me up and ram me into the wall next to them with full force. "You know, I almost feel sorry for you. He won't come to rescue you and I know you are too weak to do it yourself." 

Charles POV:

I walk down the stairs to see what is going on, only to see y/n against a wall with two large men standing around her. They laugh as one of them tightens their grip around her neck. I speed walk over to them, taking their grip off of her and punching one of them. They look at each other and then at me with smirks on their faces. One of the men holds down y/n while the other comes charging at me. He knocks me down kicks my stomach a few times. When he was finally satisfied, he walked back to the other man and pulls out a knife. He grazes the long knife across her neck and I see her shiver from the cold blade. Then, he brings the knife down her body stopping at her lower abdomen. I try to get up but the other man notices and walks over and pins me down, turning my head to watch the horrid scene in front of me. I thrash around under his unpenetrable grip, resulting in no success.

I helplessly watch the man slowly pierce the edge of the blade into her abdomen, hearing the screams of her sheer pain. He pierces the blade deeper and deeper, finally pulling it out and stabbing her again just as slowly around the same location. "Please stop!" I shout, warm tears cascading down my cheeks. He only pulls the bloody knife out and looks at me saying, "Don't worry this next one will be in your honor." He then plunges the knife into her heart. I watch her eyes widen and her mouth open soundlessly. No more words were spoken. He lets her body slowly fall down to the floor, and turns her to face my direction. They then leave. I don't try to go after them, they will get their pain. I watch all the life drain out of the poor girl's body, the love of my life. I stand up and slowly walk over to her, taking her limp body into my arms. I hold her for hours until her body turns cold. The guilt consuming my body from knowing I was too late. She will always be in my heart and in memory. I will never attempt to find another knowing she was the best there will ever be.

So that is the end of this story. I have no more ideas so I decided to kill you. I do have an announcement though... April Fools! I wasn't actually going to do that to you guys! I am not that mean. Anyways this chapter isn't going to impact the story, it was just a little prank. So I am going to be continuing the next chapter as if this one never happened. Have a good day guys!~Static_Tears
