A Different Kind Of Injury

The both of us stared in shocked fear as we pulled apart, Kai's hands ripped from my cold skin leaving me feeling bare and empty. We looked out at the familiar girl with long blond hair and heels that were too high.

"Ellie?" Kai's voice cracked, his eyes wide at being caught.

"I fucking knew it, You Fag." She snarled at Kai with disgust and then looked over at me. "At least you've found someone just as gay as you. I knew that you weren't normal, Fucking gross." She said coldly, "This is why I broke up with you, Kai, this exact reason. Why him, huh? You could never touch me like that, look at me like that, Why him?" Her eyes were reddening as she went on and her hands shook with anger, "You're such a Fag, I bet that's why you're such a pussy. I can't believe that I actually wanted you. You're dead to me."

I looked over at Kai, he looked like a kicked puppy, his eyes wide with horror and despair. 

"I... I'm not..." He tried to say, talking a step towards Ellie.

"Don't." She growled at him as she turned away, starting to walk into the throng of students, "Just leave me alone, Kai." and she was gone, engulfed into the crowd of bustling teenagers hurrying to class.

Kai and I stood in silence until the bell rung, neither of us moved. "She didn't used to be like that." He finally said in a monotone voice, "She used to be kind, and funny, and warmhearted. But then she got into the wrong group, and..." He stopped his sentence short, his voice chocking in his throat. I wondered who was talking care of him, not his neglectful mother, not his absent father, and definitely not Ellie. A wave of bravery swept over me as I watched Kai's heart break beneath him and I decided that I'd take care of him too.

I stepped forwards and wrapped him in an embrace. I pulled my thin arms up and brought the comfortingly around his waist, pulling him close to me. My chest was burning from the contact, my cuts and bruises feeling pummeled by the simple touch. After a second of stillness, Kai brought his arms up and hugged me back, his head resting exasperatedly in the crook of my neck. He was exhausted, he was heartbroken and he was on the verge of losing control of his emotions, I could feel the tightness in his muscles and the wobble in his usually sturdy stature. I gently rubbed his back in circles, comforting him and after a few minutes, he had calmed down to the point where he could breathe without ragged, detached breaths. We parted from the soft embrace slowly, releasing the tight hold we had on each other.

"Let's go. Neither one of us should be at school right now, "I said. With my injuries, and Kai's broken heart, we were one hell of a team.

We walked out together and headed towards Kai's truck, I didn't really know what we were going to do, but I knew we didn't belong at school right not. I could see his hands shaking on the wheel slightly and I knew I had to say something.

"What happened between you two?" I whispered in the silent truck.

"I don't even know, "He let out in a shaky breath, "Everything was fine and then one day she wanted to do more... like have sex and stuff, and I didn't want to, well... I just... I couldn't." He breathed out another long, shaky breath and continued, "I don't even know why I'm telling you this Jasper. I never like to talk about me. I just... I feel like everything is crashing down all at once and It's impossible to handle." His shoulders slumped forwards in defeat and we just sat there in his truck, still in the parking lot of the school.

"It's okay Kai, a lot of people feel that way. It's really good that you're telling me, talking about it. It will help you cope with your stress and anxieties if you talk about it." I repeated what my Aunt Tracy always told me, ever since I was little. I was really glad that she raised me to be an open person, I didn't mind talking about my feelings or about what was going on in my mind, I grew up knowing that It was okay, that It was normal.

"And... and I didn't... I didn't want to..." He said, tears welling up in his eyes, he was talking to himself. 

"That's okay, It's normal Kai. It's okay." I asked softly, putting a hand on his tense shoulder.

"I didn't want to, but then she said she'd break up with me, and that if I really loved her I would. But I couldn't, I couldn't. It made me feel sick, I didn't want to do it." He said as tears poured down his soft, pristine cheeks. A wave of sadness smashed into my chest as I realized what he was saying... he was raped. He was forced into sex that he didn't want, that he wasn't ready for and it had traumatized him. He wasn't heart broken over a break up, he was heart broken at what she had done to him. Someone he loved and trusted, tricked him and manipulated him into unconsensual sex.

For the second time that afternoon I wrapped my arms around Kai, trying to protect him, trying to reach out to him, trying to tell him how sorry I was. He leaned into me, needing the support and we just sat there for a while, in the silence of the car as infected wounds were re-opened and then bandaged up with proper care.

"Thank you. Seriously, thank you." Kai whispered, looking over at me with sincere, brown eyes over my shoulder. "I really needed this." I gave him a sad smile as we let go of each other and drove off.
